Cops to carry guns on trains for first time...or the "Tube" since it is Britain...

Now that Europe has it's own version ghetto thugs it appears they are coming around to our way of thinking.
Makes it a little harder for them to be smug pricks now for sure.
yep..armed patrols on the Tube for the first time in Britain.........good thing Britain is so safe for the law abiding......

Armed police to travel on the Tube for the first time ever

----- which step would not have been necessary without y'all gun fetishists working tirelessly to make the world a more dangerous place.

Moron......Britain banned and confiscated guns...there should be no need for armed police....but there gun crime rate went up 4.7% last year, the British law enforcement agencies are reporting an dramatic increase in illegal guns...on this island nation.....and it is the most violent country in Europe....without guns..right? Even though their criminals still get them...and seem to like fully automatic weapons...

Britain had a low gun crime rate before they banned guns...and then after they banned guns gun crime spiked......then returned to it's normal level.....and has now increased.....showing that banning guns for law abiding people has no effect on criminals and gun crime....

And moron, we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And our gun murder rate went down 47%......

Guns in the hands of law abiding people does not make the world more abiding people...with guns...makes the world a safer place.....
I'm all for letting the Brits run Britain.

Yep...I agree.....but we can learn from their mistake...disarming law abiding people.....and expecting it to change their gun crime rate was a stupid idea......because it didn't change their gun crime rate...and actually increased their violent crime rate....
I'm all for letting the Brits run Britain.

Yep...I agree.....but we can learn from their mistake...disarming law abiding people.....and expecting it to change their gun crime rate was a stupid idea......because it didn't change their gun crime rate...and actually increased their violent crime rate....

My guns have never been in any danger, but thanks for the concern.
I'm all for letting the Brits run Britain.

Yep...I agree.....but we can learn from their mistake...disarming law abiding people.....and expecting it to change their gun crime rate was a stupid idea......because it didn't change their gun crime rate...and actually increased their violent crime rate....

My guns have never been in any danger, but thanks for the concern.

You can thank the NRA for that.....and the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America.....

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