Cops: We are leaving

Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
And of course Meathead disagreed with you on this. You are correct. Conservatives are stubborn fucks. Until it happens to them of course.

Please do us a favor and go fuck yourself.
Fuck cops. Republicans are so obvious. They want to make this about if you are pro cop or against cops. Well, I'm against cops. At least the current state of the police force. They can't and won't reform themselves. It has to be done from the outside. Remember, they work for us. I'm not against cops. I'm against bad cops. And if you are black, you fear cops. Fuck that. Things have to change.

Let me say it again, fuck cops. They work for us so they do what they are told. They want to quit? Fine! We will find lots of blacks, muslims, latino's who are looking for that kind of salary.

If white cops are racist and can't understand their bias, they need to go.

We need good cops not just bodies. If these meatheads can't get it they need to go. They are public servants. Tax payers pay their salary. If you want you can get a private police force to police your neighbood. Privatize that shit.

Just like I wasn't against the troops I was against the war they were fighting. If the soldiers weren't fighting a war we were lied into I wouldn't be against the troops. And because of my patriotism I am still for MY troops to be successful. I just want to pull them out of that bad situation. Today our police have become militarized and we need to rethink some shit.

Let me give you a great example of how this has happened in the past. There was a time a cop could shoot at a car it was chasing. I believe that is illegal now. At least it is in Michigan. See? We needed to stop cops from being out of control before and we're going to do it again. The ones who can't help but be violoent bullies need to go be bouncers and bodyguards in the private sector.

Most cops are good cops.

Nobody has produced the numbers to justify the bullshit that is going on right now.
Nobody has to justify anything for you pale recessives.

Because you can't.

You just say it's that way...and expect everyone to believe your crap.

You are full of shit and have been from the start.
I’m hearing more and more white people agreeing with black people that enough is enough. I know con republicans will dig in and get defensive about it but change is coming.

We’ve already seen the numbers and they confirm you are wrong but then you manipulate the data and lie so...
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
And of course Meathead disagreed with you on this. You are correct. Conservatives are stubborn fucks. Until it happens to them of course.

Please do us a favor and go fuck yourself.
Fuck cops. Republicans are so obvious. They want to make this about if you are pro cop or against cops. Well, I'm against cops. At least the current state of the police force. They can't and won't reform themselves. It has to be done from the outside. Remember, they work for us. I'm not against cops. I'm against bad cops. And if you are black, you fear cops. Fuck that. Things have to change.

Let me say it again, fuck cops. They work for us so they do what they are told. They want to quit? Fine! We will find lots of blacks, muslims, latino's who are looking for that kind of salary.

If white cops are racist and can't understand their bias, they need to go.

We need good cops not just bodies. If these meatheads can't get it they need to go. They are public servants. Tax payers pay their salary. If you want you can get a private police force to police your neighbood. Privatize that shit.

Just like I wasn't against the troops I was against the war they were fighting. If the soldiers weren't fighting a war we were lied into I wouldn't be against the troops. And because of my patriotism I am still for MY troops to be successful. I just want to pull them out of that bad situation. Today our police have become militarized and we need to rethink some shit.

Let me give you a great example of how this has happened in the past. There was a time a cop could shoot at a car it was chasing. I believe that is illegal now. At least it is in Michigan. See? We needed to stop cops from being out of control before and we're going to do it again. The ones who can't help but be violoent bullies need to go be bouncers and bodyguards in the private sector.

Most cops are good cops.

Nobody has produced the numbers to justify the bullshit that is going on right now.
Nobody has to justify anything for you pale recessives.

Because you can't.

You just say it's that way...and expect everyone to believe your crap.

You are full of shit and have been from the start.
I dont expect or need you to believe anything. Youre a nobody. It would be like worrying about what a rhesus monkey thought. :)
...And yes, it will be simple to replace them.

And I’d like to replace every cop that retires with a black person. Maybe they will treat us citizens with respect and know how to defuse situations better than the old cops we have now who are burned out.
Typical racist democrat stupidity, right there ^^^.
Why? Continue
Racist because you want to fire some people based solely on the color of their skin and hire others based solely on the color of their skin. Stupid because you think that skin color means "...they will treat us citizens with respect and know how to defuse situations better..." That is just about as illogical and offensively stupid as possible.
...The proof is in but the verdict isn’t yet
You don't want the enforcement of drunk driving laws, but you want to convict people before a trial. That makes about as much sense as anything you post here.
I know you side with the white murderer
Link, quote, or apologize you fucking lying piece of shit.
So you side with the black guy this one time? Name the other times you sided with the black who got murdered.

