cop pepper sprays motorist that gave him the finger


The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
But there must be a valid reason for demanding one's ID. An unobtrusive finger gesture does not constitute reasonable suspicion as cause to stop and demand ID.
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

The officer is now on paid administrative leave. More likely than not he will be fired once the city has to pay this guy $50,000 or more for violating his civil rights.
And yet I never have any negative contacts with law enforcement. I don't flip cops the bird and don't break any laws. Amazing how that works for me.
But if you someday decide you don't like cops and feel motivated to openly express your feelings in a wholly passive and harmless manner, are you comfortable knowing that your freedom of expression has become as limited in America as it was in Nazi Germany, for one example. In North Korea, for another.
Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.
I predict within five years the entire country will be at war within it's borders. Total anarchy. We are seeing just the tip of the iceberg already.
Cops can no longer even attend a call without a fucking mob of negroes surrounding them and taunting and threatening them. That's why the cops in the ghettos have basically 'fuck it'.
Anarchists are driving around attempting to 'bait' cops.
BOBO is going to get what he has always wanted. A Marxist country with Martial Law met out by the National Guard. He will be laughing his head off in his apartment above 'Boystown'.
The hilarious part will be when the fuck-wit LIB pygama-boys are screaming their heads off about how their 'civil liberties' have been taken from them. They are the ones who are handing the Socialist/Marxist Obama regime their civil liberties of a silver platter.

The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
But there must be a valid reason for demanding one's ID. An unobtrusive finger gesture does not constitute reasonable suspicion as cause to stop and demand ID.
How do you know? Maybe he just ripped off a liquor store and was flaunting his success? He was calling attention to himself for some reason, you can pretend to know the reasons but that's in your imagination.
Actually that spirit of submissive acceptance has evolved rather commonly over the past few decades. But too many cops are "bullies and dicks" and the chickens are coming home to roost now. The problem is the good cops, those who are a credit to the uniform, will suffer the consequences along with the bums who create the problems.

Police are more aware of society and it's expectations than ever before. Most are either college grads or have some advanced education. They are all aware everybody with a cell phone can video them in action. And while some are straight up pricks, the great majority of police don't take on the stress of hassling people who are honest and cooperative. A job that sometimes requires running TOWARD gunfire demands respect from the protected.
Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.
I referred to a thought expressed in a passive and harmless manner, which you choose to regard as road rage. FYI, "road rage" is a sustained confrontation.

If the individual in this example had confronted the cop, face to face, denouncing him in an obtrusive or threatening manner, then the cop would have been quite correct in arresting him and charging him with disorderly conduct. But that's not what happened. In this example the individual was driving by, moving away as it were, expressing a thought in a perfectly harmless, unobtrusive manner.

Rather than ignore it and brush it off as an example of wholly avoidable nonsense the cop chose to pursue the fellow and make something out of nothing -- and in doing so remove his protective presence from the area he is paid to protect for the sake of wrongfully avenging his bruised ego.

Whether or not you disapprove of that fellow's action, what the cop did is assaultively violate his, and your, civil right to peaceful, harmless public expression.
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Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.
I referred to a thought expressed in a passive and harmless manner, which you choose to regard as road rage. FYI, "road rage" is a sustained confrontation.

If the individual in this example had confronted the cop, face to face, denouncing him in an obtrusive or threatening manner, then the cop would have been quite correct in arresting him and charging him with disorderly conduct. But that's not what happened. In this example the individual was driving by, moving away as it were, expressing a thought in a perfectly harmless, unobtrusive manner.

Rather than ignore it and brush it off as an example of wholly avoidable nonsense the cop chose to pursue the fellow and make something out of nothing -- and in doing so remove his protective presence from the area he is paid to protect for the sake of wrongfully avenging his bruised ego.

Whether or not you disapprove of that fellow's action, what the cop did is assaultively violate his, and your, civil right to peaceful, harmless public expression.

Road rage is a pattern of behavior that includes speeding, tailgaiting, charging, flashing lights, honking the horn, and obscene gestures and shouting.

You do that to a cop or anyone else, you deserve a ticket. If you don't cooperate with police, you deserve a face full of OC and an arrest.
good reasoning MikeK !! As said earlier flipping the finger is legal , course I am no lawyer but that's what I have heard !!
Road rage is a pattern of behavior that includes speeding, tailgaiting, charging, flashing lights, honking the horn, and obscene gestures and shouting.
Road rage is a sustained confrontation, typically the response of one individual to the action(s) of another. If you give me the finger and you keep driving past, that is a rude but unobtrusively benign gesture and nothing more. But if I pursue you with the clear intention of avenging your rudeness, that is categorical road rage.

