Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Oooh.. I left out Shemp... Sorry, Shemp.

Of course guns don't offend you. They don't offend the Democrat leadership either. Democrats don't care about guns, what upsets them is us being able to defend ourselves with them.

Yes, we actually do care about you nuts going around shooting people. As we should.

Take away guns, then all law abiding citizens become victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

Uh, guy, we have huge crime rates compared to Europe.... All the guns and prisons have made the matter worse, Shemp.

So once the rampage starts, how do you protect yourself from Big Crime? The same way you defend yourself from Big Pharma, Big business, and Big Money, and that is with a bigger federal government.

The Democrat party exists mostly from the support of victims and government dependents. Without those two groups, the Democrat party would be no longer. So it makes sense for them to create more government dependents and victims.

Wow, you have a vivid imagination... Then again, you live in a slum, can't get insurance, can't get a better job, and frankly, if you didn't have government to blame for your fail, I'm not sure where you'd be. Probably forced to do some introspection, I guess.

Failures vote "leftard".....and like you, the want MO' gubermint, MO' taxes, MO' fees! MO' entitlements and subsidies! Lame fucks like yourself can never have too much "gubermint".

Ok now how many has the government in north korea killed?

Couldn't tell you.. Kind of don't care. Honestly, going to North Korea as your example shows a weakness of argument.

Being "better than North Korea" is kind of like running in the special Olympics.

So let's use examples that are valid. The other G-7 Countries.

We have 11,000 gun murders a year along with 1200 Americans who are killed by Police.

The United Kingdom has about 50 gun murders a year and the police maybe kill 2 people a year.

Japan has 11 gun murders a year, the police almost never kill suspects and it's actually considered a scandal if they pull their guns out of their holsters.

Now, it would seem by any objective measure, they're doing it right.
Ok now how many has the government in north korea killed?

Couldn't tell you.. Kind of don't care. Honestly, going to North Korea as your example shows a weakness of argument.

Being "better than North Korea" is kind of like running in the special Olympics.

So let's use examples that are valid. The other G-7 Countries.

We have 11,000 gun murders a year along with 1200 Americans who are killed by Police.

The United Kingdom has about 50 gun murders a year and the police maybe kill 2 people a year.

Japan has 11 gun murders a year, the police almost never kill suspects and it's actually considered a scandal if they pull their guns out of their holsters.

Now, it would seem by any objective measure, they're doing it right.
No it is not weakness

Government is government and none can be trusted hence the wisdom of the second amendment
Moe, Curly and Larry...

No one died at Sandy Hoax, dipshit.......I have proven it with the pics from CSP's own fucking website, ya gullible chump.

You've proven the voices in your head. They have medication for that now.

Answer the questions.

I did. You don't want to live next to a crack house and neither do I.

I also don't want to live next to a mass shooter.

When you post that, you know that you are lying.....and yet you still post it.....

Hitler allowed his supporters to have guns, and took guns away from his enemies and the Jews...the people he planned to mass murder. When his goons went to neighborhoods and beat the snot out of anyone who voiced different views, like antifa does today, no one could stand up to them because they didn't have the socialists were able to come to power....and then they used the gun registration lists to disarm everyone they wanted to murder.....and they did, 12 million unarmed, innocent, men, women and children....

Guy, Hitler didn't confiscate guns... of which the Germans still had plenty of after WWI. In fact even the Weimar laws weren't enforced.

Here's what happened. When the SS came for the Jews, not a single one of those Good Germans with guns came out and tried to stop them. Not a one.

They all peered out from their windows and said "Thank God that's not me."

Of course, when the allies invaded, those same people who wouldn't lift a finger to save their Jewish neighbors DID join up with Volkesgrenadeirs, and fought the allies to the last old man and little boy for Hitler.

Hitler confiscated the guns from his enemies and from the the time the SS came for the Jews, anyone who would have stood up to the national socialists had been beaten to a pulp....and people were taught to keep their heads down.......because they didn't have guns to stop them and the police supported the national socialists...
Ok now how many has the government in north korea killed?

Couldn't tell you.. Kind of don't care. Honestly, going to North Korea as your example shows a weakness of argument.

Being "better than North Korea" is kind of like running in the special Olympics.

So let's use examples that are valid. The other G-7 Countries.

