Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

I don't know, why would he want to be a policeman to start with? Because he's a bully with a badge and a gun. The good cops don't worry about it. They know how to do it by the book. Guys like your pal officer weepy, not so much.

Any officer that doesn't do things by the book is prosecuted, fired or both. But in almost all cases, the officer is well within the law. Other police officers understand this which is why the Ferguson Effect is so devastating.

A 12 year old playing with a toy isn't a "criminal". Nobody has a problem with a cop who does his job. No one even has a problem with the fact that in our gun crazy society, they occasionally have to shoot armed bad guys. It's when they shoot people in the back, or kids playing with toys, or someone in a bogus traffic stop we kind of object.

I understand Joe. You are so demented that you keep using the word "toy" to justify a realistic looking gun a 200 lbs kid was pulling on a police officer. But as you know, lies only work on other liberals, not us conservatives. We will point out the lie every time.

Guy, hysterics aren't helping your case. You have yet to PROVE there is a God, and fetuses aren't babies. It's kind of hard to argue with an emotional wreck.

You mean like the emotional wrecks that are convinced of man made global warming without proof? You know, the thing we've spent trillions on and still not enough?

Well, um, yeah, here's the thing. When you see someone else doing something smarter or better, you should see what they are doing and see if it works for you. That's what a smart person or country does.

No, what a smart person does is move to one of those countries they think are so great.

Yes, yes, Ray, we've heard it all before. My guess, you probably didn't even look that hard. I get it man, you are in an abusive relationship with a bad boss. Kind of hard to cut loose.

No, it's hard to find a job at this age in any profession. The problem is you know little about it. But the truth is I like my job. It's just a shame DumBama fucked it all up for everybody.

Nope, because most companies kept insurance. in most cases it went down and a lot of companies that couldn't get insurance before can now... This is why I find these claims dubious.

Would you like some links to prove your claim false? I have plenty of them of companies that did drop their coverage because of Commie Care.

So would most Americans. Good to see a politicians with the balls to say so out loud.

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.

you are not a republican, i am

you are a trumpet

and yes, get out the message, real republicans and democrats have had enough of your gun violance

No, real Republicans respect the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

So would most Americans. Good to see a politicians with the balls to say so out loud.

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.

you are not a republican, i am

you are a trumpet

and yes, get out the message, real republicans and democrats have had enough of your gun violance

No, real Republicans respect the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is meaningless in 2019. The SCOTUS long ago legislated to make the 2nd something it is not.
So in your idiotic and uneducated mind the government fears an armed populace and wishes to disarm them leading to a police state and you blame then people and the law which was specifically written to protect them from a police state .

My God you are one massively stupid fool

You have it mixed up.

You see, for most of our history, the 2nd was interpreted not as "Let's make sure that every yahoo has a gun" but "let's make sure that we have well-regulated militia.

Instead, we have a lot of guns out there. More guns than we have people, with no standards of who should have them in terms of training, mental stability or criminal background. This isn't an accident, this is what the NRA and the Gun Industry wants. They want you all scared so you buy more and more guns.

But from the Police side, they never know if some traffic stop is going to go really bad. So you have cops pretty much working like soldiers in war zones... in our own cities. Instead of protecting us from a police state, you clowns have caused one.
Until the 1970’s there were very few mass murderers. And everyone had guns.

Of course, until the 1970’s most people believed in God.

So would most Americans. Good to see a politicians with the balls to say so out loud.

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.

you are not a republican, i am

you are a trumpet

and yes, get out the message, real republicans and democrats have had enough of your gun violance

No, real Republicans respect the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

The second amendment is meaningless in 2019. The SCOTUS long ago legislated to make the 2nd something it is not.

Oh, so you anti gunners decide what the Constitution says and not the courts? Sorry, but your opinion is worthless. If you want that opinion of the courts changed, you need to put in your people. And even then, I doubt any honest judge will agree with you.
So in your idiotic and uneducated mind the government fears an armed populace and wishes to disarm them leading to a police state and you blame then people and the law which was specifically written to protect them from a police state .

My God you are one massively stupid fool

You have it mixed up.

You see, for most of our history, the 2nd was interpreted not as "Let's make sure that every yahoo has a gun" but "let's make sure that we have well-regulated militia.

Instead, we have a lot of guns out there. More guns than we have people, with no standards of who should have them in terms of training, mental stability or criminal background. This isn't an accident, this is what the NRA and the Gun Industry wants. They want you all scared so you buy more and more guns.

