cop pepper sprays motorist that gave him the finger

Yep. People say "better you than me" to cops now too. Otherwise...more people who dont like how police operate would sign up and do the job how they feel it should be.
That would be a bottom up approach, which cannot work. Change in police policies and practices must begin at the top and work downward. And unless the drug war is radically altered from its present form, or totally eliminated, there is no way to bring about effective change.
Horseshit. You're meds have fogged your mind. I do a lot of work for military personnel and after learning I was in they've told me thanks for your service. It just means what it means at face value. No need to twist it into something ugly.
Really? You say, Thank you for your service to our Country, to them and they say, Thank you for your service to our Country, to you? How touching. I can't even guess how many ex-Marines I've run into since I was separated in 1960 and not one of them ever said that to me. Nor would I think of saying it to them. Why in the world would I?
Possibly because you're an asshole.
In an earlier message I said "people" who say that annoy me. That was an error. I should have said it doesn't annoy me when a woman or a disabled male says it. But for an able-bodied male to say, "Thank you for your service," it clearly means, Better you than me.
No, it doesn't. You're full of shit.

I flipped off Geo. Bushes motorcade a few years back. I will do the same discourtesy for Obama if he drives past. It's my right as an American. Arrested for showing a cop the bird? REALY? All the motor accidents I have almost been in, people speeding, running red lights, tailgating, where the hell are the COPS when I needed them? Oh, the local speed trap down the street. I love cops, but sometimes they make it hard.

You know the reason people were driving like because no cop was around. They set up the speed "trap" to catch THOSE people.

But...cops messed up. Their "trap" probably failed. See...the idiots hung all these big flat metal cheat sheets all over the roadways giving away the tricks to avoid a ticket!! Haha...those dummies...I just follow those cheat sheets and never get caught in the traps!

Were you the fuckhead in the marked Explorer running a foot from my back tire on the highway yesterday?
I don't hate cops StMike , just said that cops don't have the most dangerous jobs . I even posted link to my source of info . Cops are fine people for the most part but I don't look at them as being Special category of people , same with todays military .
I don't hate cops StMike , just said that cops don't have the most dangerous jobs . I even posted link to my source of info . Cops are fine people for the most part but I don't look at them as being Special category of people , same with todays military .

Your source says cops dont have dangerous jobs. By that SAME'd also say military isnt a dangerous job either right? Military isnt ranked top 10 in your link.

So say the military a dangerous job?
and here is my link STMike , loggers , roofers and fishers do more dangerous work plus there are more , 7 more jobs that are more dangerous than police work . --- Infographic Most dangerous jobs in America --- see the link STMike , also checkout the 'officer down memorial page ' to see causes of death for police . You will find that cops die of the same causes as their taxpaying employers STMike !!
in fact the title of the thread and the topic of the thread is about a cop that pepper sprays a motorist that gave the cop the finger . Nothing at all to do with the military Bucs .

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