Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.

you are not a republican, i am

you are a trumpet

and yes, get out the message, real republicans and democrats have had enough of your gun violance

No, real Republicans respect the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is meaningless in 2019. The SCOTUS long ago legislated to make the 2nd something it is not.

Oh, so you anti gunners decide what the Constitution says and not the courts? Sorry, but your opinion is worthless. If you want that opinion of the courts changed, you need to put in your people. And even then, I doubt any honest judge will agree with you.

Don't post as a dolt. We all know teh truth.

Yes we do, because the truth was decided by the courts.
12 year old child. Toy wasn't in his hand. Guy shot him six seconds after getting out of the car.

So how many seconds should he have waited? Until the suspect shot him four or five times?

The gun was found on the ground, and the video was presented frame by frame to the grand jury. The jury found the suspect did indeed pull the gun out of his pants. After he was shot, the gun fell to the ground. The other officer calling for help described the suspect as in his late teens to early 20's.

We haven't really spent trillions... and um, yeah, there's all sorts of proof... But that science stuff confuses you... You guys haven't even caught up on evolution.

Oh yes, trillions. I can't tell you the billions it has cost the transportation industry alone in the last ten years. Our trucks are over 10 grand more expensive than before. Diesel fuel is around the same price as gasoline whereas before the sulfur limitations, it was typically a dollar or more cheaper than gas. DEF? Look it up. We now have to use DEF in all our trucks by law. The vehicle won't even run without it.

All theses costs in our industry alone gets passed on to our customers who make the products you and I buy in the store every day. In other words, there is an environmental cost with everything from your lawnmower to your can of peaches in the grocery store.

Uh, guy, I know exactly what the job market is like for people our age... again, this is my business. I would say 20% of my clients are in that range. The problem is, you are kind of a loser who really didn't learn any valuable job skills, and the fact you can easily be replaced by a 20 year old with no education is on you.

But again, easier to blame the black guy.

Says the guy who claims to be doing a job anybody with access to YouTube can do.

I don't do links... you guys either never read them because they have too many big words, or you scream "Fake News". I don't do links unless I'M interested in them.

I know you don't do links. That's how you remain ignorant. You refuse to learn something that goes against your beliefs. You live in your own little world and shut out the truth.
Most people didn't hunt their food. They grew it on farms and slaughtered it.

Yeah Joe, everybody back then had a farm. Nobody lived out in the wilderness.

Naw, he killed her because she couldn't contain his crazy autistic ass anymore and wanted to put him in a home.

The problem was, this crazy bitch was stockpiling enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse. She just missed the Zombie in her own home.

No, her guns were locked up in gun safes. He killed her because he couldn't buy any guns and needed her key to get them out. She realized he was getting out of control which is why she decided to do the right thing and have him put away.
Obviously deplorables support TRump over Booker

Keep promoting that "deplorable's" crap. It gave you Trump the last time, so why not two out of two???

I give you the cation you earn.

Trump winning is attributable to the flaws in our election process that allows for minority rule.

You deplorables will be under our thumb again soon. Life progresses, it does not return to the past.

Enjoy your brief unearthing, you will soon be returned to your proper place.

Peace :afro:

Keep dreaming. If this economy continues (which it likely will) You will see another 5.5 years of Trump. Of course that will be aided with the help of the hate talk on the left. People are getting about fed up with this racist, homophobe, anti-American garbage.
And before he drags the conversation back to the Crusades.......

Socialism has murdered those people in the modern period.....from 1917 going forward....we are not talking about Mongol Hordes, or colonization in the 17th century.....with the benefits of modern science, philosophy, the rule of law.........

That's awesome dude. Let's just change the parameters! We eliminate all the time white capitalist people have murdered slaughtered people, and then we adjust the definition of murder as "Anyone who died of something other than ripe old age!"

Yeah... that's the ticket.

Me, I have no use for socialism in general, but if guys can't come up with any better arguments than "Stalin was a very bad man", there's really no point, is there?

