Cory Booker: Anyone Who Supports Kavanaugh’s Nomination is ‘Complicit in Evil.’

Yeah, wild hyperbole is always helpful to the conversation.

At least he hasn't called him Hitler yet.
Too late

Booker Goes Off The Rails: Cory Compares Secretary Nielsen to NAZIS, Trump to Hitler
time to start comparing these people to just your average garden variety dumbass.
I say it all the time, and I'm dead serious:

It has been so long since we communicated like normal adults that we've literally lost the skill. We're dumbing ourselves down.

All we know to do this point is fling hyperbole around like poo.
/——/ Oh there are plenty of sand rational liberal democrats who will sit down a discuss things like an adult. I know many of them, the problem is the wackos are the ones getting elected and those are the ones making the news. Want a million hits on your social media- just say something outrageous.
Newark is democrat Socialism done right: Booker went on to bigger and better things, the people who thought it was a good idea got fucked.
Cory Booker, the Lefts Trifecta: Black, Homosexual, Communist
All the Left has to do is not act crazy, and they can't even do that.
Cory Booker: Anyone Who Supports Kavanaugh’s Nomination is ‘Complicit in Evil.’
Well we knew he is black the first time we looked at him, but I question the Homosexual and Communist part. I also mostly agree with his assessment of Kavanaugh. I doubt the "evil" but believe he is chosen for his past comments regarding the sort of divinity he holds for the office of the Presidency and the protection from accusation he would offer the current POTUS.
I think calling for a Federal law that guarantees a job for everyone locks up his Communist agenda.
Newark is democrat Socialism done right: Booker went on to bigger and better things, the people who thought it was a good idea got fucked.
What's your take on the people who thought tariffs are a good idea?
Yeah, wild hyperbole is always helpful to the conversation.

At least he hasn't called him Hitler yet.
Too late

Booker Goes Off The Rails: Cory Compares Secretary Nielsen to NAZIS, Trump to Hitler
time to start comparing these people to just your average garden variety dumbass.
I say it all the time, and I'm dead serious:

It has been so long since we communicated like normal adults that we've literally lost the skill. We're dumbing ourselves down.

All we know to do this point is fling hyperbole around like poo.
/——/ Oh there are plenty of sand rational liberal democrats who will sit down a discuss things like an adult. I know many of them, the problem is the wackos are the ones getting elected and those are the ones making the news. Want a million hits on your social media- just say something outrageous.
yep. my brother is one of them. *most* of us are middle of the road but we've got the extremes of both sides duking it out overhead as if every move is destined to be our last.
Yeah, wild hyperbole is always helpful to the conversation.

At least he hasn't called him Hitler yet.

I used to like Cory Booker when he was mayor of Newark . What the hell happens to these people when they get to DC?
Cory Booker, the Lefts Trifecta: Black, Homosexual, Communist
All the Left has to do is not act crazy, and they can't even do that.
Cory Booker: Anyone Who Supports Kavanaugh’s Nomination is ‘Complicit in Evil.’
Well we knew he is black the first time we looked at him, but I question the Homosexual and Communist part. I also mostly agree with his assessment of Kavanaugh. I doubt the "evil" but believe he is chosen for his past comments regarding the sort of divinity he holds for the office of the Presidency and the protection from accusation he would offer the current POTUS.

I would be fascinated to know what possible difference you think it would make to Trump one way or another what an Associate Justice thought on the subject, or what "protection from accusation" you think Kavanaugh could offer.
Yeah, wild hyperbole is always helpful to the conversation.

At least he hasn't called him Hitler yet.

I used to like Cory Booker when he was mayor of Newark . What the hell happens to these people when they get to DC?
They go to the dark side:

wanna be a ho.jpg
the left is facing the shattering experience of the end of an entire epoch of the progressive movement, an experience which compels it to reinvent the most basic coordinates of its project.
If Cory wants to be president one day, he needs to turn down the
rhetoric and buy him some of that bleach that Michael Jackson
was using, because this country won't make that mistake again.

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