We have 11,000 gun murders a year along with 1200 Americans who are killed by Police.

The United Kingdom has about 50 gun murders a year and the police maybe kill 2 people a year.

Japan has 11 gun murders a year, the police almost never kill suspects and it's actually considered a scandal if they pull their guns out of their holsters.

Now, it would seem by any objective measure, they're doing it right.

Europe also gave up 12 million people to be murdered by the national socialists.......outnumbering the people killed by criminals here...

Britain.....the police there have stated openly that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal gun into the country......add that to their increasing murder rates and you are about to see a blood bath over there...

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.

“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.

Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.


Japan is a police state and the society values conformity over individualism........the police have powers over the Japanese citizen that would not be tolerated here...they also murdered about 3 million people throughout Asia...

Japan: Gun Control and People Control

Japan's low crime rate has almost nothing to do with gun control, and everything to do with people control. Americans, used to their own traditions of freedom, would not accept Japan's system of people controls and gun controls.

Robbery in Japan is about as rare as murder. Japan's annual robbery rate is 1.8 per 100,000 inhabitants; America's is 205.4. Do the gun banners have the argument won when they point to these statistics? No, they don't. A realistic examination of Japanese culture leads to the conclusion that gun control has little, if anything, to do with Japan's low crime rates. Japan's lack of crime is more the result of the very extensive powers of the Japanese police, and the distinctive relation of the Japanese citizenry to authority. Further, none of the reasons which have made gun control succeed in Japan (in terms of disarming citizens) exist in the U.S.

The Japanese criminal justice system bears more heavily on a suspect than any other system in an industrial democratic nation. One American found this out when he was arrested in Okinawa for possessing marijuana: he was interrogated for days without an attorney, and signed a confession written in Japanese that he could not read. He met his lawyer for the first time at his trial, which took 30 minutes.

Unlike in the United States, where the Miranda rule limits coercive police interrogation techniques, Japanese police and prosecutors may detain a suspect indefinitely until he confesses. (Technically, detentions are only allowed for three days, followed by ten day extensions approved by a judge, but defense attorneys rarely oppose the extension request, for fear of offending the prosecutor.) Bail is denied if it would interfere with interrogation.

Even after interrogation is completed, pretrial detention may continue on a variety of pretexts, such as preventing the defendant from destroying evidence. Criminal defense lawyers are the only people allowed to visit a detained suspect, and those meetings are strictly limited.

Partly as a result of these coercive practices, and partly as a result of the Japanese sense of shame, the confession rate is 95%.

For those few defendants who dare to go to trial, there is no jury. Since judges almost always defer to the prosecutors' judgment, the trial conviction rate for violent crime is 99.5%.
Of those convicted, 98% receive jail time.

In short, once a Japanese suspect is apprehended, the power of the prosecutor makes it very likely the suspect will go to jail. And the power of the policeman makes it quite likely that a criminal will be apprehended.

The police routinely ask "suspicious" characters to show what is in their purse or sack. In effect, the police can search almost anyone, almost anytime, because courts only rarely exclude evidence seized by the police -- even if the police acted illegally.

The most important element of police power, though, is not authority to search, but authority in the community. Like school teachers, Japanese policemen rate high in public esteem, especially in the countryside. Community leaders and role models, the police are trained in calligraphy and Haiku composition. In police per capita, Japan far outranks all other major democracies.

15,000 koban "police boxes" are located throughout the cities. Citizens go to the 24-hour-a-day boxes not only for street directions, but to complain about day-to-day problems, such as noisy neighbors, or to ask advice on how to raise children. Some of the policemen and their families live in the boxes. Police box officers clear 74.6% of all criminal cases cleared. Police box officers also spend time teaching neighborhood youth judo or calligraphy. The officers even hand- write their own newspapers, with information about crime and accidents, "stories about good deeds by children, and opinions of

The police box system contrasts sharply with the practice in America. Here, most departments adopt a policy of "stranger policing." To prevent corruption, police are frequently rotated from one neighborhood to another. But as federal judge Charles Silberman writes, "the cure is worse than the disease, for officers develop no sense of identification with their beats, hence no emotional stake in improving the quality of life there."

Thus, the U.S. citizenry does not develop a supportive relationship with the police. One poll showed that 60% of police officers believe "it is difficult to persuade people to give patrolmen the information they need."

