Corona Virus Proves Trump Was Right on Borders and Trade

On January 31, as the Corona Virus began making the news, Joe Biden said, “We have, right now, a crisis with the Corona Virus. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

President Donald John Trump had just imposed travel restrictions on Red China, including the quarantining of travelers returning home.

Closing the border made sense, which of course is why Biden and the rest of his party oppose it. Their hatred of the president has made them dumber than a kid eating a bag of lead chips.

Don Surber: Corona Virus proves Trump is correct

The Left are praying to Satan for a pandemic in America to take down Trump.
Of course you ignore Trump disbanding the CDC's response team! Why? Can't let anything tarnish your little tin god?

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Trump is not at fault for China failure to contain the virus, so had China great Healthcare system done it job then you would not need the CDC in this country to help figure out how to stop the spread...
If he was doing his job, he wouldn't need China to do theirs.
so we need to prevent viruses from breaking loose in communist countries with government healthcare ? and as far as action taken you can bet the hard charging multitasking POTUS will streamline and remove the red tape to get people on the ball to fast track development of a vaccine treatment and containment .
Don't put words in my mouth. The question is, why did Trump gut the the CDC's pandemic response team? I can just imagine what would have been said, if Obama had done that during the Ebola scare.

And yet China has failed to contain another virus and you blame Trump and the CDC as usual...
On January 31, as the Corona Virus began making the news, Joe Biden said, “We have, right now, a crisis with the Corona Virus. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

President Donald John Trump had just imposed travel restrictions on Red China, including the quarantining of travelers returning home.

Closing the border made sense, which of course is why Biden and the rest of his party oppose it. Their hatred of the president has made them dumber than a kid eating a bag of lead chips.

Don Surber: Corona Virus proves Trump is correct

The Left are praying to Satan for a pandemic in America to take down Trump.
Of course you ignore Trump disbanding the CDC's response team! Why? Can't let anything tarnish your little tin god?

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Trump is not at fault for China failure to contain the virus, so had China great Healthcare system done it job then you would not need the CDC in this country to help figure out how to stop the spread...
If he was doing his job, he wouldn't need China to do theirs.


The virus originated in China, so this is now Trump fault?

Where the hell do you get your damn logic?
Of course you ignore Trump disbanding the CDC's response team! Why? Can't let anything tarnish your little tin god?

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Trump is not at fault for China failure to contain the virus, so had China great Healthcare system done it job then you would not need the CDC in this country to help figure out how to stop the spread...
If he was doing his job, he wouldn't need China to do theirs.
so we need to prevent viruses from breaking loose in communist countries with government healthcare ? and as far as action taken you can bet the hard charging multitasking POTUS will streamline and remove the red tape to get people on the ball to fast track development of a vaccine treatment and containment .
Don't put words in my mouth. The question is, why did Trump gut the the CDC's pandemic response team? I can just imagine what would have been said, if Obama had done that during the Ebola scare.
he didnt gut the cdc.
Of course you ignore Trump disbanding the CDC's response team! Why? Can't let anything tarnish your little tin god?

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Trump is not at fault for China failure to contain the virus, so had China great Healthcare system done it job then you would not need the CDC in this country to help figure out how to stop the spread...
If he was doing his job, he wouldn't need China to do theirs.
so we need to prevent viruses from breaking loose in communist countries with government healthcare ? and as far as action taken you can bet the hard charging multitasking POTUS will streamline and remove the red tape to get people on the ball to fast track development of a vaccine treatment and containment .
Don't put words in my mouth. The question is, why did Trump gut the the CDC's pandemic response team? I can just imagine what would have been said, if Obama had done that during the Ebola scare.
he didnt gut the cdc.
so a strong economy has no bearing on your income ! what do have going on a magic money tree !

Unless it got so bad that my employer went out of business, then I am not sure how it would. I will be with my current job till I retire as long as the company exist.

