Corn -Pop Demands Trump Hand Over Transcripts From Ukraine Phone Call

That's just it. It isn't really a rumor that he works for the banking cabal. You are in denial.

Most of the "America First" policies I liked about him? Were never kept.

We are still in NATO.

We are still in a North American open border trade deal.

We still have hundreds of bases over seas and are still in a continuous war.

We are still being continuously monitored. . . Any president that supports the NDAA or patriot act hates Americans.

In fact, he has done more to destroy gun rights in three years than Obama has done in eight. :71:

If he really cared about average Americans, the middle class and the poor, he would end the FED that he rails against, but it is just lip service.

He cares nothing for Constitutional Government.

I'm not in denial of anything. I was given a binary choice. Clinton is not president, thank God. We're still in the North American trade agreement because the Democrats are not going to give him the victory of the new agreement, which, by the way, would be good for America. We need to vote them out of the House. He's trying to get us out of Afghanistan. He can't unilaterally abolish the FED. He hasn't done anything against the 2nd Amendment, but spout some stupid things recently off the top of his head. He's not my God. I'm a classical liberal. We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt.

I love how I tell you, "they are all corrupt," and you come back at me with, "We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt."

I know how the system works, how it controls the minds of the masses. Of course we won't, the system is corrupt. Finally, you are getting it, you just don't know why.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Because we are so stratified, I posit, if the corporate and MSM all of a sudden turned around tomorrow and started praising Trump? Things would reverse. Folks that love Trump would get suspicious, and SJW's would start to think. . . well, if all of the establishment think he has changed, maybe he is all right for the duration. It is a reverse psychology operation. Folks depend on authority figures to tell them how to think.

This is why public education is compulsory, it is not to teach them the three R's, it is so they do what they are told to think. Folks on the left on this site, and folks on the right all have the same opinion of free thinkers. It is mostly, b/c people don't read enough independent writers anymore, and they don't have a notion about real history that has produced their thinking. You live in a matrix created by your owners.

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling : John Taylor Gatto : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive



Go on and continue to live in the dream then. I tried to give you my POV. You asked, I told you that you need your myths. Deny facts then.

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

MoA - 30+ Afghans Killed In Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years Of War On Afghanistan
That's just it. It isn't really a rumor that he works for the banking cabal. You are in denial.

Most of the "America First" policies I liked about him? Were never kept.

We are still in NATO.

We are still in a North American open border trade deal.

We still have hundreds of bases over seas and are still in a continuous war.

We are still being continuously monitored. . . Any president that supports the NDAA or patriot act hates Americans.

In fact, he has done more to destroy gun rights in three years than Obama has done in eight. :71:

If he really cared about average Americans, the middle class and the poor, he would end the FED that he rails against, but it is just lip service.

He cares nothing for Constitutional Government.

I'm not in denial of anything. I was given a binary choice. Clinton is not president, thank God. We're still in the North American trade agreement because the Democrats are not going to give him the victory of the new agreement, which, by the way, would be good for America. We need to vote them out of the House. He's trying to get us out of Afghanistan. He can't unilaterally abolish the FED. He hasn't done anything against the 2nd Amendment, but spout some stupid things recently off the top of his head. He's not my God. I'm a classical liberal. We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt.

I love how I tell you, "they are all corrupt," and you come back at me with, "We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt."

I know how the system works, how it controls the minds of the masses. Of course we won't, the system is corrupt. Finally, you are getting it, you just don't know why.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Because we are so stratified, I posit, if the corporate and MSM all of a sudden turned around tomorrow and started praising Trump? Things would reverse. Folks that love Trump would get suspicious, and SJW's would start to think. . . well, if all of the establishment think he has changed, maybe he is all right for the duration. It is a reverse psychology operation. Folks depend on authority figures to tell them how to think.

