Cops complain online about white people getting 'freaked out' by their black neighbors


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Police say white people wasting police time with 911 calls about black neighbors Daily Mail Online

  • One officer was called to investigate two black people jump-starting a car
  • Another cop was dispatched to confront a black man fishing in a pond
  • Woman dialed 911 after seeing 'mean-looking Middle Easterner' on street

A black person fishing in a community pond, two black people jump-starting a car and ā€˜someone from the Middle East looking meanā€™ ā€“ these are all ā€˜suspiciousā€™ scenes that have prompted members of the public to dial 911.

These calls were revealed by serving and former police officers who took to the internet to air their astonishment at white people panicking sometimes simply at the mere sight of someone with different racial lineage being nearby.

Dozens have joined an online discussion thread to share their experiences.

The first post, on Redditā€™s ProtectAndServe forum, which was set up for the law enforcement community, was called ā€˜People, please stop making my job so difficultā€™ and written by a verified police officer called sf7.

He wrote: ā€˜So I'm working last week and get dispatched to a call of 'Suspicious Activity.' Ya'll wanna know what the suspicious activity was? Someone walking around in the dark with a flashlight and crow bar? Nope. Someone walking into a bank with a full face mask on? Nope.

ā€˜It was two black males who were jump starting a car at 930 in the morning. That was it. Nothing else. Someone called it in. People. People. People. If you're going to be a racist, stereotypical jerk... keep it to yourself.ā€™

Shortly after the post went up, police officer Amipow revealed that he got a call ā€˜about someone illegally fishing in a community pondā€™.

He continued: ā€˜Once I arrive, I see a middle aged black man fishing in the pond. He looks over when I pull up and immediately approaches me. He said, "Let me guess, my racist neighbors called again saying that I didn't live here."' :rofl:

A former 911 dispatcher called Nursehokiehi said that lots of people rang in to report a ā€˜suspicious personā€™ and when asked for clarification as to what was suspicious about the individual, ā€˜most would mumble, stumble or even whisper ā€œumm, heā€™s/sheā€™s blackā€ or ā€œMuslim-lookingā€ā€™. :ack-1:

Nursehokiehi added: '[replying] "Ma'am, it's not illegal to be black (or Muslim, or Mexican, etc)... " usually worked.'

Other racist complaints aired on the thread include a lady who called the police because a black man was sitting in a truck opposite her house, a woman in a college town who reported a ā€˜middle easternerā€™ strolling along looking ā€˜meanā€™ - the officer failed to find this person among the 200 or so walking around - and an anonymous resident dialing 911 at the sight of a black woman walking to her mail box.

And a traffic officer with the handle TeenageExplorer wrote: ā€˜We frequently get calls about black men and women and kids, yes kids, walking. Like WWB [Walking While Black] was actually a crime and not a Twitter joke.'

Read more: Police say white people wasting police time with 911 calls about black neighbors Daily Mail Online
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This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Police say white people wasting police time with 911 calls about black neighbors Daily Mail Online

  • One officer was called to investigate two black people jump-starting a car
  • Another cop was dispatched to confront a black man fishing in a pond
  • Woman dialed 911 after seeing 'mean-looking Middle Easterner' on street
A black person fishing in a community pond, two black people jump-starting a car and ā€˜someone from the Middle East looking meanā€™ ā€“ these are all ā€˜suspiciousā€™ scenes that have prompted members of the public to dial 911.

These calls were revealed by serving and former police officers who took to the internet to air their astonishment at white people panicking sometimes simply at the mere sight of someone with different racial lineage being nearby.

Dozens have joined an online discussion thread to share their experiences.

The first post, on Redditā€™s ProtectAndServe forum, which was set up for the law enforcement community, was called ā€˜People, please stop making my job so difficultā€™ and written by a verified police officer called sf7.

He wrote: ā€˜So I'm working last week and get dispatched to a call of 'Suspicious Activity.' Ya'll wanna know what the suspicious activity was? Someone walking around in the dark with a flashlight and crow bar? Nope. Someone walking into a bank with a full face mask on? Nope.