You were a big George Zimmerman fan right?
...And yes, it will be simple to replace them.

And I’d like to replace every cop that retires with a black person. Maybe they will treat us citizens with respect and know how to defuse situations better than the old cops we have now who are burned out.
Typical racist democrat stupidity, right there ^^^.
Why? Continue
Racist because you want to fire some people based solely on the color of their skin and hire others based solely on the color of their skin. Stupid because you think that skin color means "...they will treat us citizens with respect and know how to defuse situations better..." That is just about as illogical and offensively stupid as possible.
Huh? Explain
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
And of course Meathead disagreed with you on this. You are correct. Conservatives are stubborn fucks. Until it happens to them of course.

Please do us a favor and go fuck yourself.
Fuck cops. Republicans are so obvious. They want to make this about if you are pro cop or against cops. Well, I'm against cops. At least the current state of the police force. They can't and won't reform themselves. It has to be done from the outside. Remember, they work for us. I'm not against cops. I'm against bad cops. And if you are black, you fear cops. Fuck that. Things have to change.

Let me say it again, fuck cops. They work for us so they do what they are told. They want to quit? Fine! We will find lots of blacks, muslims, latino's who are looking for that kind of salary.

If white cops are racist and can't understand their bias, they need to go.

We need good cops not just bodies. If these meatheads can't get it they need to go. They are public servants. Tax payers pay their salary. If you want you can get a private police force to police your neighbood. Privatize that shit.

Just like I wasn't against the troops I was against the war they were fighting. If the soldiers weren't fighting a war we were lied into I wouldn't be against the troops. And because of my patriotism I am still for MY troops to be successful. I just want to pull them out of that bad situation. Today our police have become militarized and we need to rethink some shit.

Let me give you a great example of how this has happened in the past. There was a time a cop could shoot at a car it was chasing. I believe that is illegal now. At least it is in Michigan. See? We needed to stop cops from being out of control before and we're going to do it again. The ones who can't help but be violoent bullies need to go be bouncers and bodyguards in the private sector.

Most cops are good cops.

Nobody has produced the numbers to justify the bullshit that is going on right now.
Nobody has to justify anything for you pale recessives.

Because you can't.

You just say it's that way...and expect everyone to believe your crap.

You are full of shit and have been from the start.
I dont expect or need you to believe anything. Youre a nobody. It would be like worrying about what a rhesus monkey thought. :)

I get that you don't need people calling you out on your lies.

You are likely a 5th grader who skulks off to the library to post on a computer.
So. What?

Let those thugs with badges go. They were doing more harm than good anyway.

We'll replace them with intelligent and decent law enforcement professionals.
Just like that? Do you really think it's that simple? Is it that simple when people say things like "just kill those fucking animals burning the cities down"? Simplify, dehumanize, dismiss? Is any real progress on anything going to be made with this kind of thinking on any side?
It really is that simple. It would be easier if you didn’t fight reforming the cops. You support systemic racism.
...Oh, and like in 5 years no one has died on our lake because someone was drunk. The cop said, "I don't care if you have a beer in your hand just don't be drunk"
Is that how you want the laws enforced on drinking and driving on the highways? How fucking stupid is that?
You wouldn’t understand you don’t have a boat and you’re a square. I’m high on it too. Boat not a car.
Then you should go to jail before your irresponsible behavior harms another boater.
Funny that he seems to think driving a boat impaired is somehow okay.

What an asinine position to hold.

It's the same "oh, isn't it a lark!" bullshit attitude that a lot of people used to take to drunk driving on the highways 40 or 50 years ago. How many people, how many families, were killed because of such fucking assholes? Unfortunately, it is also the attitude that many people who come here from countries 40-50 years behind in cultural development bring with them. No excuse for someone born and raised here to be so fucking stupid and irresponsible.
You’ve never lived on a lake you ignorant little man
I've never lived in Utah either, but I know the law applies there, stupid.
I live on a lake. Private property private lake.

you should also don’t know people in gated communities drive golf carts drunk. You wouldn’t know because they have cops who will pull you over because you don’t belong clearly by how you are dressed and the car you drive which is?