This is why public education is compulsory, it is not to teach them the three R's, it is so they do what they are told to think. Folks on the left on this site, and folks on the right all have the same opinion of free thinkers. It is mostly, b/c people don't read enough independent writers anymore, and they don't have a notion about real history that has produced their thinking. You live in a matrix created by your owners.

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling : John Taylor Gatto : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive



Go on and continue to live in the dream then. I tried to give you my POV. You asked, I told you that you need your myths. Deny facts then.

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

MoA - 30+ Afghans Killed In Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years Of War On Afghanistan

No man owns me, and you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my understanding of the ways of this world and human nature.
to collude with a foreign nation is, definitionally, to act under its influence, and if the collusion is secret, the chances that one's self-justification is personal rather than patriotic are high
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

I think professor Walter E Williams addressed that best.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be, I will not bring any federal money back to my state. How many votes do you suppose I would garner with that agenda?"

To some degree, it is our fault what our leaders do because of what we expect them to do. We on the right want a strong military, and those on the left want their social programs and even more of them. The problem is that in most cases, you can't get what you want for your people without giving them what they want for theirs.

So the question is, are the politicians inept, or are the voters?

I guess the voters because I've never once kept track of where any of my politicians allocate funding much less voted for any of them because of it.
That's just it. It isn't really a rumor that he works for the banking cabal. You are in denial.

Most of the "America First" policies I liked about him? Were never kept.

We are still in NATO.

We are still in a North American open border trade deal.

We still have hundreds of bases over seas and are still in a continuous war.

We are still being continuously monitored. . . Any president that supports the NDAA or patriot act hates Americans.

In fact, he has done more to destroy gun rights in three years than Obama has done in eight. :71:

If he really cared about average Americans, the middle class and the poor, he would end the FED that he rails against, but it is just lip service.

He cares nothing for Constitutional Government.

I'm not in denial of anything. I was given a binary choice. Clinton is not president, thank God. We're still in the North American trade agreement because the Democrats are not going to give him the victory of the new agreement, which, by the way, would be good for America. We need to vote them out of the House. He's trying to get us out of Afghanistan. He can't unilaterally abolish the FED. He hasn't done anything against the 2nd Amendment, but spout some stupid things recently off the top of his head. He's not my God. I'm a classical liberal. We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt.

I love how I tell you, "they are all corrupt," and you come back at me with, "We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt."

I know how the system works, how it controls the minds of the masses. Of course we won't, the system is corrupt. Finally, you are getting it, you just don't know why.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Because we are so stratified, I posit, if the corporate and MSM all of a sudden turned around tomorrow and started praising Trump? Things would reverse. Folks that love Trump would get suspicious, and SJW's would start to think. . . well, if all of the establishment think he has changed, maybe he is all right for the duration. It is a reverse psychology operation. Folks depend on authority figures to tell them how to think.

This is why public education is compulsory, it is not to teach them the three R's, it is so they do what they are told to think. Folks on the left on this site, and folks on the right all have the same opinion of free thinkers. It is mostly, b/c people don't read enough independent writers anymore, and they don't have a notion about real history that has produced their thinking. You live in a matrix created by your owners.

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling : John Taylor Gatto : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive



Go on and continue to live in the dream then. I tried to give you my POV. You asked, I told you that you need your myths. Deny facts then.

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

MoA - 30+ Afghans Killed In Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years Of War On Afghanistan

No man owns me, and you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my understanding of the ways of this world and human nature.
Oh, clearly.

That's just it. It isn't really a rumor that he works for the banking cabal. You are in denial.

Most of the "America First" policies I liked about him? Were never kept.

We are still in NATO.

We are still in a North American open border trade deal.

We still have hundreds of bases over seas and are still in a continuous war.

We are still being continuously monitored. . . Any president that supports the NDAA or patriot act hates Americans.

In fact, he has done more to destroy gun rights in three years than Obama has done in eight. :71:

If he really cared about average Americans, the middle class and the poor, he would end the FED that he rails against, but it is just lip service.

