Corporate Welfare To Be Reduced

If you don't understand that minimum wage outlaws unskilled labor, then you are. Think about it.

If you don't understand that employees make all of the income for a company....then you are. Think about it.

FYI; There isn't such a thing as unskilled labor.

There's such a thing as labor that society just doesn't value much. And minimum wage mandates make those jobs illegal. It's idiotic.

Promoted by greed, which the Lib-Repub sheep run with.

Says the far left Obama drone!
If you don't understand that minimum wage outlaws unskilled labor, then you are. Think about it.

If you don't understand that employees make all of the income for a company....then you are. Think about it.

FYI; There isn't such a thing as unskilled labor.

There's such a thing as labor that society just doesn't value much. And minimum wage mandates make those jobs illegal. It's idiotic.

Promoted by greed, which the Lib-Repub sheep run with.

What does that even mean? What is promoted by greed?

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I'll try again.

Employers don't decide what various kinds of labor are worth. Neither do employees. Consumers do. The reason burger flippers don't make much money is that society doesn't place much value on burger flipping. We can pass boneheaded legislation, decreeing that burger flippers should make twice as much money as they are currently making, but it won't change how much consumers value burger flipping. If it suddenly costs twice as much money to have our burgers flipped, people will find other ways to manage.

How about you? If fast-food prices doubled overnight, or even went up by fifty percent, would you change your dining habits? Or would you happily spend twice as much money on fast food because the law demanded it? Do you have the spare cash to do that?

A lot of people don't. And a lot of people won't. They simply don't place that much value on semi-crappy fast food. They'll buy it if it's cheap, but if it isn't, they'll find something else to eat, probably something better for them. In the end, this kind of stunt won't help burger flippers. Society won't "see the light" and agree that burger flipping is worth much more than they realized. It might help the people higher up the skill ladder who can do labor that consumers do value as much as the minimum wage demands. But the people on the bottom end of things will be out of luck. If they can't find an employer willing to pay them the higher wages, they can't work. Their best hope is charity or welfare, or flying under the radar doing something illegal. It's a cruel calculus when it comes right down to it - and it's no different than union thugs beating up "scabs" because they're pissed off that poor people will work for less money.
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Yes you have spammed that far left propaganda before on this board..

so with gas at $100/gallon and bread at $125 a loaf, not sure how your far left propaganda numbers will make things better only more expensive.

Nice try. My 'spam' was a direct answer to your post.

Then again if you want the economy to grow you need to put more money in the pockets of the people. Simple economics that the far left has not figured out.

If you back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation, how can gas reach $100/gallon and bread at $125 a loaf?

I know, I'm asking hard questions again.
A step in the right direction for fair taxation!

“Double Irish“ loophole to be abolished from Jan 1st 2015 for new companies. All new companies registered in Ireland will also have to be tax resident. For existing companies there will be a transition period until end of 2020.

Budget 2015 main points

A step in the right direction would be to have the almost half that don't pay income taxes paying their fair share or STFU about those already paying having more taken.

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