If you live on a private lake why are cops out in boats?
We asked them to be there. Just don't torment us and give buzzed drivers DUI's. I bet they could give 100 DUI's on any given Saturday.

Oh and I like Ray from Cleveland's comment yesterday. Cops catch a lot of criminals by pulling people over for bullshit. Really? Fuck that Ray. How about we have checkpoints like in Palestine? So any criminals will be caught if they are out on the road. Or how about stop and frisk? Ray is right. We need more of a police state. LOL
We already do have checkpoints like that, they're called DUI checkpoints or Border patrol checkpoints.

You didn't think those were actually about drunk drivers or illegal aliens, did you?
We don’t have dui checkpoints here in Michigan and border patrol is watching the border. Do you object to border patrol?

But in a way I agree. If we are free we should be able to freely travel to mexico and Canada but we aren’t.
The people in those nations have to have the same values. Canada's may be better. But Mexico's are worse. Far worse. It is far more corrupted and the gangs are terminal in their approach to any business they are in. No reflection of the Mexican people in general. Also, there are people around the world who do not care for the Ugly American acts we put on.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

This is the OP folks.

And while I know, most Americans still appreciate us, it’s not enough and the risk is too high. Those of you that say thank you or buy the occasional meal, it means everything.

But those of you that were silent while the slow turning of the knives in our backs happened by thugs and cowards, this is on you.

Your belief in hashtags and memes over the truth has and will create an environment in your community that you will never expect.

If you think Minneapolis will turn into Mogadishu and that is far from you, it’s coming.

And when it does, remember what your complicity did.

This is the America that you made.


Great last line.

Fuck BLM and Atnifa...

Close to time to clean a rifle
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
And of course Meathead disagreed with you on this. You are correct. Conservatives are stubborn fucks. Until it happens to them of course.

Please do us a favor and go fuck yourself.
Fuck cops. Republicans are so obvious. They want to make this about if you are pro cop or against cops. Well, I'm against cops. At least the current state of the police force. They can't and won't reform themselves. It has to be done from the outside. Remember, they work for us. I'm not against cops. I'm against bad cops. And if you are black, you fear cops. Fuck that. Things have to change.

Let me say it again, fuck cops. They work for us so they do what they are told. They want to quit? Fine! We will find lots of blacks, muslims, latino's who are looking for that kind of salary.

If white cops are racist and can't understand their bias, they need to go.

We need good cops not just bodies. If these meatheads can't get it they need to go. They are public servants. Tax payers pay their salary. If you want you can get a private police force to police your neighbood. Privatize that shit.

Just like I wasn't against the troops I was against the war they were fighting. If the soldiers weren't fighting a war we were lied into I wouldn't be against the troops. And because of my patriotism I am still for MY troops to be successful. I just want to pull them out of that bad situation. Today our police have become militarized and we need to rethink some shit.

Let me give you a great example of how this has happened in the past. There was a time a cop could shoot at a car it was chasing. I believe that is illegal now. At least it is in Michigan. See? We needed to stop cops from being out of control before and we're going to do it again. The ones who can't help but be violoent bullies need to go be bouncers and bodyguards in the private sector.

Most cops are good cops.

Nobody has produced the numbers to justify the bullshit that is going on right now.
Nobody has to justify anything for you pale recessives.

Because you can't.

You just say it's that way...and expect everyone to believe your crap.

You are full of shit and have been from the start.
I dont expect or need you to believe anything. Youre a nobody. It would be like worrying about what a rhesus monkey thought. :)

I get that you don't need people calling you out on your lies.

You are likely a 5th grader who skulks off to the library to post on a computer.
Dont be mad you hold no respectability. Maybe if you got your shit straight I would care about your opinion on the internet........Now that I think about it I still wouldnt care.
So you side with the black guy this one time? ...
I wouldn't expect a typically stupid, racist democrat to understand, but I don't side with or against anyone based on the color of their skin.
You don’t realize you’re doing it but we do
I realize everything I do or do not do. I realize you are just being a lying, misrepresenting troll here. I also realize that trolling here is ALL you do. You wouldn't lift a finger to actually try to make things better. All talk, all trolling.

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