ā€˜It was two black males who were jump starting a car at 930 in the morning. That was it. Nothing else. Someone called it in. People. People. People. If you're going to be a racist, stereotypical jerk... keep it to yourself.ā€™

Shortly after the post went up, police officer Amipow revealed that he got a call ā€˜about someone illegally fishing in a community pondā€™.

He continued: ā€˜Once I arrive, I see a middle aged black man fishing in the pond. He looks over when I pull up and immediately approaches me. He said, "Let me guess, my racist neighbors called again saying that I didn't live here."' :rofl:

A former 911 dispatcher called Nursehokiehi said that lots of people rang in to report a ā€˜suspicious personā€™ and when asked for clarification as to what was suspicious about the individual, ā€˜most would mumble, stumble or even whisper ā€œumm, heā€™s/sheā€™s blackā€ or ā€œMuslim-lookingā€ā€™. :ack-1:

Nursehokiehi added: '[replying] "Ma'am, it's not illegal to be black (or Muslim, or Mexican, etc)... " usually worked.'

Other racist complaints aired on the thread include a lady who called the police because a black man was sitting in a truck opposite her house, a woman in a college town who reported a ā€˜middle easternerā€™ strolling along looking ā€˜meanā€™ - the officer failed to find this person among the 200 or so walking around - and an anonymous resident dialing 911 at the sight of a black woman walking to her mail box.

And a traffic officer with the handle TeenageExplorer wrote: ā€˜We frequently get calls about black men and women and kids, yes kids, walking. Like WWB [Walking While Black] was actually a crime and not a Twitter joke.'

Read more: Police say white people wasting police time with 911 calls about black neighbors Daily Mail Online
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This is true. I remember calls all the time like that. Despite media and presidential frenzy....cops are about the LEAST racist people around. They know people of all races suck.
Police say white people wasting police time with 911 calls about black neighbors Daily Mail Online

  • One officer was called to investigate two black people jump-starting a car
  • Another cop was dispatched to confront a black man fishing in a pond
  • Woman dialed 911 after seeing 'mean-looking Middle Easterner' on street
A black person fishing in a community pond, two black people jump-starting a car and ā€˜someone from the Middle East looking meanā€™ ā€“ these are all ā€˜suspiciousā€™ scenes that have prompted members of the public to dial 911.

These calls were revealed by serving and former police officers who took to the internet to air their astonishment at white people panicking sometimes simply at the mere sight of someone with different racial lineage being nearby.

Dozens have joined an online discussion thread to share their experiences.

The first post, on Redditā€™s ProtectAndServe forum, which was set up for the law enforcement community, was called ā€˜People, please stop making my job so difficultā€™ and written by a verified police officer called sf7.

He wrote: ā€˜So I'm working last week and get dispatched to a call of 'Suspicious Activity.' Ya'll wanna know what the suspicious activity was? Someone walking around in the dark with a flashlight and crow bar? Nope. Someone walking into a bank with a full face mask on? Nope.

ā€˜It was two black males who were jump starting a car at 930 in the morning. That was it. Nothing else. Someone called it in. People. People. People. If you're going to be a racist, stereotypical jerk... keep it to yourself.ā€™

Shortly after the post went up, police officer Amipow revealed that he got a call ā€˜about someone illegally fishing in a community pondā€™.

He continued: ā€˜Once I arrive, I see a middle aged black man fishing in the pond. He looks over when I pull up and immediately approaches me. He said, "Let me guess, my racist neighbors called again saying that I didn't live here."' :rofl:

A former 911 dispatcher called Nursehokiehi said that lots of people rang in to report a ā€˜suspicious personā€™ and when asked for clarification as to what was suspicious about the individual, ā€˜most would mumble, stumble or even whisper ā€œumm, heā€™s/sheā€™s blackā€ or ā€œMuslim-lookingā€ā€™. :ack-1:

Nursehokiehi added: '[replying] "Ma'am, it's not illegal to be black (or Muslim, or Mexican, etc)... " usually worked.'

