Corrupt Son of a Bitch

Speaking as a person who is definitely not a part of the 1%, I do not want socialism. I would rather have freedom FROM government. Thanks anyway.
You aren’t getting this. Uncle protects the wealthy and you’re fine with it.

I don't think it is protection for the wealthy as much as it is about the economy, job creators, etc. Poor people will never create jobs or wealth for the country.
Really? After what the government did in the last recession, you think that. I just can’t believe it.

You do realize that those banks failing would have affected MILLIONS of people's retirement plans and put them in the poor house? Again, that was done because of the economic consequences of allowing it to happen. I do think they should have let them fail though. Retirement plans shouldn't be dependent on stock market gambles, and they could have restructured under Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
And yet the government did almost nothing for the millions of Americans who lost their homes. Do you see it? Socialism for the rich. Capitalism for the rest of us.
Exactly what in the Constitution says the government is responsible for people buying homes they can't afford?
Then they become prey to renting....a lose lose all the way around. Renting is throwing away $$$. Much better off living with parents until one can afford a down payment on a house. At least one gets equity. Plus most landlords are jerks.
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

Vague unfounded accusations of ....something

The exact playbook used on Clinton.

Trump always returns to the well for another drink
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

That was then. By now, it should be all forgotten and never mentioned again. The things that disqualified you from running before are not valid today. On the contrary, in leftist circles that is considered as preference.
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

Vague unfounded accusations of ....something


You didn’t watch the video.

It’s actually very specific.
Can you actually name an elected official who isn't corrupt? I say not a chance. A person can't get to be in a high position without being corrupt. But the average working person working a crazy amount of hours to live paycheck to paycheck can't do anything about it. The whole system is awash in underhandedness and corruption.

Well, there is a reason for that. Just like stones rise to the surface, corrupt, ruthless people rise to the highest positions. Here is an old, but accurate rationale for this phenomenon: Why the Worst Get on Top | F. A. Hayek

Thank you for that article.
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

I wrongly thought this was a dedication thread to me. My bad. Carry on.
Most democratic politicians. Republicans are off the wall at this point with their incredible giveaway to the rich and garbage propaganda machine. Poor America.

Democrats are off the wall at this point with their incredible giveaway to illegal immigrants and garbage propaganda machine. Poor America. They haven't done squat for women or minorities, and hate working people, especially white working people. All of whom are racist according to the Dems.
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

I wrongly thought this was a dedication thread to me. My bad. Carry on.

Bologna. He was caught plagiarizing on a paper he did in college. He needed to get his hair plugs done. Well-known as the most honest man in politics. The clintons and Obama have also been investigated a million times and nothing has ever been found it was dishonest. Except lying about a b****** which I was always told a gentleman should do. Meanwhile your propaganda machine lies endlessly. Trump seems to believe all that crap but it is still crap. We have a flat tax system that is a screw job for everyone but the rich. We need to invest in America and Americans again. The worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world by far is a disgrace. 40 years of Reagan tax rates. Pure obstruction of Democrats. Great job! Brainwashed functional moron
Most democratic politicians. Republicans are off the wall at this point with their incredible giveaway to the rich and garbage propaganda machine. Poor America.

Democrats are off the wall at this point with their incredible giveaway to illegal immigrants and garbage propaganda machine. Poor America. They haven't done squat for women or minorities, and hate working people, especially white working people. All of whom are racist according to the Dems.
You live on an imaginary planet super duper. The Democratic propaganda machine is also known as journalism around the world. Only Rupert Murdoch stands against reality. The GOP certainly supports racist policies. Duh. Change the damn channel, brainwashed functional moron. So the deep state is protecting Democrats? You are out of your mind.
Most democratic politicians. Republicans are off the wall at this point with their incredible giveaway to the rich and garbage propaganda machine. Poor America.

Democrats are off the wall at this point with their incredible giveaway to illegal immigrants and garbage propaganda machine. Poor America. They haven't done squat for women or minorities, and hate working people, especially white working people. All of whom are racist according to the Dems.
there is no give away to illegal immigrants. School lunches for immigrant children is not welfare except in dupe world. There is no crisis. Passed the goddamn Democratic 2010 immigration bill that would end this GOP scam with an ID card oh, the only solution like in every other modern country. The wall is stupid and won't work and un American
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

Yep, bummer that even an infinitely better choice than the mentally ill child president is still so flawed.
Remember when Biden ran for President back in '87? The dishonest degenerate was caught in lie after lie, and flat-out plagiarized several people in the US and other countries. He clearly passed the corruption gene on to his kid.

You probably aren't interested in hunting it down, but for those who are and would like to drive the point home-------------->

Remember when Bidens son died? Well, Joe was on the verge of having to sell his house to help pay the bills. True story. And this was partially going on while he was the Vice President. His net worth was not high by Washington politician standards, which was a big reason he was know as "lunch bucket Joe." He was the "every man" Vice President, and could supposedly relate to all of us "pleebs."

But, lets look at his net worth now! My, how things have changed!

Leftists would have you believe that it is a normal rise due to him being VP, and he got it from speeches and seminars after serving. Fair enough I suppose.

But, when did his wealth start rising is the question-) And where did the cash get INJECTED from? Notice if you will look, his speeches could NOT have given him this new net worth! And virtually all injections of cash came AFTER he left office on INVESTMENTS.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what happened in 14, 15, 16 that could have possibly given him so much income so quickly over what the stockmarket that he could not even be INVOLVED in could return him so quickly after he left office?

Damn, I dunno,maybe we should ask Ukraine, Iraq, China, Hunter, and Frank Biden-)

And the Left actually believes all of this is going away, lololol. And I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you too!

CONCLUSION-------------->for over 20 years, possibly 30, Joe Biden couldn't rub 2 nickels together. All of the sudden, he becomes conservator of Ukraine, and a powerbroker where much of his family gets filthy rich. Once he leaves office and no longer has to report where his cash comes from, he becomes wealthy, and his speeches don't equate to that kind of money. Was it an LLC, and who else was involved in the LLC?

Inquiring minds want to know-)

The money is from writing books....

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