But from the Police side, they never know if some traffic stop is going to go really bad. So you have cops pretty much working like soldiers in war zones... in our own cities. Instead of protecting us from a police state, you clowns have caused one.

More guns and we have less gun crime ......that is a fact......this fact blows a hole in your entire argument about guns.....

More people, with more states adopting Constitutional Carry, where you don't need a permit to actually carry a gun....and we have less gun crime, less gun murder and less violent crime...

You can't explain that, you have to lie and use emotion to push banning guns...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

So would most Americans. Good to see a politicians with the balls to say so out loud.

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.

you are not a republican, i am

you are a trumpet

and yes, get out the message, real republicans and democrats have had enough of your gun violance

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives........and as more Americans own and carry guns ,our gun crime rate has gone down, not up, our gun murder rate went down, not up......

That blows a big hole in what you believe about guns and gun ownership......facts you can't deny, but must lie about....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Proving, yet again, just how big an ignorant twat you are. I suggest you read the words of the WRITER of the Constitution you imbecile.

Could care less what the Founding Slave Rapists wrote. If you write "All Men are created equal" and then go home and abuse your slaves, you are a huge hypocrite.

When they wrote a constitution without resolving the issue of slavery, they laid the backdrop for a civil war.

And every position you support leads to government sanctioned, and enacted mass murder.

Talk about a hypocrite. You take the cake.
No that it is not how it was interpreted

From the start it was clearly seen as how it was meant and written which is protection for an individuals right.

This is what the people want and what it means as a protection against tyranny

Actually, that is EXACTLY how it was interpreted all the way up until Scalia's brain fart known as Heller. The concept of gun ownership being a right in the Militia Amendment is really pretty recent, mostly promoted by the gun industry and the NRA.

No, it was never interpreted that way, just like we never had grocery stores years back so people had to hunt for their food.

Most people didn't hunt their food. They grew it on farms and slaughtered it.

We have more than enough gun laws, background checks for anybody buying a gun from a vendor, and yes, the ability to have people who are seriously mentally deranged from buying firearms. The Sandy Hook shooter did try to purchase firearms and was denied. Thats why he killed his mother; to get to her guns.

Naw, he killed her because she couldn't contain his crazy autistic ass anymore and wanted to put him in a home.

The problem was, this crazy bitch was stockpiling enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse. She just missed the Zombie in her own home.
Any officer that doesn't do things by the book is prosecuted, fired or both. But in almost all cases, the officer is well within the law. Other police officers understand this which is why the Ferguson Effect is so devastating.

Yeah, here's the problem with that. The rest of the cops cover for them when they mess up.

The ONLY reason why we are seeing more attention to this now is because now, the homies are whipping out their Obamaphones and recording the bad police behavior.... As opposed to before when they put drop pieces on the corpses or claimed that the suspect his his head on the car door 20 times, and totally not on my billy club.
I understand Joe. You are so demented that you keep using the word "toy" to justify a realistic looking gun a 200 lbs kid was pulling on a police officer. But as you know, lies only work on other liberals, not us conservatives. We will point out the lie every time.

12 year old child. Toy wasn't in his hand. Guy shot him six seconds after getting out of the car. And, oh yeah, ANOTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRED HIM FOR BEING AN EMOTIONAL NUTCASE.

You mean like the emotional wrecks that are convinced of man made global warming without proof? You know, the thing we've spent trillions on and still not enough?

We haven't really spent trillions... and um, yeah, there's all sorts of proof... But that science stuff confuses you... You guys haven't even caught up on evolution.

No, it's hard to find a job at this age in any profession. The problem is you know little about it. But the truth is I like my job. It's just a shame DumBama fucked it all up for everybody.

Uh, guy, I know exactly what the job market is like for people our age... again, this is my business. I would say 20% of my clients are in that range. The problem is, you are kind of a loser who really didn't learn any valuable job skills, and the fact you can easily be replaced by a 20 year old with no education is on you.

But again, easier to blame the black guy.

Would you like some links to prove your claim false? I have plenty of them of companies that did drop their coverage because of Commie Care.

I don't do links... you guys either never read them because they have too many big words, or you scream "Fake News". I don't do links unless I'M interested in them.
And every position you support leads to government sanctioned, and enacted mass murder.

Talk about a hypocrite. You take the cake.

Yawn, guy, what leads to mass murder is people are kind of vicious animals. It has nothing to do with any policy.

Our country was built on the fact that we slaughtered the people who were already here, and then exploited slave and immigrant labor.

