Cops Attempt Save 3 Black Girls From Drowning in Stolen Car

And the sheriff should be fired for his nasty comments. "These people" and "bad kids." Who made you the executioner you fucktard?
Why are a Democrat controlled cities such cesspools of horrible cops?
Good point. Maybe the Republican cops should be fired.
What Republican cops?
Hilarious lies you moonbats invent.

I bet nowadays most cops do vote Republican. They'd be fools not to.
^^^ How do you know that they would have been forfeiting their lives? Isn't that what they do anyway just by putting on the uniform? That is what the job is. They are to put their lives on the line to help those who need it, but it is not their job to decide on who deserves the help and who doesn't.

God bless you and our law enforcement officers always!!!

Chances are not good entering a dark muck weed filled pond at night.
Still, if they are not going to even consider it, then they should be turning in their badges. What if an innocent person were in the mess with them?

God bless you always!!!

Sure! May the devil kick your ass someday.
Not if he doesn't want anything done to his own derriere. He'll keep his distance from me if he knows what's good for him. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I suspect that the officers did at least make some effort to rescue the car thieves, however, I figure these girls are entirely responsible for their own deaths in this case - thus if the officers determined it was not safe to rescue them, then that's just the way the cookie crumbles. No sympathies from me here I'm afraid.

Expanded - Ya know, up here, if someone drives their truck on an ice road before the "all clear" is given, and their car breaks through, it is absolutely not expected of the police to dive in and rescue them. I do not see why this case is any different...
No cop should put their lives in that kind of danger to save some thugs. That they were teenage girls doesn't change anything.

Finally! A person with a functioning brain. Hi!

What they should do and what they do do is two different things. They always protect criminals.

As they should evidenced by the sheriff making up a story about trying to save them. If that wasnt a thing he wouldnt have made it up

Where did you get any proof that he made anything up? I still have yet to see any proof of what you keep repeating!
Not sure if this has been posted but it looks like CC fell for the liberal media bias....what a surprise.

This video corroborates the officers statements.
So CC how many times have you seen cops walking around without their uniforms on?

Not sure if this has been posted but it looks like CC fell for the liberal media bias....what a surprise.

This video corroborates the officers statements.
So CC how many times have you seen cops walking around without their uniforms on?

It's all about hating on cops, for people like CC and Koshergirl. Their minds are made up.
Not sure if this has been posted but it looks like CC fell for the liberal media bias....what a surprise.

This video corroborates the officers statements.
So CC how many times have you seen cops walking around without their uniforms on?

It's all about hating on cops, for people like CC and Koshergirl. Their minds are made up.

While all cops aren't angels the media ignoring the rest of the media packet given to them by the police department is inexcusable.

They went out of their way to portray the cops as liars.

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