Our country was built on individual rights which is why slavery was done away with by us and other Western nations

Those who were here were killed.more by disease and lack of adaptability than by slaughter

And the same thing can be said about socialism, then. You guys want to blame every famine and war on Socialism, but give America a complete pass on the genocide of Native Americans and enslaving Africans.
No the same thing cannot be said about socialism

America did not commit such a genocide and america enslaved no africans'

You really are an ignorant person
And before he drags the conversation back to the Crusades.......

Socialism has murdered those people in the modern period.....from 1917 going forward....we are not talking about Mongol Hordes, or colonization in the 17th century.....with the benefits of modern science, philosophy, the rule of law.........

That's awesome dude. Let's just change the parameters! We eliminate all the time white capitalist people have murdered slaughtered people, and then we adjust the definition of murder as "Anyone who died of something other than ripe old age!"

Yeah... that's the ticket.

Me, I have no use for socialism in general, but if guys can't come up with any better arguments than "Stalin was a very bad man", there's really no point, is there?

Our country was built on individual rights which is why slavery was done away with by us and other Western nations

Those who were here were killed.more by disease and lack of adaptability than by slaughter

And the same thing can be said about socialism, then. You guys want to blame every famine and war on Socialism, but give America a complete pass on the genocide of Native Americans and enslaving Africans.

Yeah.....100 million dead humans under socialist regimes...and that is a low estimate....then throw on the destruction of economic prosperity, the loss of freedom, the reduction in technological advancement.....the ludditism of the socialists......

Yeah, I guess 100 million or more murdered people isn't enough of an issue for guys like you.......they really are just a statistic...
Yeah, we don't need cops shooting adult like looking kids who pull out a realistic gun on them. Those cops should wait; see if they get shot first, and only then return fire.

By adult looking, you mean, Scary Negro

This isn't an adult


If you can't tell this is a child, you shouldn't be a cop.

Brown was so Fd up on dope he tried to steal a police officers gun IN HIS POLICE CAR when he got shot the first time. Even though the officer gave him a second and third chance, Brown still couldn't control himself. He tried to attack the officer a second time.

Um, yeah, from 150 feet away with his hands up.

Absolutely. I listen to the police scanner in our city. Our police used to pull people over for minor violations, and at times ran into something way more serious: illegal guns, dope, suspended licenses, warrants. Those traffic stops that they used to do were a dragnet of our city. They got the bad guys before they could commit criminal acts.

They don't do nearly as many traffic stops after Ferguson, and it shows. I seen a guy at a stop light that decided to go right through it, and a cop was sitting there one car behind him; didn't do a thing. I seen a dope deal go down and a cop in his car was at the traffic light just looking at them and did nothing.

It's not just my city, it's nationwide. It's been discussed and reported repeatedly.

Oooooh, noes, the police can't pull over black people for minor traffic violations anymore and abuse their civil rights? Oh, what is this world coming to. They might actually be treated like White People. That would be a true horror.

In that case there was a complete video of before, during and after. Forensics revealed he did pull an exact replica of a gun, and the law states a citizen or police officer is allowed to use deadly force in the event of potential serious bodily harm or death. Sorry you don't like our laws.

Forensics proved that McGinty ran a kangaroo grand jury, and the voters of your county voted him out on his ass, as they should have a long time ago.

The sad thing is, McWeepy is working as a cop somewhere else, with the same emotional unsuitability to be a cop.... which means someone else will probably get killed by this guy.

Do we have kids using guns to shoot other people? You bet. Just like you have in Chicago. You don't have to be an adult to get your hands on a gun and pull a trigger. Dead is dead no matter who kills you.


So let's get the guns off the street.
So how many seconds should he have waited? Until the suspect shot him four or five times?

The gun was found on the ground, and the video was presented frame by frame to the grand jury. The jury found the suspect did indeed pull the gun out of his pants. After he was shot, the gun fell to the ground. The other officer calling for help described the suspect as in his late teens to early 20's.

The toy was in his belt. It was not in his hand.

Gun in the hand pointed... okay to shoot. Wouldn't have an argument with it.

If fact, I think that when you have these Militia guys with their guns, you should shoot these fuckers with impunity.

So this fag wants to be elected to wield his lack of power?
So how many seconds should he have waited? Until the suspect shot him four or five times?

