cop pepper sprays motorist that gave him the finger

doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
Absolute bullshit. The cop was way out of line.
I agree. I would never encourage anyone to flip their fingers, but at least their fingers are still being kept to themselves. To me, a cop shouldn't get physical in any way until the other person in the picture makes the first move.

God bless you always!!!

Failing to obey instructions and resisting arrest was the first move. There's never any actual victims in any of these cop hater threads.
I agree that not obeying instructions and resisting arrest is the first move, but to me, pepper spray shouldn't have been used until the person being arrested decided to get physical and it sounds like they never were before the spray was pulled out.

God bless you always!!!

The cop was following procedure, that much should have been clear. Those procedures are all for a reason, even if it doesn't make sense to you.

Failing to obey instructions IS resisting arrest.
Tell that to the mentally challenged kid that was shot dead by and officer in the Arkanass police farce..........
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
It is, cops just can't contain their rage..
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
It is, cops just can't contain their rage..

Reminded of "Running Scared" scene where a little kid's doing it to Gregory HInes from the safety of behind his mother causing Hines' character no end of anger. After the conversation ends and the door closes, Hines goes back and knocks and the door, the kid answers, and he flips him the bird "Yaaaa!!" :)

doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
Yes but there's no where in the law that says the cop can't see if the individual is alright. Just because liberals claim the arrest was for the finger doesn't make it so. They lie about everything to get their way.

The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
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--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

Why dat cop fukken we'd dat white boy?
He didint do nuffin wrong....

Why'll I will agree the cop overreacted a bit..? It was still funny watching the douche bag get maced.
The lesson here is simple - we have so many laws that everyone is a criminal.

Oppose the state? You're a criminal.
And yet I never have any negative contacts with law enforcement. I don't flip cops the bird and don't break any laws. Amazing how that works for me.

Amazing isnt it? Ive lived in Charleston for 10 years now. Ive been stopped twice by cops. One for running a stop sign. I did it. And once for a seat belt. Which I also didnt wear.

Got tickets. Judge reduced both.

I didnt get beat up. Or sprayed. Or shot. But then again...I just handed him my info and took the ticket.

Funny how that works.....
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
Yes but there's no where in the law that says the cop can't see if the individual is alright. Just because liberals claim the arrest was for the finger doesn't make it so. They lie about everything to get their way.

The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
so , that kinda amounts to LEGAL harassment then , wouldn't you agree Iceweasel ??
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
Yes but there's no where in the law that says the cop can't see if the individual is alright. Just because liberals claim the arrest was for the finger doesn't make it so. They lie about everything to get their way.

The cop in question asked for driver information and was refused. Driving is a privilege of the state and that's one of the things you must do. Hand over ID when asked to do so.
so , that kinda amounts to LEGAL harassment then , wouldn't you agree Iceweasel ??
Flipping off a cop? I suppose so. But if it brings attention to you, you asked for it.
from what I hear , the finger flipping is legal , cop shoulda been professional and a cut above the rabble on the streets . Anyway , that was the spin that I have always heard about the ranks of public servants .
Absolute bullshit. The cop was way out of line.
I agree. I would never encourage anyone to flip their fingers, but at least their fingers are still being kept to themselves. To me, a cop shouldn't get physical in any way until the other person in the picture makes the first move.

God bless you always!!!

Failing to obey instructions and resisting arrest was the first move. There's never any actual victims in any of these cop hater threads.
I agree that not obeying instructions and resisting arrest is the first move, but to me, pepper spray shouldn't have been used until the person being arrested decided to get physical and it sounds like they never were before the spray was pulled out.

God bless you always!!!

The cop was following procedure, that much should have been clear. Those procedures are all for a reason, even if it doesn't make sense to you.

Failing to obey instructions IS resisting arrest.
Tell that to the mentally challenged kid that was shot dead by and officer in the Arkanass police farce..........
Give me the link and I promise I can show you how even this "victim" really isn't a victim.
doesn't look correct to me , even being pulled over and questioned over flipping the bird seems to be wrong . --- ---
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
--- Course I understand that the guy was being impolite but why is the cop , a public servant special ??

As of late 2012, courts decided flipping off police is legal.

Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional Federal Court Affirms

"WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.""
To the lying Leftists,

He was pulled over for the finger, he was arrested for failing to follow instructions.
The fucking half-wit LIB was attempting to 'bait' the cop by giving him the finger.
The fuck-wit now has a criminal record. He's in EVERY cop database all over the country.
He better pray to GOD he never needs a cop to come running to save his sorry ass. Ain't going to happen. HAAA HAAA!
The fuck-wit is affiliated with a Cop Hate' website.
He went looking for a problem with the cops and good for him he found it.

What he has is a successful lawsuit in the works against the police department for violating his civil rights and the taxpayers will once again be on the hook for the payout because of the big baby with the small dick in the police uniform not being mature enough to handle his job.
Absolute bullshit. The cop was way out of line.

And for those conservatives that think the cop was right, you are forgetting the basic nature of freedom. You want those cops to arrest everyone that does act like you think they should act? You are asking for the creation of a fascist state of the worst sort.

Conservatives don't believe in freedom any more than liberals do.
cop shouldn't have pulled him over , as far as the driver , yeah , he is probably a cop baiter or cop observer or a guy being a public servant watchdog . Lots of them out their and they all have recording equipment and I'm sure that watch dog activity is a growing sport . By the way , I am a law and order conservative with libertarian leanings [just saying] St Mike !!
So far as I'm concerned, the disrespect shown by that gesture to a LEO authorizes deadly force as a FIRST option.... fear ir no fear.

We Conservatives hear constantly about respecting the office of POTUS even if we don't like the office holder. Why doesn't that apply to the officer's badge as well?

Maybe you can get the First Amendment removed from our Constitution too.

Seriously, you really have some wacko anger issues. Try Viagra = maybe that would help you feel a little less impotent.


Fuck Viagra...he needs strychnine.
The fucking half-wit LIB was attempting to 'bait' the cop by giving him the finger.
The fuck-wit now has a criminal record. He's in EVERY cop database all over the country.
He better pray to GOD he never needs a cop to come running to save his sorry ass. Ain't going to happen. HAAA HAAA!
The fuck-wit is affiliated with a Cop Hate' website.
He went looking for a problem with the cops and good for him he found it.

What he has is a successful lawsuit in the works against the police department for violating his civil rights and the taxpayers will once again be on the hook for the payout because of the big baby with the small dick in the police uniform not being mature enough to handle his job.

Wrong again. He was charged with traffic violation "Obstructed View" , pribably for whatever camera rig he had attached in front of the steering film.

So the cops intent may have been to pull him for the bird...but was smart enough to observe an actual violation for the official reason.

The rest of the stop?? Graham v. Connor and Maryland v. Wilson SCOTUS rulings make it all legal.

You really should get an education before opining.
So far as I'm concerned, the disrespect shown by that gesture to a LEO authorizes deadly force as a FIRST option.... fear ir no fear.

We Conservatives hear constantly about respecting the office of POTUS even if we don't like the office holder. Why doesn't that apply to the officer's badge as well?

Funny how they forget that whole respect thing.

Im glad the officer sprayed him. These cop hating liberale obviously never got any discipline or manners from mommy and daddy. Or...daddy and daddy. Or....daddy and maddy and zommy or..whatever these left wing pervert degenerates call themselves now.

Spray that fucker. Put me on the jury. NOT GUILTY. Only takes one. Remember that America. When liberal vigilantes like the Baltimore bitch goes after cops...vvolunteer for jury duty. Not guilty. Only takes 1.

You are a poster child for why people need to start dropping the hammer on bent cops.

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