But, no, those other folks are the bad ones... not us.
Any officer that doesn't do things by the book is prosecuted, fired or both. But in almost all cases, the officer is well within the law. Other police officers understand this which is why the Ferguson Effect is so devastating.

Yeah, here's the problem with that. The rest of the cops cover for them when they mess up.

The ONLY reason why we are seeing more attention to this now is because now, the homies are whipping out their Obamaphones and recording the bad police behavior.... As opposed to before when they put drop pieces on the corpses or claimed that the suspect his his head on the car door 20 times, and totally not on my billy club.

No, the reason we are seeing more attention to it now is the MSM understands people on the left are completely ignorant of our laws, and able to rile up the animals using their lack of education. Nothing makes the MSM happier than to see protests, riots, burning down neighborhoods, and dead police officers.

Like I’ve said before, Democrats are Satin’s children.

Sent from my iPad using
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives..

No, they still don't.

268 Justified homicides with guns, 38% of which the people knew each other.

I know you are as slow joe, just like joe biden.........but time after time I post stories where law abiding Americans use their guns for self defense, and they don't shoot the attacker, or when they shoot they wound the moron. The Centers for Disease Control put the number for self defense with a gun at 1.1 million times a year........the Department of Justice put the number at 1.5 million times a year......and that means only around 250 criminals a year are to stupid to realize that a victim with a gun can kill them. The rest run away, surrender, or are lucky and just get wounded by their victim.....

Please try to keep up...

Just one is shot, the attacker runs moron.

Video shows customer attack Holly Springs laundromat employee

People come to The Clothes Basket on Highway 7 in Holly Springs to clean their clothes, but Sheri McClatchy’s job is to keep the laundromat itself clean.

“Never had any trouble at all. Never a cross word with anybody for two years,” McClatchy said.

But what happened Friday just after noon went beyond cross words. Surveillance cameras captured a female customer attacking McClatchy following a conversation McClatchy had with two other customers.

McClatchy said she was reminding two women not to overload the washing machines.

“That we can’t refund if you’re overloading the washers,” McClatchy said.

That’s when she said another customer butted in with a lecture about how the laundromat was responsible if the machines broke.

“Just started telling me how she was a law student,” McClatchy said.

“It had nothing to do with her. She was just another customer in here using the dryer.”

It wasn’t long before the verbal assault soon turned into a physical one. Just out of the range of a surveillance camera, McClatchy said she was slammed against some dryers.

As McClatchy fights back, the customer who lost her cool loses her hair. The customer’s wig comes flying off and the two fall to the ground.

“When you can’t grab the shirt because the wig is hanging so long, you grab for what you can. You gotta get your hands on them,” McClatchy said.

McClatchy said she managed to get away and walked outside, but that the angry customer followed her. Worried she was going to resume the attack, McClatchy said she drew her gun and the woman backed off.
More guns and we have less gun crime ......that is a fact......this fact blows a hole in your entire argument about guns.....

Sorry, Bro... Gun murders are UP inthis country. over 14,415 in 2017, a new record.


Wrong......they are up in the years of obama's Ferguson effect and are now on the way down after Trump came into office.....

Chicago Murders: Crime Wave Is Not Nationwide, However | National Review

There are charts in the article you will want to use..

Whatever the case with Chicago, the national trends are encouraging. Look, for instance, at the ten biggest U.S. cities. We now have homicide figures for the first half of 2018 (via the FBI, police departments, and local media coverage) and can compare these with data from the same time period in the last eight years.

We had crime spikes in 2012, 2016, and 2017. But 2018, at least so far, looks good.

(the years of the obama effect....)

The ten-city total is down by 6 percent relative to last year. Not standing-ovation territory, but certainly the right direction.

Another indicator is the trend in the cities red-flagged by criminologist Richard Rosenfeld when crime first rose between 2014 and 2015. Rosenfeld found that these ten cities alone accounted for nearly two-thirds of the increase in homicides nationwide.

As you can see, in 2018 crime dropped in eight of ten of these red-flag cities, and cumulatively the decline was 14 percent.

What about the Big Apple? Regardless of scary reports that citywide shootings were up 16 percent in July, and that Bronx murders had risen by almost one-third, the long-term picture still looks good. There’s been an increase since last year — but last year was an unusually safe one.
When crime first shot up in 2015 and 2016, I pointed out that there’s a big difference between a crime spike, which may last a few years, and a crime boom, such as the one this country suffered from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. I’m sticking to my story.

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