The gun was found on the ground, and the video was presented frame by frame to the grand jury. The jury found the suspect did indeed pull the gun out of his pants. After he was shot, the gun fell to the ground. The other officer calling for help described the suspect as in his late teens to early 20's.

The toy was in his belt. It was not in his hand.

Gun in the hand pointed... okay to shoot. Wouldn't have an argument with it.

If fact, I think that when you have these Militia guys with their guns, you should shoot these fuckers with impunity.

View attachment 264807
Why don't you go do it traitor?
No the same thing cannot be said about socialism

America did not commit such a genocide and america enslaved no africans'

You really are an ignorant person

Yes, we really did.

No, her guns were locked up in gun safes. He killed her because he couldn't buy any guns and needed her key to get them out. She realized he was getting out of control which is why she decided to do the right thing and have him put away.

You mean after taking him to a gun range a bunch of times and showing him how to shoot, and letting him play hundreds of hours of first person shooter video games.

Yeah, let's name that bitch...


Yeah.....100 million dead humans under socialist regimes...and that is a low estimate....t

Naw, man, that's a bullshit estimate, like your 600 Million guns and your 1.1 DGU's.

Did a lot of rich people die in these revolutions? Yup. Fuck 'em. They let it get to that point.
Yes there is a Ferguson Effect. Living in a mixed suburb, I see it right here. We often discuss it in our Facebook group in our city. It's been documented and discussed in the media.

Why would a police officer go out of his way to possibly get into a situation where he might have to use deadly force, and then be convicted in the media, have his life threatened repeatedly, lose his job and possibly his career even though he did everything legal?

I don't know, why would he want to be a policeman to start with? Because he's a bully with a badge and a gun. The good cops don't worry about it. They know how to do it by the book. Guys like your pal officer weepy, not so much.

As a liberal, you are bound to stick up for evil in any given situation. Liberalism is pure evil. It's why they hate God and love killing babies.

Guy, hysterics aren't helping your case. You have yet to PROVE there is a God, and fetuses aren't babies. It's kind of hard to argue with an emotional wreck.

It's why they stick up for the criminal instead of the police.

A 12 year old playing with a toy isn't a "criminal". Nobody has a problem with a cop who does his job. No one even has a problem with the fact that in our gun crazy society, they occasionally have to shoot armed bad guys. It's when they shoot people in the back, or kids playing with toys, or someone in a bogus traffic stop we kind of object.

It's why you people tell us how every other country is better than ours yet never leave this place for your utopia that you brag about.

Well, um, yeah, here's the thing. When you see someone else doing something smarter or better, you should see what they are doing and see if it works for you. That's what a smart person or country does.

No you don't. Just look at your previous comment. The Ferguson Effect was responsible for a reversal trend in crime, and you refuse to accept it. It's been written about over and over again, but you refuse to accept it.

Um, yeah... because it's bogus. It was coined by the Police Chief in St. Louis (A guy who should be fire for sheer fucking incompetence) and spread by Racist Bitch Heather McDonald. But when people studied it, you got this.

Has the 'Ferguson Effect’ Finally Been Debunked?

Three sociologists who studied over 800,000 911 calls in Milwaukee concluded that following a publicized death of a black man at the hands of police calls to the emergency dispatch dropped precipitously, especially in black neighborhoods. “High-profile cases of police violence against unarmed citizens can undermine the legitimacy of legal authority,” they wrote.

And I'm not blaming government for my restrictions. I'm simply pointing out to you why I can't get a job with a major carrier. If you are in any profession and can only work for small local companies, of course it's very restrictive in the options you have. Try being in an industry where you are only capable of taking less than 5% of jobs.

Yes, yes, Ray, we've heard it all before. My guess, you probably didn't even look that hard. I get it man, you are in an abusive relationship with a bad boss. Kind of hard to cut loose.

Furthermore I've worked for the same company 25 years now. 19 of them I was provided insurance. The day Commie Care went into effect was the day we lost our insurance. Yet once again, you refuse to lay blame at the person that created and passed it into law. Like the Ferguson Effect, you want to claim it was some sort of coincidence and certainly no fault of Democrats.