Other racist complaints aired on the thread include a lady who called the police because a black man was sitting in a truck opposite her house, a woman in a college town who reported a ā€˜middle easternerā€™ strolling along looking ā€˜meanā€™ - the officer failed to find this person among the 200 or so walking around - and an anonymous resident dialing 911 at the sight of a black woman walking to her mail box.

And a traffic officer with the handle TeenageExplorer wrote: ā€˜We frequently get calls about black men and women and kids, yes kids, walking. Like WWB [Walking While Black] was actually a crime and not a Twitter joke.'

Read more: Police say white people wasting police time with 911 calls about black neighbors Daily Mail Online
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It takes all kinds to make this world, yes, even the crazies.
If I see a white man walking down the sidewalk in front of my worries.

But if I see a black man walking in front of my house.......I keep a close eye on him..........ya never know what he is up to. ....... :cool:
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Sometimes. Sad but true. Jesse Jackson said hes relieved when he sees the person at night behind him is white. Media is also part to blame.

Really weird how simply being black can prompt calls to the police...almost like being black is a crime in itself.

Good thing those cops didnt think the same thing...I can only imagine how'd you'd treat someone if their very existence was possibly a crime in process.

And you know, I'm sure whites wouldnt like to think being black is a crime but that goddam Obama wont let them
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

People become suspicious of blacks. I'm not saying it's fair to all blacks, but when you have so many blacks committing crime people are going to be suspicious of them...and you really can't blame them.
Good thread.

Get over being racists, racist jerks.

It is a good thread. People have no clue what shit cops deal with.

Irrational scared white people...are one small parents of the shit sandwich called policing.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

People become suspicious of blacks. I'm not saying it's fair to all blacks, but when you have so many blacks committing crime people are going to be suspicious of them...and you really can't blame them.

Nope you cant because yanno, you should judge everyone by what the worst people in their race do not by the content of their character.

Thats why I always assume a white guy has a body under his porch because yanno, its really your fault
If I see a white man walking down the sidewalk in front of my worries.

But if I see a black man walking in front of my house.......I keep a close eye on him..........ya never know what he is up to. ....... :cool:

The PC crowd would call you a racist. The funny thing is most of the people in the PC crowd think the same way they're just too pussy to admit it.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Sometimes. Sad but true. Jesse Jackson said hes relieved when he sees the person at night behind him is white. Media is also part to blame.

Really weird how simply being black can prompt calls to the police...almost like being black is a crime in itself.

Good thing those cops didnt think the same thing...I can only imagine how'd you'd treat someone if their very existence was possibly a crime in process.

And you know, I'm sure whites wouldnt like to think being black is a crime but that goddam Obama wont let them

I agree. And as I said...the LEAST racist white people around...may be white cops who know the reality of humans. Crime and poverty go together. The young generation hates authority. People label all blacks for the actions of a few...just like they label all cops for the actions of a few.

People in general are ignorant to reality. People often suck. Dogs and beer and football....and vacation. ..are awesome. Guns dont kill. People with guns kill. Crime is inevitable. The smart decision isnt always the right decision.

Some simple truths a cop will know.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.
Sorry but thats a lie. Whites commit more violent crime by a 2:1 ratio.

FBI Table 43
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.
Sorry but thats a lie. Whites commit more violent crime by a 2:1 ratio.

FBI Table 43

Sorry blacks as a percentage of their population are far more likelythan an other to commit violent crimes
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.
Sorry but thats a lie. Whites commit more violent crime by a 2:1 ratio.

FBI Table 43

Sorry blacks as a percentage of their population are far more likelythan an other to commit violent crimes
Thats not what the stats say. Got any other opinions? When you factor in that Blacks are even arrested more and whites have less economic issues driving their violence your claim becomes even more of a joke. :laugh:

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