Corn -Pop Demands Trump Hand Over Transcripts From Ukraine Phone Call

This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.


Who gives a shit.

If Trump is corrupt, Biden is corrupt, Hillary is corrupt, Obama is corrupt?

Haven't you figured it out yet by now? They are all CRIMINALS THAT DON"T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.

You are so dumb, they purposely release this shit to see how dumb you are, and how much they have to release until you can figure it out.

Apparently quite a bit.
Yeah.....liberals and libertarians all start talking about how similar they all are.....when their lies are exposed.
But the fact is......they aren't all the same
1. Will Biden even remember today what he said yesterday?
2. Isn't it the prerogative of an administration - any administration - to try and influence other nations to act in ways the administration desires, supposedly for the "national security" of the U.S.?
3. Since they're all criminals, let the chips fall where they may.
4. Politicians acting for self-interest isn't new is it?
5. Just another day in the politics of division.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.


Who gives a shit.

If Trump is corrupt, Biden is corrupt, Hillary is corrupt, Obama is corrupt?

Haven't you figured it out yet by now? They are all CRIMINALS THAT DON"T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.

You are so dumb, they purposely release this shit to see how dumb you are, and how much they have to release until you can figure it out.

Apparently quite a bit.
Yeah.....liberals and libertarians all start talking about how similar they all are.....when their lies are exposed.
But the fact is......they aren't all the same
I do have to agree on this. They are not all the same. While there may be corrupt ones comes along generally if the corrupt ones are exposed on the Republican side they get rid of them if they do not prosecute them. These major player Democrats instead seem to uphold their corrupt politicians and keep them going. That is why there are so many Democrats that left that party.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.
What makes you think there's even a tape?

Apparently you've swallowed this new hoax hook, line, and sinker.
The president can made confidential phone calls to any world leader and isn't required to divulge the contents of the conversation to the press or the public. ... :cool:
Well, from now on our president must have secret meetings on CNN.
Another Democratic plant in our corrupted Intelligence community selling out his oath to America. What the Democrats have done to undermine our Intelligence Agencies is not just sad it is extremely dangerous.
1. Will Biden even remember today what he said yesterday?
2. Isn't it the prerogative of an administration - any administration - to try and influence other nations to act in ways the administration desires, supposedly for the "national security" of the U.S.?
3. Since they're all criminals, let the chips fall where they may.
4. Politicians acting for self-interest isn't new is it?
5. Just another day in the politics of division.
Of course a lying fuck like Biden is gonna demand this......simply to get the heat off himself.
Personally I think he's making a serious mistake....because instead of getting the heat off's exposing his own wrongdoings to the world.
How many other corrupt politicians are doing this as we speak?????
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.
What makes you think there's even a tape?

Apparently you've swallowed this new hoax hook, line, and sinker.

If there were a recording, it would be in the hands of CNN, MSNBC and Nancy Piglosi.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.
What makes you think there's even a tape?

Apparently you've swallowed this new hoax hook, line, and sinker.

If there were a recording, it would be in the hands of CNN, MSNBC and Nancy Piglosi.
Anyone with half a fucking brain can see what this is.
It's yet another crime they're trying to blame Trump for.
They did the same shit with Epstein right before they murdered him.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.


Who gives a shit.

If Trump is corrupt, Biden is corrupt, Hillary is corrupt, Obama is corrupt?

Haven't you figured it out yet by now? They are all CRIMINALS THAT DON"T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.

You are so dumb, they purposely release this shit to see how dumb you are, and how much they have to release until you can figure it out.

Apparently quite a bit.
Yeah.....liberals and libertarians all start talking about how similar they all are.....when their lies are exposed.
But the fact is......they aren't all the same
I do have to agree on this. They are not all the same. While there may be corrupt ones comes along generally if the corrupt ones are exposed on the Republican side they get rid of them if they do not prosecute them. These major player Democrats instead seem to uphold their corrupt politicians and keep them going. That is why there are so many Democrats that left that party.
I will buy what both of you are saying when Fox news comes out and pisses on the Chatham house rules and tells the nation what is going on in the CFR.

Till then, you guys are living in a fairy tale.

On balance, it appears the right is less corrupt, but when the rubber hits the road, they ALWAYS roll over. YOU know it, I know it. Whether it is not ruling that the ACA is unconstitutional when they get the chance, or repealing it in the first place, or actually doing something about immigration when they hold all three branches? You are being fooled and want to so much believe you have someone in your corner WHEN YOU DON'T. YOU ARE BEING GAS LIT BY A CORRUPT SYSTEM.

Hell, the RNC did the same thing to Paul, years before the DNC did it to Bernie.

It's all bullshit.

They ARE all the same, b/c they are all funded by the same folks.

If I said it once, I'll say it a hundred times, corruption is legal, and it benefits all parties. They all do it. Don't think you and your partisan side is any better, your not.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.
What makes you think there's even a tape?

