Corportate Tax Breaks Explained for Marixt Idiots

In actuality, the restaurant charges everyone more for steaks to make up for the discounts for people who wear the right tie. My analogy is dead on.

In real life, that is exactly what happens. I have provided the evidence directly from the people who writes the tax laws for our country in this topic SEVERAL times.
In real life businesses cannot raise prices unless others are raising prices.....discounts can come from ad budgets in order to bring in more customers which in turn results in more income...
Every gas station in my town has different prices. There is a 20 cent different per gallon between the highest and the lowest.

The price of the same loaf of bread differs from grocery story to grocery store. This is something I have tracked for many years on a wide variety of products in my town.

So in real life businesses do raise prices higher than their competitors. Open your eyes.

When you compare apples to apples people will typically go for the lower price...
Just like with tax expenditures, most people do not even notice they are being ripped off by higher priced apples.

Seriously, open your eyes. Start comparing like to like at the grocery stores in your town. Welches grape jelly. Bread. Land O'Lakes Butter. Milk. You'll be amazed.

Then ask yourself why.

When you consistently pay more at one grocery store over another grocery store you start going to the cheaper grocery store....
And yet the more expensive grocery stores in my town are still there.

This is where Libertarians (capital L) and I part ways. They have zero understanding of human behaviors.
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
In real life businesses cannot raise prices unless others are raising prices.....discounts can come from ad budgets in order to bring in more customers which in turn results in more income...
Every gas station in my town has different prices. There is a 20 cent different per gallon between the highest and the lowest.

The price of the same loaf of bread differs from grocery story to grocery store. This is something I have tracked for many years on a wide variety of products in my town.

So in real life businesses do raise prices higher than their competitors. Open your eyes.

When you compare apples to apples people will typically go for the lower price...
Just like with tax expenditures, most people do not even notice they are being ripped off by higher priced apples.

Seriously, open your eyes. Start comparing like to like at the grocery stores in your town. Welches grape jelly. Bread. Land O'Lakes Butter. Milk. You'll be amazed.

Then ask yourself why.

When you consistently pay more at one grocery store over another grocery store you start going to the cheaper grocery store....
And yet the more expensive grocery stores in my town are still there.

This is where Libertarians (capital L) and I part ways. They have zero understanding of human behaviors.
Those stores could be there for various reasons......closer to the buyer, more products, better service, etc.
Hundreds of years without a wall. Suddenly it is a "basic requirement". A "necessity".

The Know Nothings wanted to build barriers to the Irish and the French and the Germans and the Italians, too.

Same bullshit, different century.
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....
Hundreds of years without a wall. Suddenly it is a "basic requirement". A "necessity".

The Know Nothings wanted to build barriers to the Irish and the French and the Germans and the Italians, too.

Same bullshit, different century.
It falls under Defense.....when you got Mongol hordes swarming over the border what are you gonna do?
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....
Yes, the real conservatives. There are not many left these days.

As I have said many times on this forum, there as a time when a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Today, a person calling themselves a "conservative" is most likely the dumbest person in the room.

This is why I spend so much time kicking the pseudocons in the balls. We have to take the movement back from the bigots, tards, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....
Yes, the real conservatives. There are not many left these days.

As I have said many times on this forum, there as a time when a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Today, a person calling themselves a "conservative" is most likely the dumbest person in the room.

This is why I spend so much time kicking the pseudocons in the balls. We have to take the movement back from the bigots, tards, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.
Our schools are failing us...
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....

Building a wall is reducing? You mean the right expands what they want and the left expands what they want.
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....

Building a wall is reducing? You mean the right expands what they want and the left expands what they want.
Except what the Left wants costs more...
Speaking of real conservatives and smaller government, another way you can tell if a politician is a conservative is by their approach to regulations.

You see, there are two incentives for special interests to bribe our American Politboro with campaign donations.

The first incentive is tax expenditures. If you take away the ability to put tax breaks in the tax code from politicians, then you have removed the incentive for special interest to pay the politicians to put them in there and to keep them in there.

By banning tax expenditures, you have instant campaign finance reform that would actually work. And this would have an effect on the re-election rate of incumbents which currently stands at 98 percent in the House and 90 percent in the Senate. That's why I call Congress the American Politboro: 98 percent re-election rate.

The second bribery incentive is regulation whose sole purpose is to prevent competitors from breaking into the marketplace. There are sclerotic corporations out there whose business models would implode if competitors with better methods were allowed to break into the market with them. Our financial institutions are especially broken and especially protected by our American Politboro, and this is going to lead to the destruction of our capitalist system if we allow this to continue.

I believe in smart regulations, not NO regulations. This, too, separates me from the capital L Libertarians.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

lol, is this a rhetorical question?
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....

Building a wall is reducing? You mean the right expands what they want and the left expands what they want.
Except what the Left wants costs more...
Nothing costs more than what we spend on Defense and tax expenditures.

Republicans are the worst abusers of tax expenditures. It is a way to hide government spending. Liberals are more open about their spending ways.

Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less. That's bullshit. Make them only able to spend what they collect.
City B's tax rate for all is lower than city A's which is the incentive for companies to do business in city B.
Ireland's tax rate is lower than ours. Businesses prefer doing business in Ireland as oppose to the United States. How does a country entice business? Same way Ireland did.

Here. You choose the best place to make and keep your money:
USA corporate tax rate: 38.9%
Ireland corporate tax rate: 12.5%

It is just plain old common sense. Companies produce jobs, jobs produce paychecks. America needs to get back to work again.

The VAT tax in Ireland is 23% (with some lower rates on specifics).

What's the US VAT tax?
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
So you really weren't serious about cutting
ALL spending. You are even for increasing spending. Very fiscally responsible.
OK....let's make it clearer for you.....cut ALL spending except for the basic requirements of the Fed govt....
"Basic requirements".

Ah, there's the rub!
Yes......the Left tends to expand them and the Right tries to reduce them (at least the real conservatives)....

Building a wall is reducing? You mean the right expands what they want and the left expands what they want.
Except what the Left wants costs more...

The best we can get is the right cuts what the left likes while spending more on what the right wants. Not really a cut in spending at all...
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.

No, you believe ALL money belongs to the Gov and that we should all just bend over and be thankful for what they "they" let us keep.
Speaking of real conservatives and smaller government, another way you can tell if a politician is a conservative is by their approach to regulations.

You see, there are two incentives for special interests to bribe our American Politboro with campaign donations.

The first incentive is tax expenditures. If you take away the ability to put tax breaks in the tax code from politicians, then you have removed the incentive for special interest to pay the politicians to put them in there and to keep them in there.

By banning tax expenditures, you have instant campaign finance reform that would actually work. And this would have an effect on the re-election rate of incumbents which currently stands at 98 percent in the House and 90 percent in the Senate. That's why I call Congress the American Politboro: 98 percent re-election rate.

The second bribery incentive is regulation whose sole purpose is to prevent competitors from breaking into the marketplace. There are sclerotic corporations out there whose business models would implode if competitors with better methods were allowed to break into the market with them. Our financial institutions are especially broken and especially protected by our American Politboro, and this is going to lead to the destruction of our capitalist system if we allow this to continue.

I believe in smart regulations, not NO regulations. This, too, separates me from the capital L Libertarians.

You're every bit as stupid as Starkey is, hell I wouldn't be surprised if you ARE Fake Starkey.

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