Corportate Tax Breaks Explained for Marixt Idiots


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
I just love it when pseudocons like yourself, JGalt, expose your ignorance of the giant ripoff that is our tax expenditure system. It only confirms you have no concept of libertarian or conservative principles.

Your analogy is completely flawed.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.
Watch the video in this link: No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
A fake libertarian espousing the benefits of govt picking winners and losers in markets. How special. ed.
I just love it when pseudocons like yourself, JGalt, expose your ignorance of the giant ripoff that is our tax expenditure system. It only confirms you have no concept of libertarian or conservative principles.

Your analogy is completely flawed.
It's worse than flawed. It's weird.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
A fake libertarian espousing the benefits of govt picking winners and losers in markets. How special. ed.
That's exactly what tax expenditures are. The government interfering in markets, choosing the winners and losers. Exactly.

And it is a massive government behavioral control program.

Like I said, no self-respecting libertarian would be caught dead defending them.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
oh. you were very excited when you posted this, eh? precious.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
A fake libertarian espousing the benefits of govt picking winners and losers in markets. How special. ed.
That's exactly what tax expenditures are. The government interfering in markets, choosing the winners and losers. Exactly.

And it is a massive government behavioral control program.

Like I said, no self-respecting libertarian would be caught dead defending them.
Of course they are, and Galt's absurdist OP shows it. The harbor owner gives one boat owner a deal so his overhead is lower than the other boat owners. Guess who has a govt provided leg up in winning in the market. LOL

Problem #2: The Current Code Delivers Special Interest Subsidies and Crony Capitalism. The tax code is littered with hundreds of preferences and subsidies that pick winners and losers and create complexity. Instead of free-market competition that rewards success, our tax code directs resources to politically favored interests, creating a drag on economic growth and job creation. In fact, Washington encourages individuals and businesses to make investment decisions based not on the most promising new technologies and innovations, but instead on the promise of tax savings. Many of these tax preferences, sometimes referred to as “tax expenditures,” are special-interest giveaways that are masked as tax breaks instead of direct grants. For fiscal year 2016, such “spending” through the tax code amounts to more than $1.4 trillion, or almost three-fourths of the amount of revenue raised by the entire Federal income tax. When Washington picks winners and losers with the tax code, the American people ultimately pay higher tax rates and keep less of their hard-earned money.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.

You're a Marxist idiot and don't have a fucking clue how capitalism even works. While you were typing your Marxist spew, ten more ship-owners decided they liked Mr. Sam's renovations, and decided to dock there.

And those riff-raff Mr. Hat employed? Two of them actually made enough to buy their own ships.

Go practice your Marxism somewhere else.
Now this would be hilarious. Someone try to fit that same old story to reality.

Here is the reality.

In the past 30 years, manufacturing output has doubled. Company owners replaced 87% of workers with automation and from what was left over, millions of jobs took GOP tax breaks and moved overseas.

Then, those same companies convinced ignorant right wing t@rds that the reason jobs had left is because companies, who now either don't have many workers to pay or pay super cheap labor pay much to much in TAXES. So making money hand over fist and owning 90% of the country and having the greatest wealth gap in history isn't enough. Not nearly enough. They want that last 10%.

After all that, who knows what else they want. But I'm sure some ignorant right winger can make up some weird story to justify it.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.

You're a Marxist idiot and don't have a fucking clue how capitalism even works. While you were typing your Marxist spew, ten more ship-owners decided they liked Mr. Sam's renovations, and decided to dock there.

And those riff-raff Mr. Hat employed? Two of them actually made enough to buy their own ships.

Go practice your Marxism somewhere else.
You sure these people for a loop.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.

You're a Marxist idiot and don't have a fucking clue how capitalism even works. While you were typing your Marxist spew, ten more ship-owners decided they liked Mr. Sam's renovations, and decided to dock there.

And those riff-raff Mr. Hat employed? Two of them actually made enough to buy their own ships.

Go practice your Marxism somewhere else.
You sure these people for a loop.
I'm glad you speak his language
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.

You're a Marxist idiot and don't have a fucking clue how capitalism even works. While you were typing your Marxist spew, ten more ship-owners decided they liked Mr. Sam's renovations, and decided to dock there.

And those riff-raff Mr. Hat employed? Two of them actually made enough to buy their own ships.

Go practice your Marxism somewhere else.
You should change your name. You have no idea what libertarianism is.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.

You're a Marxist idiot and don't have a fucking clue how capitalism even works. While you were typing your Marxist spew, ten more ship-owners decided they liked Mr. Sam's renovations, and decided to dock there.

And those riff-raff Mr. Hat employed? Two of them actually made enough to buy their own ships.

Go practice your Marxism somewhere else.
You sure these people for a loop.

Like flinging a snake in the monkey cage. :biggrin:
Here is a more apt analogy of the theft that is tax expenditures:

If a feudal lord had 20 serfs under him, and his annual expenditures came to $1000, he would have to tax each serf $50 to achieve a balanced budget.

If he then took $200 of this money and returned it to 5 of his favorite serfs, he would have $800 left. Not enough to cover his $1000 in expenses. And so he needs to tax everyone an additional $10 to balance his books. In short, he would have to raise the tax rates by 20 percent on everyone to come out even and to give the $200 gift to his five favorites. Or else he would have to borrow $200 (deficit spend) to give to his five favorites.

This is the system we have today.

Those 5 inner circle serfs tell themselves, "Woo hoo! I get to keep more of my money! Yay!", completely oblivious to the fact everyone is paying higher tax rates because of them, including themselves.

Instead of paying $50 in taxes, the other 15 serfs who are carrying them are paying $60 in taxes.

Bad for the economy. And wealth begins to unnaturally concentrate up to the favored five.
We have the highest corporate tax rate on the planet

We ALSO have a ton of tax loop holes, more than any other system on the planet....

The latter negates the former........Name FIVE large corporations who are actually paying the maximum tax rate.........A shell game based on lies and hypocrisy.

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