Nope, because most companies kept insurance. in most cases it went down and a lot of companies that couldn't get insurance before can now... This is why I find these claims dubious.

And yet Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie believes on the police and military should have guns.
No the same thing cannot be said about socialism

America did not commit such a genocide and america enslaved no africans'

You really are an ignorant person

Yes, we really did.

No, her guns were locked up in gun safes. He killed her because he couldn't buy any guns and needed her key to get them out. She realized he was getting out of control which is why she decided to do the right thing and have him put away.

You mean after taking him to a gun range a bunch of times and showing him how to shoot, and letting him play hundreds of hours of first person shooter video games.

Yeah, let's name that bitch...

View attachment 264808

Yeah.....100 million dead humans under socialist regimes...and that is a low estimate....t

Naw, man, that's a bullshit estimate, like your 600 Million guns and your 1.1 DGU's.

Did a lot of rich people die in these revolutions? Yup. Fuck 'em. They let it get to that point.
Prove it traitor.
No the same thing cannot be said about socialism

America did not commit such a genocide and america enslaved no africans'

You really are an ignorant person

Yes, we really did.

No, her guns were locked up in gun safes. He killed her because he couldn't buy any guns and needed her key to get them out. She realized he was getting out of control which is why she decided to do the right thing and have him put away.

You mean after taking him to a gun range a bunch of times and showing him how to shoot, and letting him play hundreds of hours of first person shooter video games.

Yeah, let's name that bitch...

View attachment 264808

Yeah.....100 million dead humans under socialist regimes...and that is a low estimate....t

Naw, man, that's a bullshit estimate, like your 600 Million guns and your 1.1 DGU's.

Did a lot of rich people die in these revolutions? Yup. Fuck 'em. They let it get to that point.

Hmmm? There is no record of Adam Lanza or is mother attending any gun ranges. BTW, here is a picture from the Connecticut State Police's own website showing Dr. Wayne Carver waiting at the scene that is being staged......notice anything wrong with this, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie?


Of course you will ignore this and go off on a rant.

And yet Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie believes on the police and military should have guns.

99% of cops are great guys, doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances.

Then you have that one percent who are your Van Dykes, your Loehmans, your Wilsons, etc.

So it's like walking and chewing gum.

Yes, we need to get the bad apple off the police forces.

And yes, we need to keep guns out of the hands of the crazies.
Hmmm? There is no record of Adam Lanza or is mother attending any gun ranges. BTW, here is a picture from the Connecticut State Police's own website showing Dr. Wayne Carver waiting at the scene that is being staged......notice anything wrong with this, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie?

That you don't send in the medical examiner until you are sure the building is secure? Nope, nothing wrong with this picture at all... no matter how many times other crazies put circles on stuff.
And yet Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie believes on the police and military should have guns.

99% of cops are great guys, doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances.

Then you have that one percent who are your Van Dykes, your Loehmans, your Wilsons, etc.

So it's like walking and chewing gum.

Yes, we need to get the bad apple off the police forces.

And yes, we need to keep guns out of the hands of the crazies.

But you said that you want ALL guns removed from the I need to find that post for ya?

What about the picture, Joe? Worth a thousand words, no?
Hmmm? There is no record of Adam Lanza or is mother attending any gun ranges. BTW, here is a picture from the Connecticut State Police's own website showing Dr. Wayne Carver waiting at the scene that is being staged......notice anything wrong with this, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie?

That you don't send in the medical examiner until you are sure the building is secure? Nope, nothing wrong with this picture at all... no matter how many times other crazies put circles on stuff.

The windows on the classroom haven't been knocked out yet........HELLLOOOO????
Hmmm? There is no record of Adam Lanza or is mother attending any gun ranges. BTW, here is a picture from the Connecticut State Police's own website showing Dr. Wayne Carver waiting at the scene that is being staged......notice anything wrong with this, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie?

That you don't send in the medical examiner until you are sure the building is secure? Nope, nothing wrong with this picture at all... no matter how many times other crazies put circles on stuff.

The windows on the classroom haven't been knocked out yet........HELLLOOOO????
Joe doesn't do facts.

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