On top of that my wife is an RN, about the most recession proof job in the country, plus she recently started working for the VA which makes it 100% recession proof.
cool the VA and hospitals all over the world need good doctors and nurses .... but many Americans are effected by economic policies when it comes to job security ....
Trump is not at fault for China failure to contain the virus, so had China great Healthcare system done it job then you would not need the CDC in this country to help figure out how to stop the spread...
If he was doing his job, he wouldn't need China to do theirs.
so we need to prevent viruses from breaking loose in communist countries with government healthcare ? and as far as action taken you can bet the hard charging multitasking POTUS will streamline and remove the red tape to get people on the ball to fast track development of a vaccine treatment and containment .
Don't put words in my mouth. The question is, why did Trump gut the the CDC's pandemic response team? I can just imagine what would have been said, if Obama had done that during the Ebola scare.
he didnt gut the cdc.
AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness
so a strong economy has no bearing on your income ! what do have going on a magic money tree !

Unless it got so bad that my employer went out of business, then I am not sure how it would. I will be with my current job till I retire as long as the company exist.

On top of that my wife is an RN, about the most recession proof job in the country, plus she recently started working for the VA which makes it 100% recession proof.
cool the VA and hospitals all over the world need good doctors and nurses .... but many Americans are effected by economic policies when it comes to job security ....

They do, and even though I am biased my wife is an amazing nurse. At her last job she had doctors that requested her for their patients. That is the ultimate compliment for a nurse.

I understand that many Americans are effected by economic policies when it comes to job security. I tried to find a career that was less so, I think I have succeeded. I guess time will tell. I got out of the Corps in the middle of the last recession and found out how little 20 years of military service and a bachelors meant in the real world, and it was not much. So, I changed my situation.
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Obama never wrote a book

I mean, that's just dumb.
The Chosen One never wrote his own stuff

bill ayers used to be his surrogate pen

but I dont know who it is recently

Of course you believe Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book. That makes a lot of sense. Do me a favor and post the video of Ayers when he claimed (super seriously too) that he wrote it. That would make my day.
If only criminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisions

Neat, bud. Thanks for the insight.

EDIT: Revisiting this. If only crminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisons? Is that how that would work?
Circumstantial evidence, or eyewitness testimony would not count unless the accused choose to confess
Trump didnt write the laws but he was smart enough to take advantage of them

You mean take advantage of others.
He followed the laws written by congress

I remember when personal responsibility was a thing.

EDIT: It's you, I better explain since you're a fauxervative. Taking 'personal responsibility' or 'pulling yourself up by your bootstraps' were at one time conservative talking points, usually thrown into the mix to lower our social safety nets to guilt people into voting against their own best interests. I just thought it need to be explained to you.
I dont know what prompted outburst but I’m all for personal responsibility

Sure you are. Like stiffing your creditors with the bill kind of personal responsibility. Do you suffer from short term memory loss or are you aware that you contradict yourself a lot?
The law is the law

If you dont like it petition congress to change it
Of course you ignore Trump disbanding the CDC's response team! Why? Can't let anything tarnish your little tin god?

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Trump is not at fault for China failure to contain the virus, so had China great Healthcare system done it job then you would not need the CDC in this country to help figure out how to stop the spread...
If he was doing his job, he wouldn't need China to do theirs.
so we need to prevent viruses from breaking loose in communist countries with government healthcare ? and as far as action taken you can bet the hard charging multitasking POTUS will streamline and remove the red tape to get people on the ball to fast track development of a vaccine treatment and containment .
Don't put words in my mouth. The question is, why did Trump gut the the CDC's pandemic response team? I can just imagine what would have been said, if Obama had done that during the Ebola scare.

And yet China has failed to contain another virus and you blame Trump and the CDC as usual...
The woman in CA who was the first person to contract the virus from an unknown source appears to have been infected by virtue of the HHS sending unqualified, ill-equipped people to handle the return of US citizens from China. It's the incident that is the subject of the whistleblower complaint made against HHS for which the person filing the complaint was threatened with being fired.

Coronavirus safety protocols not followed at federal quarantine sites, whistleblower says
Coronavirus safety protocols not followed at federal quarantine sites, whistleblower says
This is exactly the kind of incompetent response that happens when you put a hack like Azar, a pharmaceutical company lobbyist, in charge of an agency he is unqualified to run.

Bottom line, the lacking of testing kits, the lack of a coherent message warning the public about what is to come, the lack of a plan to be able to handle the flood of patients once hospitals become overwhelmed, the downplaying of the threat the virus posed because Trump denied something like this could happen, the lack of health experts to coordinate the response after they were fired, all these things put on display how Trump has already bungled the government's reaction to the severity of the threat.

CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak

Feb. 1, 2018 at 11:53 a.m. MST
Four years after the United States pledged to help the world fight infectious-disease epidemics such as Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is dramatically downsizing its epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries because money is running out, U.S. government officials said.

The CDC programs, part of a global health security initiative, train front-line workers in outbreak detection and work to strengthen laboratory and emergency response systems in countries where disease risks are greatest. The goal is to stop future outbreaks at their source.

Most of the funding comes from a one-time, five-year emergency package that Congress approved to respond to the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa. About $600 million was awarded to the CDC to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics. That money is slated to run out by September 2019. Despite statements from President Trump and senior administration officials affirming the importance of controlling outbreaks, officials and global infectious-disease experts are not anticipating that the administration will budget additional resources.
I dislike money? Is this another made up argument of yours?

So those bankruptcies which were caused by tariffs and not China and not all the farmers are being bailed out either.
The farm subsidy money

Yeah, it's called taxes collected from you and me and given to someone else. Some have described that as socialism.
Blue states have been giving to the red since I can remember Bet you can't get one Repub to admit that

Well, yes Ed you are correct, as long as you take into account that most of the military bases are in red states. That is why the numbers get skewed. And you have to understand; they weren't put there because they were red states, they were just put there for defense purposes.

But, not to be nasty, if you want to cut off the money, we red states will cut off the food-) Lets see how much of the money you are willing to pay not to starve to death!
Ima It all depends on how much welfare trump gives them....BTW we have farms in blue states too and plenty of land to build more Republicans in congress have always made sure to satisfy their base.....BTW notice the billions trump gives to big Pharma while his base can't afford their medicine?
Farm aid has always been bipartisan

Now the chinese communists and democrats in congress want to make American farmers the enemy
Obama never wrote a book

I mean, that's just dumb.
The Chosen One never wrote his own stuff

bill ayers used to be his surrogate pen

but I dont know who it is recently

Of course you believe Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book. That makes a lot of sense. Do me a favor and post the video of Ayers when he claimed (super seriously too) that he wrote it. That would make my day.

In the meantime you actually have the author of Trump's book outright claiming Trump had little to do with it, but let's ignore that.
Ayers: I wrote Obama's book!

Are you in on the joke?

DISCLAIMER: Ayers is joking, of course.
You are entitled to you opinion
The farm subsidy money

Yeah, it's called taxes collected from you and me and given to someone else. Some have described that as socialism.
Blue states have been giving to the red since I can remember Bet you can't get one Repub to admit that

Well, yes Ed you are correct, as long as you take into account that most of the military bases are in red states. That is why the numbers get skewed. And you have to understand; they weren't put there because they were red states, they were just put there for defense purposes.

But, not to be nasty, if you want to cut off the money, we red states will cut off the food-) Lets see how much of the money you are willing to pay not to starve to death!
Ima It all depends on how much welfare trump gives them....BTW we have farms in blue states too and plenty of land to build more Republicans in congress have always made sure to satisfy their base.....BTW notice the billions trump gives to big Pharma while his base can't afford their medicine?
Farm aid has always been bipartisan

Now the chinese communists and democrats in congress want to make American farmers the enemy
We have seen the enemy ,and it's you. Trump vomits on America ,our constitution ,thinks he's a king ,and not one coward in the repub senate opens their yap??
I mean, that's just dumb.
The Chosen One never wrote his own stuff

bill ayers used to be his surrogate pen

but I dont know who it is recently

Of course you believe Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book. That makes a lot of sense. Do me a favor and post the video of Ayers when he claimed (super seriously too) that he wrote it. That would make my day.
If only criminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisions

Neat, bud. Thanks for the insight.

EDIT: Revisiting this. If only crminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisons? Is that how that would work?
Circumstantial evidence, or eyewitness testimony would not count unless the accused choose to confess

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. What does any of this have to do with the ridiculous claim that Obama didn't write his own book?
I mean, that's just dumb.
The Chosen One never wrote his own stuff

bill ayers used to be his surrogate pen

but I dont know who it is recently

Of course you believe Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book. That makes a lot of sense. Do me a favor and post the video of Ayers when he claimed (super seriously too) that he wrote it. That would make my day.

In the meantime you actually have the author of Trump's book outright claiming Trump had little to do with it, but let's ignore that.
Ayers: I wrote Obama's book!

