Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Allow me to educate you. Zero.

Your stupid gun laws only prevent law abiding citizens from defending themselves.

I've never met anyone who defended himself with a gun.

I've known three "Law abiding" citizens who used guns to commit suicide or homicide.

I never met anybody that shot a person in the commission of a crime, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

The problem is the media never tells you these great stories of people using guns for good things like saving their life or the lives of others. They are local stories at best; one day events soon forgotten.

The latest one here was about two or three weeks ago. Lowlifes went into a pizza shop to rob it. One of the workers was armed and shot one of the three robbers. He was shot in return.

When he went to the hospital, the police were with him. They learned at that time there was another person there with a gunshot wound. Guess who that was?

If not for the worker shooting the robber, he would not be in custody today. But because he is, it's likely the police found or will find the other two armed robbers. That would have likely never happened if that worker didn't protect himself and his fellow coworkers.

I bet you didn't hear one thing about that story in Chicago. But like we are trying to tell you, these events happen all the time. You don't have to actually know somebody who shot or stopped a crime because they were armed. Considering where you live and their gun laws, it's likely you don't even know anybody with a CCW.
JoeB131 you live in Chicago? So how is gun control working out there?

It was working just fine until the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun control laws overturned and they flooded our streets with guns. Then we went from 400 gun homicides a year to 700.

Well then somebody must have put those laws back in place because the rate started to drop again in 2017.


And please note the Ferguson riots were in August of 2014. Starting to see a pattern yet Joe?
So how many seconds should he have waited? Until the suspect shot him four or five times?

The gun was found on the ground, and the video was presented frame by frame to the grand jury. The jury found the suspect did indeed pull the gun out of his pants. After he was shot, the gun fell to the ground. The other officer calling for help described the suspect as in his late teens to early 20's.

The toy was in his belt. It was not in his hand.

Gun in the hand pointed... okay to shoot. Wouldn't have an argument with it.

If fact, I think that when you have these Militia guys with their guns, you should shoot these fuckers with impunity.

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So does every criminal. Gee, birds of a feather.

So how did the gun jump out of his pants onto the ground? How did the officer know he was reaching for the gun if he didn't see it?

When somebody is pulling out a gun to do you harm, you don't wait until it's pointed at you. It may be way too late by then.
By adult looking, you mean, Scary Negro

This isn't an adult

That isn't a picture of a 5'9" 190 lbs kid either. That was likely a picture of him at nine or ten years old. But the media knows how to play saps like you.

Um, yeah, from 150 feet away with his hands up.

Forensics and witnesses say you are lying.

Oooooh, noes, the police can't pull over black people for minor traffic violations anymore and abuse their civil rights? Oh, what is this world coming to. They might actually be treated like White People. That would be a true horror.

How is pulling somebody over for a traffic violation abusing their civil rights? People now have rights to disobey our laws?

Forensics proved that McGinty ran a kangaroo grand jury, and the voters of your county voted him out on his ass, as they should have a long time ago.

The sad thing is, McWeepy is working as a cop somewhere else, with the same emotional unsuitability to be a cop.... which means someone else will probably get killed by this guy.

If they thought that, he wouldn't be working as a cop.

Unlike you, police understand the situation he was in, and they also understand he conducted himself as trained in the academy. And most importantly, they understand he didn't break any laws. You don't understand these things, and you can't give me one law the officer broke in the shooting.


So let's get the guns off the street.

How do you propose to do that genius?
What sensible gun laws? The problem in Chicago is the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep letting repeat, violent, gun criminals with multiple arrests for illegal gun possession out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences....

Because we don't have room to lock them all up. Sorry you don't get this. Cook County jail is full, so are most of the prisons.

Sensible laws... You can't get a gun without a permit. That's a sensible law.
If they thought that, he wouldn't be working as a cop.

Unlike you, police understand the situation he was in, and they also understand he conducted himself as trained in the academy. And most importantly, they understand he didn't break any laws. You don't understand these things, and you can't give me one law the officer broke in the shooting.

Murder. That was the law he broke. That was easy.

That isn't a picture of a 5'9" 190 lbs kid either. That was likely a picture of him at nine or ten years old. But the media knows how to play saps like you.

When you can produce a more up to date picture, let me know. Oh, that's right, you can't. That's what he looked like.
What sensible gun laws? The problem in Chicago is the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep letting repeat, violent, gun criminals with multiple arrests for illegal gun possession out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences....

Because we don't have room to lock them all up. Sorry you don't get this. Cook County jail is full, so are most of the prisons.