Apparently you've swallowed this new hoax hook, line, and sinker.

If there were a recording, it would be in the hands of CNN, MSNBC and Nancy Piglosi.
Anyone with half a fucking brain can see what this is.
It's yet another crime they're trying to blame Trump for.
They did the same shit with Epstein right before they murdered him.

Unfortunately for them, there is no crime for a sitting President talking to anybody. Trump can talk to whoever from wherever he desires. It's just like when DumBama told the Russian official to wait until after his reelection to help them out. Nothing you can do about it but let the public know.

Like the last phony dozen or so hurdles they threw in Trump's way, it will fizzle out too, just like this phony Kavanaugh thing where even the so-called victim doesn't know WTF they are talking about.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.
What makes you think there's even a tape?

Apparently you've swallowed this new hoax hook, line, and sinker.

The bigger question is WHY would there be a tape? Why would anyone be listening to and recording a president's phone calls? Is there a tape of every conversation Obama ever made? And has the Intel community now become the new unelected 4th branch of government? Or do they simply work for, spy for and report to the Democrats? And if the Intel is listening in on and recording everything presidents say and do, then why would he ever say anything so objectionable over a recorded phone line in the first place? And why can the president be wiretapped but I cannot record a simple conversation with my utility?
What makes you think there's even a tape?
Because the whistleblower's complaint was deemed credible and urgent.

Kinda like the Steele Dossier claiming Trump was a Russian spy? :eek:

I find it interesting that Hillary and the DNC were paying Ukraine for information and intel to try to use against Trump in 2016 and now here we are with Trump talking to Ukraine about ___fill in the blank___ and the Democrats are having a conniption. Is Trump getting too close to nailing the lid on the Democrats?
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.

I want to see the tape too, and if tramp has nothing on it, let him show it.
What makes you think there's even a tape?

Apparently you've swallowed this new hoax hook, line, and sinker.

The bigger question is WHY would there be a tape? Why would anyone be listening to and recording a president's phone calls? Is there a tape of every conversation Obama ever made? And has the Intel community now become the new unelected 4th branch of government? Or do they simply work for, spy for and report to the Democrats? And if the Intel is listening in on and recording everything presidents say and do, then why would he ever say anything so objectionable over a recorded phone line in the first place? And why can the president be wiretapped but I cannot record a simple conversation with my utility?
Obama insisted on keeping his personal phone.
Hillary set up a server to avoid detection.
Presidents never do anything in secret......unless they go around normal channels.
But then we've never had a White House that has had Democrats spying on them and running to the press at the drop of a hat before.
And why is this going on?
Because Trump isn't bought and paid for. He's an outsider. They're running to the press all of the time in defense of their own corruption. They know if the truth comes out they will be doing the perp-walk.....and this has never been the case until now. At least not since JFK.
This is rich.....this SOB has been caught red-handed influencing a foreign government so his son could rake in millions....yet he has the audacity to demand Trump handover transcripts of a phone call with a Ukrainian official over claims TRUMP MAY HAVE TRIED TO INFLUENCE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

Apparently these corrupt criminal Democrats think they can get away with anything these days.

Are we gonna let these SOBs get away with this rubbish????

Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Uncle Corn-pop says "Pull my finger".

Biden on September 17, 2019. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to release a transcript of his July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, amid reports that Ukraine is at the center of a whistleblower's complaint over Trump's contacts with a foreign leader.

"If these reports are true, then ... It means that he [Trump] used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor."— Biden's statement on Friday
Catch up quick: Three House committees — Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform — are investigating whether Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, "were misappropriating the American foreign policy apparatus for political gain," the New York Times reports.

  • These investigations are in response to reports that the Trump administration "delayed a package of military assistance to the new government in Ukraine," as reported by the NYT.
  • The committees say they will investigate whether that lack of military aid is part of an alleged effort by Trump "to coerce the Ukrainian government into pursuing politically-motivated investigations, including of former Vice President Joe Biden and his family."
What else Biden is saying:

"Such clear-cut corruption damages and diminishes our institutions of government by making them tools of a personal political vendetta. At minimum, Donald Trump should immediately release the transcript of the call in question, the American people can judge for themselves, and direct the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to stop stonewalling and release the whistleblower notification to the Congress." Joe Biden demands Trump release transcript of Ukraine call

Who cares that former members of the Obama Administration have been caught giving our enemies (Iran) advice on how to thwart US foreign policy. We've got to get to the bottom of this latest hoax immediately.
Yeah, that will happen right about when the orange turd releases his taxes and his loan documents.


Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

"( -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “will gladly release her tax returns if and when she runs for president,” said her Chief of Staff Drew Hammill, apparently indicating that, in Pelosi’s current position as speaker, she will not release her tax returns.

When repeatedly followed-up and asked Hammill to directly confirm that Pelosi, as speaker, would not release her tax returns, Hammill did not respond.. . . . ."


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