Corrupt Son of a Bitch

Agreed. Our government that spends trillions enriching the rich should stop, and start directing more money to the poor.

No, the fed should stick to the guidelines outlined in the Constitution and not be "helping" anyone. That is not the role of government.
LOL. The feds aren’t abiding by the constitution. They violate it every day. Nearly all the spending they do, isn’t in the Constitution.

Welfare for the poor isn't doing them any favors, obviously. It makes them dependent on taxpayers is all. A lot don't even take advantage of the programs that are offered by social service systems to help get them off the system. They can get free job training and other such perks while they are collecting. I don't feel sorry if they don't do anything to make their own lives better, and don't feel it is my responsibility to provide them with iPhones, etc.
You should feel sorry. Many Americans are suffering, while the 1% is partying like it’s 1999. I would rather the suffering stop.

Some of those 1% have worked hard and earned their position in life. Some were born into it. Nobody ever said life was "fair." If you aren't born into money, then you must work to achieve success. I see no reason to take from a person who has worked to earn success.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.
No, the fed should stick to the guidelines outlined in the Constitution and not be "helping" anyone. That is not the role of government.
LOL. The feds aren’t abiding by the constitution. They violate it every day. Nearly all the spending they do, isn’t in the Constitution.

Welfare for the poor isn't doing them any favors, obviously. It makes them dependent on taxpayers is all. A lot don't even take advantage of the programs that are offered by social service systems to help get them off the system. They can get free job training and other such perks while they are collecting. I don't feel sorry if they don't do anything to make their own lives better, and don't feel it is my responsibility to provide them with iPhones, etc.
You should feel sorry. Many Americans are suffering, while the 1% is partying like it’s 1999. I would rather the suffering stop.

Some of those 1% have worked hard and earned their position in life. Some were born into it. Nobody ever said life was "fair." If you aren't born into money, then you must work to achieve success. I see no reason to take from a person who has worked to earn success.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
LOL. The feds aren’t abiding by the constitution. They violate it every day. Nearly all the spending they do, isn’t in the Constitution.

Welfare for the poor isn't doing them any favors, obviously. It makes them dependent on taxpayers is all. A lot don't even take advantage of the programs that are offered by social service systems to help get them off the system. They can get free job training and other such perks while they are collecting. I don't feel sorry if they don't do anything to make their own lives better, and don't feel it is my responsibility to provide them with iPhones, etc.
You should feel sorry. Many Americans are suffering, while the 1% is partying like it’s 1999. I would rather the suffering stop.

Some of those 1% have worked hard and earned their position in life. Some were born into it. Nobody ever said life was "fair." If you aren't born into money, then you must work to achieve success. I see no reason to take from a person who has worked to earn success.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.
Welfare for the poor isn't doing them any favors, obviously. It makes them dependent on taxpayers is all. A lot don't even take advantage of the programs that are offered by social service systems to help get them off the system. They can get free job training and other such perks while they are collecting. I don't feel sorry if they don't do anything to make their own lives better, and don't feel it is my responsibility to provide them with iPhones, etc.
You should feel sorry. Many Americans are suffering, while the 1% is partying like it’s 1999. I would rather the suffering stop.

Some of those 1% have worked hard and earned their position in life. Some were born into it. Nobody ever said life was "fair." If you aren't born into money, then you must work to achieve success. I see no reason to take from a person who has worked to earn success.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.

I don't think it is protection for the wealthy as much as it is about the economy, job creators, etc. Poor people will never create jobs or wealth for the country.
One of our biggest problems with the poor and homeless is drug addiction.
Spot on. That is self-medication. It's no coincidence that, once the rug was pulled out from under mentally ill people in the form of shutting down state hospitals, the homeless population exploded.

Those “state hospitals” for the mentally ill were literally the stuff of horror movies.

Some of them for sure. Probably not all of them though.

"On June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court held in Olmstead vs. L.C. that it is a violation of the civil rights of Americans with disabilities to require a person to be institutionalized in order to receive necessary disability supports and services, if these services are more appropriately provided in the community ." Psychiatric Hospitals-CMH 2010 (2).pdf
One of our biggest problems with the poor and homeless is drug addiction.
Spot on. That is self-medication. It's no coincidence that, once the rug was pulled out from under mentally ill people in the form of shutting down state hospitals, the homeless population exploded.

Those “state hospitals” for the mentally ill were literally the stuff of horror movies.

Some of them for sure. Probably not all of them though.

"On June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court held in Olmstead vs. L.C. that it is a violation of the civil rights of Americans with disabilities to require a person to be institutionalized in order to receive necessary disability supports and services, if these services are more appropriately provided in the community ." Psychiatric Hospitals-CMH 2010 (2).pdf

"if these services are more appropriately provided in the community ."

Do you think this is working? Doesn't seem to be working.
One of our biggest problems with the poor and homeless is drug addiction.
Spot on. That is self-medication. It's no coincidence that, once the rug was pulled out from under mentally ill people in the form of shutting down state hospitals, the homeless population exploded.

Those “state hospitals” for the mentally ill were literally the stuff of horror movies.

Some of them for sure. Probably not all of them though.

