cop pepper sprays motorist that gave him the finger

So far as I'm concerned, the disrespect shown by that gesture to a LEO authorizes deadly force as a FIRST option.... fear ir no fear.

We Conservatives hear constantly about respecting the office of POTUS even if we don't like the office holder. Why doesn't that apply to the officer's badge as well?

Funny how they forget that whole respect thing.

Im glad the officer sprayed him. These cop hating liberale obviously never got any discipline or manners from mommy and daddy. Or...daddy and daddy. Or....daddy and maddy and zommy or..whatever these left wing pervert degenerates call themselves now.

Spray that fucker. Put me on the jury. NOT GUILTY. Only takes one. Remember that America. When liberal vigilantes like the Baltimore bitch goes after cops...vvolunteer for jury duty. Not guilty. Only takes 1.

Then you need to argue with the SCOTUS about what they have ruled is protected by the 1st amendment. They have ruled that flipping the bird comes under free speech. The liberal was baiting the cop. But the cop responded to the bait in the worst way. Pepper spray for a calm citizen who is simply asking why he was pulled over? All of what the guy did , while annoying, is legal. Cops aren't exempt from being annoyed.

I understand all that...I just dont give a fuck. Put me on the jury. Not guilty.

So you don't give a shit about the law. You just want cops to get their way. Not a surprise.

He is a psychopath and has wet dreams of being a Gestapo thug.
Maybe you can get the First Amendment removed from our Constitution too.

Seriously, you really have some wacko anger issues.

I believe the entire document needs to be rewritten.

My anger issues have to do with morons like this driver, not any physical issue.

You are a poster child for involuntary commitment to a mental health facility, electroshock therapy, and lobotomization.
When cop acts like a thug they should be treated as one. They should serve time in prison.
Wrong again. He was charged with traffic violation "Obstructed View" , pribably for whatever camera rig he had attached in front of the steering film.

So the cops intent may have been to pull him for the bird...but was smart enough to observe an actual violation for the official reason.

The rest of the stop?? Graham v. Connor and Maryland v. Wilson SCOTUS rulings make it all legal.

You really should get an education before opining.

So in your incorrect opinion, a minor traffic violation merits being assaulted with pepper spray?
Wrong again. He was charged with traffic violation "Obstructed View" , pribably for whatever camera rig he had attached in front of the steering film.

So the cops intent may have been to pull him for the bird...but was smart enough to observe an actual violation for the official reason.

The rest of the stop?? Graham v. Connor and Maryland v. Wilson SCOTUS rulings make it all legal.

You really should get an education before opining.

So in your incorrect opinion, a minor traffic violation merits being assaulted with pepper spray?

In his opinion, contempt of cop is a capital offense. He is a poster child for bent cops.
Wrong again. He was charged with traffic violation "Obstructed View" , pribably for whatever camera rig he had attached in front of the steering film.

So the cops intent may have been to pull him for the bird...but was smart enough to observe an actual violation for the official reason.

The rest of the stop?? Graham v. Connor and Maryland v. Wilson SCOTUS rulings make it all legal.

You really should get an education before opining.

So in your incorrect opinion, a minor traffic violation merits being assaulted with pepper spray?

Nope. But thats not why he got sprayed. He refused to exit the car...which SCOTUS Maryland v. Wilson says he must do. educate yourself before debating a man of my caliber.
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??
The mistake this fellow made was telling the cop anything about Supreme Court decisions and suing him, etc. He should have allowed that forceful arrest take place saying nothing more than his name and address.

Unless that cop intends to lie and invent some cause to justify his action I believe he would have a hard time establishing the specific meaning and effect of what he perceived to be a malicious hand gesture.
So far as I'm concerned, the disrespect shown by that gesture to a LEO authorizes deadly force as a FIRST option.... fear ir no fear.

We Conservatives hear constantly about respecting the office of POTUS even if we don't like the office holder. Why doesn't that apply to the officer's badge as well?

Funny how they forget that whole respect thing.

Im glad the officer sprayed him. These cop hating liberale obviously never got any discipline or manners from mommy and daddy. Or...daddy and daddy. Or....daddy and maddy and zommy or..whatever these left wing pervert degenerates call themselves now.

