Corona, Part II


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I think the 1918 Spanish Flu actually began at a military camp in Kansas when 2 separate, prior outbreaks converged and mutated into the Level IV slate cleaner. Look at the Wuhan Flu bioweapons today, it's once again infected people in Wuhan. Is it possible that the ChiComs will now release a second, far deadlier pathogen?

Also, since Biden has disappeared from the public eye and will not be the Dem nominee, it's clear that if Bernie won't step up and grab the nomination, one of his Bernie Bros will. They will DEMAND that Bernie - or soneone to their liking, be the nominee.
The patient who recieved the transplant on the 28th of February had been told they had only days to live having suffered irreparable damage to their lungs from COVID-19, but within 5 days a matching ‘brain dead’ donor had been found and the lungs sent to them by high-speed rail.

and there you have it. Now lungs are being harvested.

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