"On June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court held in Olmstead vs. L.C. that it is a violation of the civil rights of Americans with disabilities to require a person to be institutionalized in order to receive necessary disability supports and services, if these services are more appropriately provided in the community ." Psychiatric Hospitals-CMH 2010 (2).pdf

Hard call to make, taking away an individual's rights in order to force them to get treatment versus the safety and welfare of the community as a whole.
"Creedmoor Psychiatric opened in 1912 as the Farm Colony of Brooklyn State Hospital and is still running in Queens. There are some places that have been abandoned to rot: most notably, Building 25, which the hospital ceased using in 1975.

This ward gained its reputation from a series of reports documenting brutal treatments of patients. In the 1970s, rumors began to emerge about an abundance of patient abuse including rapes, murders, suicides and beatings. In 1984, a nurse’s aid hit a patient in the throat with a blackjack. The man, Robert Venegas, was restrained in a straitjacket at the time, and died due to asphyxiation--the aide had crushed his throat."

5 Insane Asylums and the Horrors That Happened There
Back to the topic of socialism, do people really believe that socialism would be a utopia for the little guy? That rich, powerful people are going to give up their power and money for the little guy? I kind of think that it would have the opposite effect and the poor would not even have an opportunity to escape, and the middle class (those who are making it even if not rich) would be dissolved. We would be at the mercy of government. To me, that is crazy to even consider. We should never give away our freedoms and let the government take care of us. In fact, I think one of the biggest problems is that government is too big and too powerful now as it is.
You should feel sorry. Many Americans are suffering, while the 1% is partying like it’s 1999. I would rather the suffering stop.

Some of those 1% have worked hard and earned their position in life. Some were born into it. Nobody ever said life was "fair." If you aren't born into money, then you must work to achieve success. I see no reason to take from a person who has worked to earn success.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.

I don't think it is protection for the wealthy as much as it is about the economy, job creators, etc. Poor people will never create jobs or wealth for the country.
Really? After what the government did in the last recession, you think that. I just can’t believe it.
Some of those 1% have worked hard and earned their position in life. Some were born into it. Nobody ever said life was "fair." If you aren't born into money, then you must work to achieve success. I see no reason to take from a person who has worked to earn success.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.

I don't think it is protection for the wealthy as much as it is about the economy, job creators, etc. Poor people will never create jobs or wealth for the country.
Really? After what the government did in the last recession, you think that. I just can’t believe it.

You do realize that those banks failing would have affected MILLIONS of people's retirement plans and put them in the poor house? Again, that was done because of the economic consequences of allowing it to happen. I do think they should have let them fail though. Retirement plans shouldn't be dependent on stock market gambles, and they could have restructured under Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The problem is cronyism between big business and politicians. I hold the government and politicians most at fault because they are the ones who could make changes and do not. The corporations are going to take advantage of lobbying, tax loop holes and other things. That is a given. The fact that our politicians cooperate with them, take money from them, etc., is the bigger issue and something they don't have to do but do anyway to enrich themselves.
That not the point. The government protects and enriches the wealthy. They get socialism. After what W and O did in bailing out big banks and corporations while millions of Americans lost their homes, you’d think all Americans would see the scam. Sadly, many don’t.

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.

I don't think it is protection for the wealthy as much as it is about the economy, job creators, etc. Poor people will never create jobs or wealth for the country.
Really? After what the government did in the last recession, you think that. I just can’t believe it.

You do realize that those banks failing would have affected MILLIONS of people's retirement plans and put them in the poor house? Again, that was done because of the economic consequences of allowing it to happen. I do think they should have let them fail though. Retirement plans shouldn't be dependent on stock market gambles, and they could have restructured under Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
And yet the government did almost nothing for the millions of Americans who lost their homes. Do you see it? Socialism for the rich. Capitalism for the rest of us.
Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.

I don't think it is protection for the wealthy as much as it is about the economy, job creators, etc. Poor people will never create jobs or wealth for the country.
Really? After what the government did in the last recession, you think that. I just can’t believe it.

You do realize that those banks failing would have affected MILLIONS of people's retirement plans and put them in the poor house? Again, that was done because of the economic consequences of allowing it to happen. I do think they should have let them fail though. Retirement plans shouldn't be dependent on stock market gambles, and they could have restructured under Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
And yet the government did almost nothing for the millions of Americans who lost their homes. Do you see it? Socialism for the rich. Capitalism for the rest of us.

You do realize that it would not be the government doing it, it would be the taxpayers doing it. I don't agree with TARP, but I also don't believe in giving these people (who took out loans they should have known they could not afford to pay back) homes either. I rent and so can they.
Right now any salary under 70 thousand is lower class. Middle class would be well over 70 grand. But we're being fed the lie that 40 thousand is middle class. That's a lie...big time.
Right now any salary under 70 thousand is lower class. Middle class would be well over 70 grand. But we're being fed the lie that 40 thousand is middle class. That's a lie...big time.

That depends on your state and the cost of living in that state. Forty thousand is middle class in many states but not in places like San Francisco.
Disagree....40 thousand is a pittance...doesn't matter where. Not much of a way to live I don't care where it is.

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