Spray that fucker. Put me on the jury. NOT GUILTY. Only takes one. Remember that America. When liberal vigilantes like the Baltimore bitch goes after cops...vvolunteer for jury duty. Not guilty. Only takes 1.
Anyone who decides to become a police officer, which is an agent of the State, must assume there are some individuals who will regard him with contempt. And while there are no laws against harboring contempt for agents of the State the issue here is the means one chooses to express his feelings.

If you are a police officer and I when I pass you on the street I stick out my tongue or thumb my nose, can you establish exactly what those gestures mean? If I touch my fingers to my lips and wave toward you, what does that mean? Does it mean I like you? Or does it mean, "kiss my ass?" And keep in mind what it means to you and others is no assurance it means the same to everyone?

Can you tell us exactly what the notorious middle finger gesture means? If I walk past you on the street and extend my middle finger, can you have me arrested for doing that? If I walk past you on the street and execute a smart military salute, what exactly does that mean?

Did the middle finger salute executed by the individual who was pursued and forcibly arrested interfere with or in any way inconvenience or injure that cop -- or anyone else? What exactly was "disorderly" about his conduct? If the arrestee is willing to admit his gesture intended to quietly and unobtrusively express his dislike of cops, is there any law or ordinance against that? Can rendering a military hand salute be thought of as "disorderly conduct?"

Some people respect police officers and some do not. Any cop who can't deal with that fact might want to consider a different occupation.
i have never flipped off a cop....just looking for trouble but still does not allow the cop to do this crap

Well...he charged him with the traffic offense "Obstructed View". So it was technically a legal stop. And SCOTUS ruling Wilson v. Maryland says if a cop says get out of a have to.

This liberal idiot just picked a smart...and short tempered...cop who found a petty but legal traffic offense...and knew the Maryland vs Wilson law.

See him touch the guys arm first to try to pull him from the car? That little half assed attempt allowed him to say the suspect tightened his arm...thus going from passive to defensive resistance and justifying use of pepper spray.

Of course...if the local DA is a cop hater...they'll charge the cop. Chief may still fire him. But it was all legal....petty...but legal. Made my day though.
It is quite likely the arraigning judge and the court of first motion will find the cop's action to be legal and proper and find the defendant guilty. But that is not necessarily the end of it.

It all depends on how far the lawyer is willing to take it. And that depends on whether this fellow can afford to mount a serious appeal -- or if he finds a lawyer willing to go on contingency with the hope of splitting a settlement for false arrest, felonious assault, and violation of civil rights.

And there are such lawyers -- especially now. This is not a good time for cops to be occupying their time with this kind of bullshit.
So far as I'm concerned, the disrespect shown by that gesture to a LEO authorizes deadly force as a FIRST option.... fear ir no fear.

We Conservatives hear constantly about respecting the office of POTUS even if we don't like the office holder. Why doesn't that apply to the officer's badge as well?

Funny how they forget that whole respect thing.

Im glad the officer sprayed him. These cop hating liberale obviously never got any discipline or manners from mommy and daddy. Or...daddy and daddy. Or....daddy and maddy and zommy or..whatever these left wing pervert degenerates call themselves now.

Spray that fucker. Put me on the jury. NOT GUILTY. Only takes one. Remember that America. When liberal vigilantes like the Baltimore bitch goes after cops...vvolunteer for jury duty. Not guilty. Only takes 1.

Then you need to argue with the SCOTUS about what they have ruled is protected by the 1st amendment. They have ruled that flipping the bird comes under free speech. The liberal was baiting the cop. But the cop responded to the bait in the worst way. Pepper spray for a calm citizen who is simply asking why he was pulled over? All of what the guy did , while annoying, is legal. Cops aren't exempt from being annoyed.

They certainly should be. It should be illegal to "annoy" LEOs. For a couple reasons. Chief among them being that a LEO needs to be observing society for CRIMINALS, which isn't possible with some moron "annoying" you. And for the dipshits who say "oh if you can't do the job with people annoying you, find another job" I say you are fucking morons. When you are dealing with arrests where even the slightest bit of distraction can lead to someone being shot without warning, you need to be COMPLETELY focused. Not sorta focused , except for the doofus who is heckling you from the sidelines.

That being said, pepper spraying this moron was completely unnecessary.

I'm not even sure the LEO had a valid reason to approach him, but if he did, once the guy starts being a jerk, just place him under arrest for obstructing with a government official and be done with it.
The law wasn't broken, skid mark. He wouldn't step out of the vehicle so he got an eye full of OC. Good.

