Coronavirus in African Americans and Other People of Color


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
It is being claimed it is because of their crowded living conditions and the kind of work they do.....but could that just be a cover story?

Has there been any scientific studies at all that would support that claim?

When it was first reported that blacks were more susceptible to the virus such claims were labeled racist.....but as it became increasingly documented that was the case....the powers that be quickly changed to .....because of their crowded living conditiona and the kind of work they do....they changed their story too quickly for it to have been based on science.
It's a convenient cover story for these mutants to push their agenda further and an excuse for their puppet masters on the left to jump all over it too.

It's a game. It always is.

Politicking every little single thing they can get their hands on.

There's white folk living in poverty yet the rates are higher for ethnic folk when it comes to certain aspects of Covid.

This is because the progressives and the left point-blank refuse to accept that there's differences between white folk and people of colours - many of them genetic.

But again, that doesn't fit the narrative. Hence why you see lunatics label the Covid bug "racist"
It is not at all inconceivable that there are some "racial" differences in susceptibility to
this or that sickness that HAVE NOTHING to do with "racism" An example is MULTIPLE
SCLEROSIS-------"whites" are far more likely-------is that ANTI-WHITE RACISM? ----nope---
just a matter of the way things are. In the world of CRT----there is no such thing as "the
way things are" ------everything is RACISM

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