Cops Attempt Save 3 Black Girls From Drowning in Stolen Car

So again..who are they protecting and serving by killing these three girls?

Moron. They did not kill the girls. The girls killed themselves. Who taught them that they could steal cars and the cops could not chase them? Morons like you.
Just think all the fucking money we can save on cop cars now that we know it is illegal for them to chase criminals.
First off, fuck 'em. They chose to put themselves in this position.

Second, if the police lied (and the dash cam does not tell the whole story. There could of been people in the water unseen by the dash cam) then they felt that they needed to lie in order to protect themselves from persecution and prosecution in this malignant pc culture. It does not absolve them, but it does mitigate.

The camera recorded audio and video. Sure it doesnt tell the whole story because thats not what cameras do. But those cameras are a ton more credible than you claiming maybe there was someone somewhere doing something you cant see!

Sure, I bet there is a lot going on that camera didnt record. But what did NOT happen was they dove in to help anyone anytime. They watched them from shore...which fails at their job first. But second made up a story about it for no other reason than to stroke their own dicks.

Fuck it, I don't want our decent and hard working police to have to jeopardize their lives trying to save some idiot homegirlz from their stupid choices. Their lives are worth more than the lives of criminals.

You dont want the cops to be cops. Oh yeah, ok...they should be cops without all the "cop activities" and oaths and stuff. :2up:
Shit head, you cannot conclude all of that from this video and story.

I cant conclude all of what? Are you disagreeing with anything I said?

It supposedly took the car with the black birches in it 15 minutes to sink. Maybe they had already been in the water trying to save the hoodlums prior to the published video, then they got out when it became obvious that the effort was futile. Or maybe those cops in the video were not the ones who dove into the water. There is more than one car on the scene prior to the crooks' cat become totally submerged.

Maybe a lot of things happened. But according to the story and the video they werent in the water at all. If you have anything else to offer that shows they were you can always present it instead of endless maybe scenarios

Look, you malignant leftist cocksucker, I am not saying that I am right in my assertions. What I am saying is that you lack a conclusive factual basis upon which you can logically conclude that the cops chose to let those vermin drown. Of course, you probably will not get this distinction, you idiot!

What in the world are you mad about? The cops lied, you cant defend it so now you're calling names like a child.

All you have to do is give it up and stop demanding irrefutable proof that doesnt exist WHILE at the same time giving us stories about what could've happened as if your stories are more real than video and news articles on the subject.
You are still not getting it, shit head. It's like talking to a fucking brick wall with you.
Just think all the fucking money we can save on cop cars now that we know it is illegal for them to chase criminals.

GREAT point!!! In fact....get rid of all cop cars. Save huge money. Just give the cops bus passes. They can show up to 911 calls whenever.
God, I am going to start stealing cars now that I know the cops cannot chase me. Wow!

Some liberal mayors have actually banned cops from FOOT chases!!!! True story. Libs...dare me for a link. It's true. That's how pathetic you lefties have gotten.
Hell, it was a tiny pond. The car probably settled into the muck on the bottom.

Yes, thats what cars do after they sink into a pond.

That certainly comports with the notion that it took the car 15minutes to sink. You can't put cops out there in that muck with oxygen tanks. They could get stuck in the muck and drown. Further, if the water was cold as alleged then the cops would be in danger of hypothermia.

Of course they cant be out there with Oxygen tanks. Also they cant be out there making up stories about how they did things that they did not do.

Notwithstanding any ex post facto misrepresentations by the police, they clearly exercised good solid judgment in not trying to get into that muck to rescue those bitches. Hell, for all they knew the bitches could of been armed, on top of everything else. The op is a fuckwit.

Edit: I meant to say that you cannot expect cops to go out there in that mucky shit without oxygen tanks.

You just said there might be muck. Then said they shouldnt go out into the muck you just said might be there but cant confirm. Additionally they cant exercise good judgement of the situation if they never stepped foot in it to see if it was a danger or not.

Maybe it was dangerous....maybe it wasnt.