You Leftwats never have an innocent victim in any of your cop hater threads.


Some arrests are lawful and some are not. Whether or not this arrest was lawful remains to be determined by a jury -- provided the defendant chooses to take it that far.

Today a court in Cleveland decided that the macho nitwit cop who jumped onto the hood of a car and emptied his Glock into an already immobilized (dead?) couple acted lawfully and acquitted him. But the Justice Department is looking at this decision and the Rodney King event comes to mind.

If the feds charge this cop he is looking at some serious time in Leavenworth. Because the fact that the couple who led those cops on a 25 minute high speed pursuit are low-life villains there was no reason to treat them like Bonnie and Clyde -- and there especially is no way to justify what the jerk who jumped on the car hood did.

If the Cleveland Blacks riot the odds are Lynch will charge the cops. And this is not a good time for cops to be letting it all hang out. The summer is coming.
i have never flipped off a cop....just looking for trouble but still does not allow the cop to do this crap

Well...he charged him with the traffic offense "Obstructed View". So it was technically a legal stop. And SCOTUS ruling Wilson v. Maryland says if a cop says get out of a have to.

This liberal idiot just picked a smart...and short tempered...cop who found a petty but legal traffic offense...and knew the Maryland vs Wilson law.

See him touch the guys arm first to try to pull him from the car? That little half assed attempt allowed him to say the suspect tightened his arm...thus going from passive to defensive resistance and justifying use of pepper spray.

Of course...if the local DA is a cop hater...they'll charge the cop. Chief may still fire him. But it was all legal....petty...but legal. Made my day though.
It is quite likely the arraigning judge and the court of first motion will find the cop's action to be legal and proper and find the defendant guilty. But that is not necessarily the end of it.

It all depends on how far the lawyer is willing to take it. And that depends on whether this fellow can afford to mount a serious appeal -- or if he finds a lawyer willing to go on contingency with the hope of splitting a settlement for false arrest, felonious assault, and violation of civil rights.

And there are such lawyers -- especially now. This is not a good time for cops to be occupying their time with this kind of bullshit.

You make solid points.

Hes a 35 year old liberal spending his Saturday driving around flipping off cops. I highly doubt he can afford it.
And yet I never have any negative contacts with law enforcement. I don't flip cops the bird and don't break any laws. Amazing how that works for me.
But if you someday decide you don't like cops and feel motivated to openly express your feelings in a wholly passive and harmless manner, are you comfortable knowing that your freedom of expression has become as limited in America as it was in Nazi Germany, for one example. In North Korea, for another.
The law wasn't broken, skid mark. He wouldn't step out of the vehicle so he got an eye full of OC. Good.

You Leftwats never have an innocent victim in any of your cop hater threads.


Some arrests are lawful and some are not. Whether or not this arrest was lawful remains to be determined by a jury -- provided the defendant chooses to take it that far.

Today a court in Cleveland decided that the macho nitwit cop who jumped onto the hood of a car and emptied his Glock into an already immobilized (dead?) couple acted lawfully and acquitted him. But the Justice Department is looking at this decision and the Rodney King event comes to mind.

If the feds charge this cop he is looking at some serious time in Leavenworth. Because the fact that the couple who led those cops on a 25 minute high speed pursuit are low-life villains there was no reason to treat them like Bonnie and Clyde -- and there especially is no way to justify what the jerk who jumped on the car hood did.

If the Cleveland Blacks riot the odds are Lynch will charge the cops. And this is not a good time for cops to be letting it all hang out. The summer is coming.

I havent looked into this case much. But from a tactics viewpoint jumping on the hood is stupid.
Lots of cops are bullies and's what attracts them to law enforcement. But that said, you flip off a cop, you deal with the consequences...if he'd handed over his ID he wouldn't have gotten sprayed. If the cop had wanted to be a prick he could have kicked out one of the guy's taillights, stood on the end of his muffler, and given him tickets for a broken taillight and excessive noise. :lol:
Actually that spirit of submissive acceptance has evolved rather commonly over the past few decades. But too many cops are "bullies and dicks" and the chickens are coming home to roost now. The problem is the good cops, those who are a credit to the uniform, will suffer the consequences along with the bums who create the problems.

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