Are you in on the joke?

DISCLAIMER: Ayers is joking, of course.
You are entitled to you opinion

OMG, you suck at being here.
Yeah, it's called taxes collected from you and me and given to someone else. Some have described that as socialism.
Blue states have been giving to the red since I can remember Bet you can't get one Repub to admit that

Well, yes Ed you are correct, as long as you take into account that most of the military bases are in red states. That is why the numbers get skewed. And you have to understand; they weren't put there because they were red states, they were just put there for defense purposes.

But, not to be nasty, if you want to cut off the money, we red states will cut off the food-) Lets see how much of the money you are willing to pay not to starve to death!
Ima It all depends on how much welfare trump gives them....BTW we have farms in blue states too and plenty of land to build more Republicans in congress have always made sure to satisfy their base.....BTW notice the billions trump gives to big Pharma while his base can't afford their medicine?
Farm aid has always been bipartisan

Now the chinese communists and democrats in congress want to make American farmers the enemy
We have seen the enemy ,and it's you. Trump vomits on America ,our constitution ,thinks he's a king ,and not one coward in the repub senate opens their yap??
Thats hysterical nonsense

liberals have been flipped out since trump beat hillary in 2016
There are now more than 80000 coronavirus cases with 3000 dead. Donald Trump was furious about the stock market crashing with the highest losses since the last crash 10 years ago that he blasted health officials who brought it to the attention of Congress. Since then he has appointed VP Penis as the only person to control what information gets let out and started a media campaign through Fox that this is nothing more than a Democratic plot to bring him down because they couldn't get him through impeachment.

Hey Donald? How the fuck did the Democrats kill 3000 foreigners in 34 countries just to bring you down?
The Chosen One never wrote his own stuff

bill ayers used to be his surrogate pen

but I dont know who it is recently

Of course you believe Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book. That makes a lot of sense. Do me a favor and post the video of Ayers when he claimed (super seriously too) that he wrote it. That would make my day.
If only criminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisions

Neat, bud. Thanks for the insight.

EDIT: Revisiting this. If only crminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisons? Is that how that would work?
Circumstantial evidence, or eyewitness testimony would not count unless the accused choose to confess

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. What does any of this have to do with the ridiculous claim that Obama didn't write his own book?
I cant make it an plainer than I already have

so I suppose you will just have to remain in the dark
There are now more than 80000 coronavirus cases with 3000 dead. Donald Trump was furious about the stock market crashing with the highest losses since the last crash 10 years ago that he blasted health officials who brought it to the attention of Congress. Since then he has appointed VP Penis as the only person to control what information gets let out and started a media campaign through Fox that this is nothing more than a Democratic plot to bring him down because they couldn't get him through impeachment. Hey Donald? How the fuck did the Democrats kill 3000 foreigners in 34 countries just to bring you down?
It's just a deflection to hide the fact that Trump stripped the CDC of its ability to effectively respond to an emergency.

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Of course you believe Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book. That makes a lot of sense. Do me a favor and post the video of Ayers when he claimed (super seriously too) that he wrote it. That would make my day.
If only criminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisions

Neat, bud. Thanks for the insight.

EDIT: Revisiting this. If only crminals who confess went to jail we would need fewer prisons? Is that how that would work?
Circumstantial evidence, or eyewitness testimony would not count unless the accused choose to confess

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. What does any of this have to do with the ridiculous claim that Obama didn't write his own book?
I cant make it an plainer than I already have

so I suppose you will just have to remain in the dark

There are now more than 80000 coronavirus cases with 3000 dead. Donald Trump was furious about the stock market crashing with the highest losses since the last crash 10 years ago that he blasted health officials who brought it to the attention of Congress. Since then he has appointed VP Penis as the only person to control what information gets let out and started a media campaign through Fox that this is nothing more than a Democratic plot to bring him down because they couldn't get him through impeachment. Hey Donald? How the fuck did the Democrats kill 3000 foreigners in 34 countries just to bring you down?
It's just a deflection to hide the fact that Trump stripped the CDC of its ability to effectively respond to an emergency.

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

OK, I give up! Have you heard Trump wants to invoke special powers made during the Korean war?


I dunno, maybe this will turn a lightbulb on for you------->Israeli scientists say they are just WEEKS away from developing a vaccine to beat coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

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