Sensible laws... You can't get a gun without a permit. That's a sensible law.
Na, not really
I bet you didn't hear one thing about that story in Chicago. But like we are trying to tell you, these events happen all the time. You don't have to actually know somebody who shot or stopped a crime because they were armed. Considering where you live and their gun laws, it's likely you don't even know anybody with a CCW.

You are right. We are too busy noticing the 16,000 gun murders and 22,000 gun suicides to notice the "Feel Good" story of the guy who would rather shoot someone than empty his cash register.
I bet you didn't hear one thing about that story in Chicago. But like we are trying to tell you, these events happen all the time. You don't have to actually know somebody who shot or stopped a crime because they were armed. Considering where you live and their gun laws, it's likely you don't even know anybody with a CCW.

You are right. We are too busy noticing the 16,000 gun murders and 22,000 gun suicides to notice the "Feel Good" story of the guy who would rather shoot someone than empty his cash register.
You do realize the vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws... And suicides do not count, they take care of themselves.
What sensible gun laws? The problem in Chicago is the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep letting repeat, violent, gun criminals with multiple arrests for illegal gun possession out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences....

Because we don't have room to lock them all up. Sorry you don't get this. Cook County jail is full, so are most of the prisons.

Sensible laws... You can't get a gun without a permit. That's a sensible law. isn't full enough to let violent gun criminals out of jail on bond in particular if you are calling for normal people to have their legal guns confiscated for the crimes of those criminals, you doofus.
I bet you didn't hear one thing about that story in Chicago. But like we are trying to tell you, these events happen all the time. You don't have to actually know somebody who shot or stopped a crime because they were armed. Considering where you live and their gun laws, it's likely you don't even know anybody with a CCW.

You are right. We are too busy noticing the 16,000 gun murders and 22,000 gun suicides to notice the "Feel Good" story of the guy who would rather shoot someone than empty his cash register.

The 1.1 million Americans each year who use their legal guns to stop violent criminals from committing rape, robbery and murder.........and the gun murder number in 2017 was 10,982 as per the FBI you dipshit.

And again....26 years of actual experience show that your argument is crap...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Well then somebody must have put those laws back in place because the rate started to drop again in 2017.

Yes they did AFTER we increased enforcement.

But they still aren't below their 2010 levels, that's the point, before the McDonald decision repealled our gun laws and the streets got flooded with them.
Na, not really

The only people that want frivolous gun control laws... Progressives/criminals. Because they are the only ones that benefit from these fucked up laws. Fact
if my own son and yours can have the courage to go to school where there is always a threat of gun violence, then members of congress and the president should have the guts to outlaw guns. if they do not, they should get out of politics, find another job!
Murder. That was the law he broke. That was easy.

Give me a definition of murder Joe. Show me one legal definition that self-defense is murder.........I mean in this country.

When you can produce a more up to date picture, let me know. Oh, that's right, you can't. That's what he looked like.

Oh please. Tell me that picture is a kid that weighs almost 200 lbs. The family had all pictures of him removed from public and erased his social media. It's the exact same thing they did with Travon Martin. It's probably one of the first things the family's lawyers did when they got the case.
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You could not tell it was an adult or child by looking

Brown did not have his hands up and was not standing still

A bunch of witnesses said he was. Oddly, they didn't get called. The crazy racist woman who was medicated was called, though.

No, they were called and were found not credible. Their testimony didn't match the forensic evidence.
I bet you didn't hear one thing about that story in Chicago. But like we are trying to tell you, these events happen all the time. You don't have to actually know somebody who shot or stopped a crime because they were armed. Considering where you live and their gun laws, it's likely you don't even know anybody with a CCW.

You are right. We are too busy noticing the 16,000 gun murders and 22,000 gun suicides to notice the "Feel Good" story of the guy who would rather shoot someone than empty his cash register.

You didn't hear about it because your precious MSM didn't tell you about it. Same as they don't tell you about the thousands of other cases just like that.

If people killed themselves jumping off of bridges, would you be happier about it then? And the last recordable homicide total was a little over 14,000. Mind you homicide is not the same as murder.
Well then somebody must have put those laws back in place because the rate started to drop again in 2017.

Yes they did AFTER we increased enforcement.

But they still aren't below their 2010 levels, that's the point, before the McDonald decision repealled our gun laws and the streets got flooded with them.

Better look at that chart again. They were at 2010 levels just before Ferguson. Chicago didn't increase enforcement of anything. How would they do that?

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