Corporate Welfare To Be Reduced

So what? Tell unskilled to get skilled, which will drive the MW even more.

As long as we're clear. Minimum wage laws ban employment of labor valued (by society) at beneath the 'minimum'. These laws tell people who can't convince someone to pay them an arbitrary minimum amount - "screw you, sign up for welfare".
Letting any entity keep more of its earnings is a good thing to me. Allowing loopholes in the tax code hardly constitutes welfare. The idea that a loophole for corporations - or anybody - unfairly shifts tax burdens to others is an ass-backwards way to look at this. We should be focusing on reducing tax burdens on all entities and, thereby, allowing them to keep more of their revenues by reducing government spending.

Besides, the idea of corporate tax is a sham anyway. The increased cost to business as a result of increased taxes, by direct taxation or elimination of these evil "loopholes", will ultimately be passed on to the ones who purchase the goods and services of these companies.

Let's all jump and cheer, for the government has stuck it to the middle class once again. Stupid assholes.
If you don't understand that minimum wage outlaws unskilled labor, then you are. Think about it.

If you don't understand that employees make all of the income for a company....then you are. Think about it.

FYI; There isn't such a thing as unskilled labor.
If you don't understand that minimum wage outlaws unskilled labor, then you are. Think about it.

If you don't understand that employees make all of the income for a company....then you are. Think about it.

FYI; There isn't such a thing as unskilled labor.

Actually there is, the far left continues to prove that programmed drones are the way to go. They will not question anything no matter how bad their guy is..
Letting any entity keep more of its earnings is a good thing to me. Allowing loopholes in the tax code hardly constitutes welfare. The idea that a loophole for corporations - or anybody - unfairly shifts tax burdens to others is an ass-backwards way to look at this. We should be focusing on reducing tax burdens on all entities and, thereby, allowing them to keep more of their revenues by reducing government spending.

Besides, the idea of corporate tax is a sham anyway. The increased cost to business as a result of increased taxes, by direct taxation or elimination of these evil "loopholes", will ultimately be passed on to the ones who purchase the goods and services of these companies.

Let's all jump and cheer, for the government has stuck it to the middle class once again. Stupid assholes.

Loopholes allow me to pay 4% effective 2013 federal tax on $26.5M. How much did you pay in effective federal tax last year?

So you think that corporate tax is a sham? You do know that I'm a Nevada corporation, as is Bill Gates, as are thousands of rich people.

The government (Democrats) didn't stick it to the middle class, Republicans and business did.
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It's important that, in an increasingly intense global competitive business environment, we do everything we can to put the screws to American employers.

That way, we can share our wealth with the rest of the world by allowing them to attract all those evil and nasty American and international corporations.

Because we care 'n stuff.

So this is all good.


It's important that, in an increasingly intense global competitive business environment, we do everything we can to put the screws to American employers.

That way, we can share our wealth with the rest of the world by allowing them to attract all those evil and nasty American and international corporations.

Because we care 'n stuff.

So this is all good.

It's important to get the middle class back on course. What exactly are the Republicans job growth ideas?

It's important that, in an increasingly intense global competitive business environment, we do everything we can to put the screws to American employers.

That way, we can share our wealth with the rest of the world by allowing them to attract all those evil and nasty American and international corporations.

Because we care 'n stuff.

So this is all good.

It's important to get the middle class back on course. What exactly are the Republicans job growth ideas?

Now remember to the far left union jobs = middle class.

Then again if you want the economy to grow you need to put more money in the pockets of the people. Simple economics that the far left has not figured out.

It's important that, in an increasingly intense global competitive business environment, we do everything we can to put the screws to American employers.

That way, we can share our wealth with the rest of the world by allowing them to attract all those evil and nasty American and international corporations.

Because we care 'n stuff.

So this is all good.

It's important to get the middle class back on course. What exactly are the Republicans job growth ideas?

Ask a Republican.

I don't like the "ideas" from either ridiculous party.

Now remember to the far left union jobs = middle class.

Then again if you want the economy to grow you need to put more money in the pockets of the people. Simple economics that the far left has not figured out.

Here is the answer:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
If you don't understand that minimum wage outlaws unskilled labor, then you are. Think about it.

If you don't understand that employees make all of the income for a company....then you are. Think about it.

FYI; There isn't such a thing as unskilled labor.

There's such a thing as labor that society just doesn't value much. And minimum wage mandates make those jobs illegal. It's idiotic.
Letting any entity keep more of its earnings is a good thing to me. Allowing loopholes in the tax code hardly constitutes welfare. The idea that a loophole for corporations - or anybody - unfairly shifts tax burdens to others is an ass-backwards way to look at this. We should be focusing on reducing tax burdens on all entities and, thereby, allowing them to keep more of their revenues by reducing government spending.

Besides, the idea of corporate tax is a sham anyway. The increased cost to business as a result of increased taxes, by direct taxation or elimination of these evil "loopholes", will ultimately be passed on to the ones who purchase the goods and services of these companies.

Let's all jump and cheer, for the government has stuck it to the middle class once again. Stupid assholes.

Loopholes allow me to pay 4% effective 2013 federal tax on $26.5M. How much did you pay in effective federal tax last year?