He cares nothing for Constitutional Government.

I'm not in denial of anything. I was given a binary choice. Clinton is not president, thank God. We're still in the North American trade agreement because the Democrats are not going to give him the victory of the new agreement, which, by the way, would be good for America. We need to vote them out of the House. He's trying to get us out of Afghanistan. He can't unilaterally abolish the FED. He hasn't done anything against the 2nd Amendment, but spout some stupid things recently off the top of his head. He's not my God. I'm a classical liberal. We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt.

I love how I tell you, "they are all corrupt," and you come back at me with, "We will never see an electable president who actually understands and defends natural and constitutional law to the hilt."

I know how the system works, how it controls the minds of the masses. Of course we won't, the system is corrupt. Finally, you are getting it, you just don't know why.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Because we are so stratified, I posit, if the corporate and MSM all of a sudden turned around tomorrow and started praising Trump? Things would reverse. Folks that love Trump would get suspicious, and SJW's would start to think. . . well, if all of the establishment think he has changed, maybe he is all right for the duration. It is a reverse psychology operation. Folks depend on authority figures to tell them how to think.

This is why public education is compulsory, it is not to teach them the three R's, it is so they do what they are told to think. Folks on the left on this site, and folks on the right all have the same opinion of free thinkers. It is mostly, b/c people don't read enough independent writers anymore, and they don't have a notion about real history that has produced their thinking. You live in a matrix created by your owners.

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling : John Taylor Gatto : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive



Go on and continue to live in the dream then. I tried to give you my POV. You asked, I told you that you need your myths. Deny facts then.

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

MoA - 30+ Afghans Killed In Drone Strike While CIA Celebrates 18 Years Of War On Afghanistan

No man owns me, and you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my understanding of the ways of this world and human nature.
Oh, clearly.


You're a character, Beale.
Democrats doing what they do best racketeering and then accusing someone else to keep the heat off themselves.

What you don't know is that the UK wanted the prosecutor out as well and he refused to investigate anyone considered to be corrupt. He was in less than a year and he did not investigate Hunter Biden or the company he sat on.

I have no idea where you got your information, but it could not have come from a reliable source. From news sources that are far more trustworthy than CNN, the NYT and a host of others who are nothing more than Democrat stooges, it is clear that Biden's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015.

“Earlier this year, I returned to this topic in an interview on The Savage Nation with John Solomon of The Hill. In our conversation, I questioned how Ukraine became so critical to this corruption.

Solomon explained,

“It's (Ukraine) the hub. And so at that very moment where there's a transition of power and there's also that very tense moment of the invasion of Crimea by Russian forces, so a sovereign territory of Ukraine being invaded by Russia at the beginning of 2014. President Obama defers his authority and says, ‘I'm making Joe Biden my point man in Ukraine. He's going to take care of this crisis. He's going to build out the government, we're going to get this situation dealt with.’ And so Biden starts jumping across the pond and visiting Ukraine on a regular basis, meeting with the president. “Well, a funny thing happened. Not just a few weeks after Biden takes over the portfolium, a natural gas company called Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, hires Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden to join its board. And that in and of itself is a little suspicious, right? There's no evidence that Hunter Biden had any experience in Ukraine law or Ukraine natural gas, but he's suddenly added to the board. So his son cashes in and gets a great job in Ukraine and it goes on for a couple of years.”

Solomon explained that later Ukrainian authorities began investigating transfers being made to Hunter Biden:

“They have a wide ranging and criminal investigation and they determined in late fall 2015 according to the very records I've seen in Ukrainian court, that they want to interview Hunter Biden. "Why are you taking this money as a board member? What is it for and is there any chance the money is really to influence your father who is a vice president in charge of Ukraine policy?" “It is at that moment that Joe Biden steps into the picture in a different role. He has a conversation with president Poroshenko, now the Western friendly president, and tells him, ‘I want you to fire the general prosecutor in your country. I want him gone.’ Poroshenko questions, ‘Why? What has he done wrong?’ Biden tells him, ‘Don't worry, he's done something wrong. Just get rid of them.’"
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Democrats doing what they do best racketeering and then accusing someone else to keep the heat off themselves.