You do that to a cop or anyone else, you deserve a ticket. If you don't cooperate with police, you deserve a face full of OC and an arrest.
If I do that to you in passing, all you are lawfully allowed to do is either ignore it or respond in kind. You are not allowed to pursue me and to escalate the issue into a possible violent confrontation. And if you believe because some individual who is empowered to enforce laws and ordinances is entitled to special considerations which transcend the basic principle of the First Amendment, it suggests you are guided by standards of the authoritarian personality which is the same syndrome that affects many cops -- such as the hero in the example we're discussing.
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And yet I never have any negative contacts with law enforcement. I don't flip cops the bird and don't break any laws. Amazing how that works for me.
But if you someday decide you don't like cops and feel motivated to openly express your feelings in a wholly passive and harmless manner, are you comfortable knowing that your freedom of expression has become as limited in America as it was in Nazi Germany, for one example. In North Korea, for another.
Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.

What you "think" is irrelevant, child. The Supreme Court has the final word.
And yet I never have any negative contacts with law enforcement. I don't flip cops the bird and don't break any laws. Amazing how that works for me.
But if you someday decide you don't like cops and feel motivated to openly express your feelings in a wholly passive and harmless manner, are you comfortable knowing that your freedom of expression has become as limited in America as it was in Nazi Germany, for one example. In North Korea, for another.
Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.

What you "think" is irrelevant, child. The Supreme Court has the final word.
Go around flipping off cops, diptwat. See what happens.

The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
But there must be a valid reason for demanding one's ID. An unobtrusive finger gesture does not constitute reasonable suspicion as cause to stop and demand ID.
How do you know? Maybe he just ripped off a liquor store and was flaunting his success? He was calling attention to himself for some reason, you can pretend to know the reasons but that's in your imagination.
It doesn't take much to draw attention to yourself...Freddie Gray made eye contact...that was it.
And yet I never have any negative contacts with law enforcement. I don't flip cops the bird and don't break any laws. Amazing how that works for me.
But if you someday decide you don't like cops and feel motivated to openly express your feelings in a wholly passive and harmless manner, are you comfortable knowing that your freedom of expression has become as limited in America as it was in Nazi Germany, for one example. In North Korea, for another.
Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.

What you "think" is irrelevant, child. The Supreme Court has the final word.
Go around flipping off cops, diptwat. See what happens.

What you "think" is irrelevant, child. The Supreme Court has the final word. Keep rereading that until it sinks through that thick skull to your walnut-sized brain.
This will probably send bucs and Stmichael into spasms of joy.

Fredericksburg, Virginia. A man has a stroke while driving, causes a minor traffic accident, and then sits there unresponsive. The cops arrive at the scene and then ... immediately taser and pepper spray him. Served him right, for not instantly complying with their orders. Having a stroke is no excuse, and only namby-pamby liberals would think it is.

And though the victim here was a black man, I don't think that's an issue, as cops have also assaulted many white people having medical problems.

This will probably send bucs and Stmichael into spasms of joy.

Fredericksburg, Virginia. A man has a stroke while driving, causes a minor traffic accident, and then sits there unresponsive. The cops arrive at the scene and then ... immediately taser and pepper spray him. Served him right, for not instantly complying with their orders. Having a stroke is no excuse, and only namby-pamby liberals would think it is.

And though the victim here was a black man, I don't think that's an issue, as cops have also assaulted many white people having medical problems.

What would send me into spasms of joy is to see all you asshole cop haters shipped off to a real police state.
Lots of cops are bullies and's what attracts them to law enforcement. But that said, you flip off a cop, you deal with the consequences...if he'd handed over his ID he wouldn't have gotten sprayed. If the cop had wanted to be a prick he could have kicked out one of the guy's taillights, stood on the end of his muffler, and given him tickets for a broken taillight and excessive noise. :lol:
Actually that spirit of submissive acceptance has evolved rather commonly over the past few decades. But too many cops are "bullies and dicks" and the chickens are coming home to roost now. The problem is the good cops, those who are a credit to the uniform, will suffer the consequences along with the bums who create the problems.

That is part of the problem true, but another part is the morons who claim misconduct by the police in cases where there was none.
Sorry, I don't think I have the right to flip off a cop in traffic or anyone else. It's one of several actions classified as road rage, illegal in many states. If you can't control yourself on the road I don't think you should be on the road. Driving is not a right.
I referred to a thought expressed in a passive and harmless manner, which you choose to regard as road rage. FYI, "road rage" is a sustained confrontation.

If the individual in this example had confronted the cop, face to face, denouncing him in an obtrusive or threatening manner, then the cop would have been quite correct in arresting him and charging him with disorderly conduct. But that's not what happened. In this example the individual was driving by, moving away as it were, expressing a thought in a perfectly harmless, unobtrusive manner.

Rather than ignore it and brush it off as an example of wholly avoidable nonsense the cop chose to pursue the fellow and make something out of nothing -- and in doing so remove his protective presence from the area he is paid to protect for the sake of wrongfully avenging his bruised ego.

Whether or not you disapprove of that fellow's action, what the cop did is assaultively violate his, and your, civil right to peaceful, harmless public expression.

I would argue that a case could be made that flipping someone off while you are driving down the road is reckless endangerment. Clearly if you are focusing on flipping someone off as you drive by, you aren't wholly focused on driving.

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