So you think that corporate tax is a sham? You do know that I'm a Nevada corporation, as is Bill Gates, as are thousands of rich people.

The government (Democrats) didn't stick it to the middle class, Republicans and business did.

You are a dupe. I have a corporation through which I conduct business. I am employed by the corporation. My personal income consists of W2 and K1 income from the corporation. I file both a corporate return and an individual return.

Corporations are currently taxed on income at a rate of 35% of their net taxable income. Many times the owner of a small corporation will hold over income rather than make a K-1 distribution for tax reasons. Of course, I have taken the sub-chapter S election so that my corp. income can pass through the entity and not be taxed twice.

Wealthy people usually do pay a lower PERCENTAGE of income tax because they have investment income and are taxed for capital gains (not income tax) at the rate of 20% (formerly 15% before the last gov shutdown deal) plus a 3.8% surcharge for income in excess of $250K which is channelled into ACA, aka "Obamacare", funding. The Capital Gains tax is lower than the marginal rates in most cases, and they are that way to encourage investment.

The truth is, the Capital Gains rate should never exceed 10%. The lower rate will cause most invest, which means more buying and selling of assets. This increases the number of taxing events and will increase tax revenue much greater and much more efficiently than will mindlessly bumping up the rate.

Despite your imaginary tax filing status you still have to file an annual 1040 Form with the IRS. I highly doubt that the IRS would let you get away with claiming that you have no taxable income as an individual if your financial circumstances show you as weath lay. They will impute income to you.

As far as having to pay only 4% of your gross in income taxes, all I have to say is this: Congratulations! I hope you accomplished this legally.

Obviously, when I was referring to corp. income tax as a sham I was referring to businesses, not you or people like you. Something tells me that you are lying because most people would not have to have this pointed out to them, as millionaires are generally pretty bright people. Thus, any of your dimwitted criticism in this point is misplaced.

There, do with that info. as you see fit. Consider yourselves more educated now. But, 1percent, you are an idiot. Obviously, corporations vary a great deal with respect to purpose and structure. I stand by each assertion I made in my prior post. If you are a one-percenter, then it is clear that you either inherited your money or attained it from some talent other than intellectual prowess. You do not have a clue.
You are a dupe. I have a corporation through which I conduct business. I am employed by the corporation. My personal income consists of W2 and K1 income from the corporation. I file both a corporate return and an individual return.

Corporations are currently taxed on income at a rate of 35% of their net taxable income. Many times the owner of a small corporation will hold over income rather than make a K-1 distribution for tax reasons. Of course, I have taken the sub-chapter S election so that my corp. income can pass through the entity and not be taxed twice.

Wealthy people usually do pay a lower PERCENTAGE of income tax because they have investment income and are taxed for capital gains (not income tax) at the rate of 20% (formerly 15% before the last gov shutdown deal) plus a 3.8% surcharge for income in excess of $250K which is channelled into ACA, aka "Obamacare", funding. The Capital Gains tax is lower than the marginal rates in most cases, and they are that way to encourage investment.

The truth is, the Capital Gains rate should never exceed 10%. The lower rate will cause most invest, which means more buying and selling of assets. This increases the number of taxing events and will increase tax revenue much greater and much more efficiently than will mindlessly bumping up the rate.

Despite your imaginary tax filing status you still have to file an annual 1040 Form with the IRS. I highly doubt that the IRS would let you get away with claiming that you have no taxable income as an individual if your financial circumstances show you as weath lay. They will impute income to you.

As far as having to pay only 4% of your gross in income taxes, all I have to say is this: Congratulations! I hope you accomplished this legally.

Obviously, when I was referring to corp. income tax as a sham I was referring to businesses, not you or people like you. Something tells me that you are lying because most people would not have to have this pointed out to them, as millionaires are generally pretty bright people. Thus, any of your dimwitted criticism in this point is misplaced.

There, do with that info. as you see fit. Consider yourselves more educated now. But, 1percent, you are an idiot. Obviously, corporations vary a great deal with respect to purpose and structure. I stand by each assertion I made in my prior post. If you are a one-percenter, then it is clear that you either inherited your money or attained it from some talent other than intellectual prowess. You do not have a clue.

Think of a family trust as a corporation. What's the job of a family trust? As a corporation, can't a family trust deduct all of the expenses of running and maintaining the corporation?

Since my expenses are paid by the trust, I don't have personal income above $1.00/yr, so I don't pay income tax.

Capital gains should be taxed as income. The exception is for people the make $100k/$150k single/married gross where the tax should be zero.
If you don't understand that minimum wage outlaws unskilled labor, then you are. Think about it.

If you don't understand that employees make all of the income for a company....then you are. Think about it.

FYI; There isn't such a thing as unskilled labor.

There's such a thing as labor that society just doesn't value much. And minimum wage mandates make those jobs illegal. It's idiotic.

Promoted by greed, which the Lib-Repub sheep run with.
Now remember to the far left union jobs = middle class.

Then again if you want the economy to grow you need to put more money in the pockets of the people. Simple economics that the far left has not figured out.

Here is the answer:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

Yes you have spammed that far left propaganda before on this board..

so with gas at $100/gallon and bread at $125 a loaf, not sure how your far left propaganda numbers will make things better only more expensive.

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