What you don't know is that the UK wanted the prosecutor out as well and he refused to investigate anyone considered to be corrupt. He was in less than a year and he did not investigate Hunter Biden or the company he sat on.

I have no idea where you got your information, but it could not have come from a reliable source. From news sources that are far more trustworthy than CNN, the NYT and a host of others who are reporters in name only, it is clear that Trump's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015.

“Earlier this year, I returned to this topic in an interview on The Savage Nation with John Solomon of The Hill. In our conversation, I questioned how Ukraine became so critical to this corruption.

Solomon explained,

“It's (Ukraine) the hub. And so at that very moment where there's a transition of power and there's also that very tense moment of the invasion of Crimea by Russian forces, so a sovereign territory of Ukraine being invaded by Russia at the beginning of 2014. President Obama defers his authority and says, ‘I'm making Joe Biden my point man in Ukraine. He's going to take care of this crisis. He's going to build out the government, we're going to get this situation dealt with.’ And so Biden starts jumping across the pond and visiting Ukraine on a regular basis, meeting with the president. “Well, a funny thing happened. Not just a few weeks after Biden takes over the portfolium, a natural gas company called Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, hires Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden to join its board. And that in and of itself is a little suspicious, right? There's no evidence that Hunter Biden had any experience in Ukraine law or Ukraine natural gas, but he's suddenly added to the board. So his son cashes in and gets a great job in Ukraine and it goes on for a couple of years.”

Solomon explained that later Ukrainian authorities began investigating transfers being made to Hunter Biden:

“They have a wide ranging and criminal investigation and they determined in late fall 2015 according to the very records I've seen in Ukrainian court, that they want to interview Hunter Biden. "Why are you taking this money as a board member? What is it for and is there any chance the money is really to influence your father who is a vice president in charge of Ukraine policy?" “It is at that moment that Joe Biden steps into the picture in a different role. He has a conversation with president Poroshenko, now the Western friendly president, and tells him, ‘I want you to fire the general prosecutor in your country. I want him gone.’ Poroshenko questions, ‘Why? What has he done wrong?’ Biden tells him, ‘Don't worry, he's done something wrong. Just get rid of them.’"

"it is clear that Trump's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015."

Don't you mean Biden's son? :71:
Democrats doing what they do best racketeering and then accusing someone else to keep the heat off themselves.

What you don't know is that the UK wanted the prosecutor out as well and he refused to investigate anyone considered to be corrupt. He was in less than a year and he did not investigate Hunter Biden or the company he sat on.

I have no idea where you got your information, but it could not have come from a reliable source. From news sources that are far more trustworthy than CNN, the NYT and a host of others who are reporters in name only, it is clear that Trump's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015.

“Earlier this year, I returned to this topic in an interview on The Savage Nation with John Solomon of The Hill. In our conversation, I questioned how Ukraine became so critical to this corruption.

Solomon explained,

“It's (Ukraine) the hub. And so at that very moment where there's a transition of power and there's also that very tense moment of the invasion of Crimea by Russian forces, so a sovereign territory of Ukraine being invaded by Russia at the beginning of 2014. President Obama defers his authority and says, ‘I'm making Joe Biden my point man in Ukraine. He's going to take care of this crisis. He's going to build out the government, we're going to get this situation dealt with.’ And so Biden starts jumping across the pond and visiting Ukraine on a regular basis, meeting with the president. “Well, a funny thing happened. Not just a few weeks after Biden takes over the portfolium, a natural gas company called Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, hires Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden to join its board. And that in and of itself is a little suspicious, right? There's no evidence that Hunter Biden had any experience in Ukraine law or Ukraine natural gas, but he's suddenly added to the board. So his son cashes in and gets a great job in Ukraine and it goes on for a couple of years.”

