cop pepper sprays motorist that gave him the finger

doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??
The cop should have kicked him in the balls. Showing disrespect to the police is disrespecting our laws.
Cops need to dump the pepper spray and switch to a flesh-eating Ebola spray for such occasions.
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??
The cop should have kicked him in the balls. Showing disrespect to the police is disrespecting our laws.
I agree. This cop demonstrated remarkable restraint and professionalism. I would make a bad cop because I would give snotty little shits like that exactly what they got coming.
I gave the finger to a State cop back in ought-'74. He was off-duty and in his personal vehicle. I was hitchhiking and he blew right past.

He saw me in his rear view mirror, turned around, and proceeded to read me the riot act. He asked for my I.D. which I produced. Then I asked for his I.D. which he produced. He was one pissed of motherfucker, but he eventually left without incident.

I did later call him at his home to apologize.
yeah , do tell ST.Mike . Thing is that good police and good citizens are needed . Main thing with me is that police follow the laws , same as citizens and police are not special people . And as a closing thought , there are too many unneeded laws but that's a different thread I guess ,
yeah , 'mr.H' , state cops would pick me up as I was hitch hiking all the time in the late 60 , early 70s and quite often I was closing up Andy's Bar so , well , you may know . My complaint is that cops are nothing like they used to be . Course , I don't hitchhike for the last , almost 40 years but I see some problems with police nowadays !!
Which is why I'm not one anymore. I could tell you stories about what the cops get away with on the Reservation.
Please do.
I am old enough to remember when police breaking down a citizen's door to effect an arrest was a relatively rare occurrence. It was only done when the subject of the arrest was an exceptionally dangerous criminal and there was no safe alternative to the break-in, and a warrant to authorize it was never easy to obtain.

But owing mainly to the insanely counterproductive War On Drugs, which exists for no actual purpose other than to covertly serve the concerns of well-connected, high-level special interests, the number of police break-ins has risen from around one hundred per year in the 1950s to approximately forty thousand per year at present! Overkill The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America Cato Institute

In addition to the stunning increase in the number of police break-ins, many of which are wrongfully executed mistakes resulting in death or serious injury, the number of civilians who are shot to death by police has also risen dramatically -- also occurring often in drug-related incidents. Killed By Police - 2015

Briefly stated, the obvious and clearly negative change in the relationship between ordinary American citizens and the police officers paid to protect their families and their property has been brought about by the War On Drugs. And anyone who wishes to observe the fact that at least eighty percent of daily police activity is related to recreational drug use or possession, the vast majority of which is harmful to no one but the individual adult "offender" (if it's harmful at all), need only watch the tv ride-along documentary series, COPS.
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doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??
The cop should have kicked him in the balls. Showing disrespect to the police is disrespecting our laws.

No matter how much you screech it, this is still bullshit
[...]The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
But there must be a valid reason for demanding one's ID. An unobtrusive finger gesture does not constitute reasonable suspicion as cause to stop and demand ID.
How do you know? Maybe he just ripped off a liquor store and was flaunting his success? He was calling attention to himself for some reason, you can pretend to know the reasons but that's in your imagination.
It doesn't take much to draw attention to yourself...Freddie Gray made eye contact...that was it.
Wrong. He was a known drug dealer, you bought the libspin, hook, line and sinker. Set yourself apart from the crowd and start using your brain.

FREDDY GRAY S ARREST RECORD Here s The Rap Sheet Of The Guy They re Destroying Baltimore Over Top Right News
• March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance

• March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault

• January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing

• January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute

• December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute

• December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing

• January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana

• September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape

• April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation

• July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute

• March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute

• February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation

• August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana

• August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance

• July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)
Which is why I'm not one anymore. I could tell you stories about what the cops get away with on the Reservation.
Please do.
I am old enough to remember when police breaking down a citizen's door to effect an arrest was a relatively rare occurrence. It was only done when the subject of the arrest was an exceptionally dangerous criminal and there was no safe alternative to the break-in, and a warrant to authorize it was never easy to obtain.

But owing mainly to the insanely counterproductive War On Drugs, which exists for no actual purpose other than to covertly serve the concerns of well-connected, high-level special interests, the number of police break-ins has risen from around one hundred per year in the 1950s to approximately forty thousand per year at present! Overkill The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America Cato Institute

In addition to the stunning increase in the number of police break-ins, many of which are wrongfully executed mistakes resulting in death or serious injury, the number of civilians who are shot to death by police has also risen dramatically -- also occurring often in drug-related incidents. Killed By Police - 2015

Briefly stated, the obvious and clearly negative change in the relationship between ordinary American citizens and the police officers paid to protect their families and their property has been brought about by the War On Drugs. And anyone who wishes to observe the fact that at least eighty percent of daily police activity is related to recreational drug use or possession, the vast majority of which is harmful to no one but the individual adult "offender" (if it's harmful at all), need only watch the tv ride-along documentary series, COPS.
Sorry I stepped on my dick because I really can't give out details. But to give you an idea, most people forget that reservations are mostly sovereign and autonomous. Our government, our local laws, our police to enforce them. A lot of smaller issues are handled "in house" to avoid paperwork, taking up jail space, and elongating criminal records. We got a call on a relative of mine who was the perpetrator in a domestic abuse. I took him out to the back yard and slapped him so hard he bled inside his cheeks and was knocked to the ground. I told him that's what it feels like to be slapped like a bitch. The other two officers with me didn't say a thing. We got no more complaints from that house and he never hit his girlfriend again.

That's one story I can tell you because I was the one who did it. That's just how it rolls in the tribe and the tribal council likes it just fine. On paper our res was low crime. Anyway, ancient history. I quit, moved away, married, made half-breeds, and haven't been a cop for over 16 years.
well that's how policing in regular society was when I was growing up in mainline society except that I never experienced getting slapped around . Nowadays it seems that there is no commonsense discretion on the cops part and I disapprove of that . Young boys do end up with elongated records and arrest records and become unemployable . I think that the state wants everyone to have a police record . EXAMPLE , if I flip a cop off and he pulls me over to scream at me and then that's the end of it that would be cool . Cop assaulted the finger flipper after he pulled him over though and looks like there was an arrest ST Mike so everything is documented on computer never to be forgotten . JMO
I agree. I would never encourage anyone to flip their fingers, but at least their fingers are still being kept to themselves. To me, a cop shouldn't get physical in any way until the other person in the picture makes the first move.

God bless you always!!!

Failing to obey instructions and resisting arrest was the first move. There's never any actual victims in any of these cop hater threads.
I agree that not obeying instructions and resisting arrest is the first move, but to me, pepper spray shouldn't have been used until the person being arrested decided to get physical and it sounds like they never were before the spray was pulled out.

God bless you always!!!

The cop was following procedure, that much should have been clear. Those procedures are all for a reason, even if it doesn't make sense to you.

Failing to obey instructions IS resisting arrest.
Tell that to the mentally challenged kid that was shot dead by and officer in the Arkanass police farce..........
Give me the link and I promise I can show you how even this "victim" really isn't a victim.
The cop was prosecuted and given 9 months jail time, and so did the SW City cop that shot a driver also...

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