One thing is for sure, they didnt dive in to save them like the Sheriff claimed. And he shouldnt have made up the story. Period
You don't know if they tried or not based upon the facts in front of you, twat head. What's worse is that you are just too fucking stupid to see it. We need to get shit head Clayton What's His Name over here to tell you about your "logical fallacies". Dumb ass.
These are the type of idiot lefties we are dealing with folks.

This mayor (obvious Obama voter) banned FOOT chases!!! Then....when confronted on it asking if her cops see a crime 10 yards away and the suspect flees can they pursue them....see responds "I'm not talking about crime". Seriously.

Liberals in action:
Can they chase bank robbers?
Not if they know who they are..and not if people could be killed by the chase.
You stupid fuck-for-brains moron, of course the cops can pursue these bitches. If you had any fucking brains in your head then you would make the logical inference that the police had fallen back. The bitches were going 35 mph. The police were following them, not engaging them in a high speed chase. In addition, this was a fucking grave yard, at night. It was not a high speed chase through a large city in afternoon rush hour traffic.

Use you fucking fuck, asshole!
Let us assume for arguments sake that they cops did lie (though they probably did not). What harm came from this lie? Not a thing. Therefore, where is the controversy?
Can they chase bank robbers?
Not if they know who they are..and not if people could be killed by the chase.
You stupid fuck-for-brains moron, of course the cops can pursue these bitches. If you had any fucking brains in your head then you would make the logical inference that the police had fallen back. The bitches were going 35 mph. The police were following them, not engaging them in a high speed chase. In addition, this was a fucking grave yard, at night. It was not a high speed chase through a large city in afternoon rush hour traffic.

Use you fucking fuck, asshole!
They were on back roads, dirt roads and the cops knew there was water. There was absolutely no reason to follow them.

You racist crapheads think that it's great when cops attack black people, but you cry like fucking babies when they pull that shit on billy bob.
Let us assume for arguments sake that they cops did lie (though they probably did not). What harm came from this lie? Not a thing. Therefore, where is the controversy?
You're comfortable with cops who lie about events where people die, then?
These are the type of idiot lefties we are dealing with folks.

This mayor (obvious Obama voter) banned FOOT chases!!! Then....when confronted on it asking if her cops see a crime 10 yards away and the suspect flees can they pursue them....see responds "I'm not talking about crime". Seriously.

Liberals in action:
Looney tunes
Libtards like Koshergirl just gotta be hating on the cops. I bet she cheered when the innocents of Ferguson and Baltimore were hurling concrete blocks at them.
Can they chase bank robbers?
Not if they know who they are..and not if people could be killed by the chase.
You stupid fuck-for-brains moron, of course the cops can pursue these bitches. If you had any fucking brains in your head then you would make the logical inference that the police had fallen back. The bitches were going 35 mph. The police were following them, not engaging them in a high speed chase. In addition, this was a fucking grave yard, at night. It was not a high speed chase through a large city in afternoon rush hour traffic.

Use you fucking fuck, asshole!
They were on back roads, dirt roads and the cops knew there was water. There was absolutely no reason to follow them.

You racist crapheads think that it's great when cops attack black people, but you cry like fucking babies when they pull that shit on billy bob.
They had every reason to purse these bitches. They were suspected of multiple felonies (theft, entering auto) plus they probably posed a risk to the public. It is certainly safe to assume that a car thief may be carrying a weapon.

You are WAY off base on this one, darling. It's best that you just shut that trap before this gets any worse for you.
Can they chase bank robbers?
Not if they know who they are..and not if people could be killed by the chase.
You stupid fuck-for-brains moron, of course the cops can pursue these bitches. If you had any fucking brains in your head then you would make the logical inference that the police had fallen back. The bitches were going 35 mph. The police were following them, not engaging them in a high speed chase. In addition, this was a fucking grave yard, at night. It was not a high speed chase through a large city in afternoon rush hour traffic.

Use you fucking fuck, asshole!
They were on back roads, dirt roads and the cops knew there was water. There was absolutely no reason to follow them.

You racist crapheads think that it's great when cops attack black people, but you cry like fucking babies when they pull that shit on billy bob.

Oh, now we come to the crux of the matter. It's all about calling people racist.

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