Solomon explained that later Ukrainian authorities began investigating transfers being made to Hunter Biden:

“They have a wide ranging and criminal investigation and they determined in late fall 2015 according to the very records I've seen in Ukrainian court, that they want to interview Hunter Biden. "Why are you taking this money as a board member? What is it for and is there any chance the money is really to influence your father who is a vice president in charge of Ukraine policy?" “It is at that moment that Joe Biden steps into the picture in a different role. He has a conversation with president Poroshenko, now the Western friendly president, and tells him, ‘I want you to fire the general prosecutor in your country. I want him gone.’ Poroshenko questions, ‘Why? What has he done wrong?’ Biden tells him, ‘Don't worry, he's done something wrong. Just get rid of them.’"

"it is clear that Trump's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015."

Don't you mean Biden's son? :71:

What was I thinking? Thanks to you, I was able to make the proper edits
Democrats doing what they do best racketeering and then accusing someone else to keep the heat off themselves.

What you don't know is that the UK wanted the prosecutor out as well and he refused to investigate anyone considered to be corrupt. He was in less than a year and he did not investigate Hunter Biden or the company he sat on.

I have no idea where you got your information, but it could not have come from a reliable source. From news sources that are far more trustworthy than CNN, the NYT and a host of others who are reporters in name only, it is clear that Trump's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015.

“Earlier this year, I returned to this topic in an interview on The Savage Nation with John Solomon of The Hill. In our conversation, I questioned how Ukraine became so critical to this corruption.

Solomon explained,

“It's (Ukraine) the hub. And so at that very moment where there's a transition of power and there's also that very tense moment of the invasion of Crimea by Russian forces, so a sovereign territory of Ukraine being invaded by Russia at the beginning of 2014. President Obama defers his authority and says, ‘I'm making Joe Biden my point man in Ukraine. He's going to take care of this crisis. He's going to build out the government, we're going to get this situation dealt with.’ And so Biden starts jumping across the pond and visiting Ukraine on a regular basis, meeting with the president. “Well, a funny thing happened. Not just a few weeks after Biden takes over the portfolium, a natural gas company called Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, hires Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden to join its board. And that in and of itself is a little suspicious, right? There's no evidence that Hunter Biden had any experience in Ukraine law or Ukraine natural gas, but he's suddenly added to the board. So his son cashes in and gets a great job in Ukraine and it goes on for a couple of years.”

Solomon explained that later Ukrainian authorities began investigating transfers being made to Hunter Biden:

“They have a wide ranging and criminal investigation and they determined in late fall 2015 according to the very records I've seen in Ukrainian court, that they want to interview Hunter Biden. "Why are you taking this money as a board member? What is it for and is there any chance the money is really to influence your father who is a vice president in charge of Ukraine policy?" “It is at that moment that Joe Biden steps into the picture in a different role. He has a conversation with president Poroshenko, now the Western friendly president, and tells him, ‘I want you to fire the general prosecutor in your country. I want him gone.’ Poroshenko questions, ‘Why? What has he done wrong?’ Biden tells him, ‘Don't worry, he's done something wrong. Just get rid of them.’"

"it is clear that Trump's son was the subject of an investigation as early as 2015."

Don't you mean Biden's son? :71:

What was I thinking? Thanks to you, I was able to make the proper edits

I knew what you meant. I was following that story and knew precisely why Biden and company were black mailing the Ukrainian government.

. . . and now we know why the MSM is trying to gas light the American public about the whole story now.
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Republicans are the one who should be demanding an investigation and for Biden to testify on his dealings with Ukraine, they also should threatening to have his son testify as well.

Is honestly pathetic TRUMP has to do everything.

Most Republicans are weak and will let the Dems walk all over them. The dept of Justice should be investigating bidens collusion with ukraine. Joe can pound sand.

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