The Japanese police do not spend all their time in the koban boxes. As the Japanese government puts it: "Home visit is one of the most important duties of officers assigned to police boxes." Making annual visits to each home in their beat, officers keep track of who lives where, and which family member to contact in case of emergency. The police also check on all gun licensees, to make sure no gun has been stolen or misused, that the gun is securely stored, and that the licensees are emotionally stable.

Gun banners might rejoice at a society where the police keep such a sharp eye on citizens' guns. But the price is that the police keep an eye on everything.

Policemen are apt to tell people reading sexually-oriented magazines to read something more worthwhile. Japan's major official year-end police report includes statistics like "Background and Motives for Girls' Sexual Misconduct." In 1985, the police determined that 37.4% of the girls had been seduced, and the rest had had sex "voluntarily." For the volunteers, 19.6% acted "out of curiosity", while for 18.1%, the motive was "liked particular boy." The year-end police report also includes sections on labor demands, and on anti-nuclear or anti-military demonstrations.
Answer the questions.

I did. I'm sorry that you didn't like the answer or it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. I really hope you don't go through real life like this.

Nope, absolutely incorrect. The more states that adopted CCW programs and created laws to protect the victims, the more violent crime and gun crime decreased since the early 90's. The turnaround happened after the Ferguson Effect kicked in. If not for that, the trend would have likely continued.

There is no "Ferguson Effect". What there is that cops have completely lost any respect in their communities... because, shit, you might not like Little Jamal, but you sure don't want to get the poor kid shot.

You place blame where blame is at. In your case, you want to protect those who are to blame and blame others instead.

I put the blame where it belongs.

If the government isn't letting you drive, there's probably a damned good reason.
If your boss cancelled your health insurance, it's because he knew he could get away with it...

Seriously, man this should be your icon

View attachment 264567

OK....I'll do what you are afraid/incapable of doing....

Dangerous, harmful, addictive drugs will, sadly, always be available, and so will illegal guns.

Jot that down, dunce.
Ok now how many has the government in north korea killed?

Couldn't tell you.. Kind of don't care. Honestly, going to North Korea as your example shows a weakness of argument.

Being "better than North Korea" is kind of like running in the special Olympics.

So let's use examples that are valid. The other G-7 Countries.

We have 11,000 gun murders a year along with 1200 Americans who are killed by Police.

The United Kingdom has about 50 gun murders a year and the police maybe kill 2 people a year.

Japan has 11 gun murders a year, the police almost never kill suspects and it's actually considered a scandal if they pull their guns out of their holsters.

Now, it would seem by any objective measure, they're doing it right.

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals from raping, robbing and murdering people.......according to the Centers for Disease Control.....or 1.5 million times a year according to the Department of Justice...

On top of that, as more Americans own and carry guns.......

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Ok now how many has the government in north korea killed?

Couldn't tell you.. Kind of don't care. Honestly, going to North Korea as your example shows a weakness of argument.

Being "better than North Korea" is kind of like running in the special Olympics.

So let's use examples that are valid. The other G-7 Countries.

We have 11,000 gun murders a year along with 1200 Americans who are killed by Police.

The United Kingdom has about 50 gun murders a year and the police maybe kill 2 people a year.

Japan has 11 gun murders a year, the police almost never kill suspects and it's actually considered a scandal if they pull their guns out of their holsters.

Now, it would seem by any objective measure, they're doing it right.

No, it would seem they are different people than we have here in the US.
No it is not weakness

Government is government and none can be trusted hence the wisdom of the second amendment

Except there's nothing wise about the second amendment, dummy. If anything, it makes us more of a police state because the police really feel they need military grade hardware to deal with all the gun nuts out there.

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals

You can keep saying it, it never becomes true.

Here's the problem. A DGU is kind of subjective. "A gun made me feel better" might count as a DGU, but it's no really evidence of a crime being stopped.

Here's the better evidence. 265 justified homicides with guns a year. Of those, 38%, the victim was known to the shooter, so you could take those out as a domestic situation that escalated badly. But I'm feeling generous today and let's give you guys all 265 of those shootings.

NOW- to hear you tell it, out of 1,100,000 times a bad guy was doing something where a good guy needed to pull a gun, you would have to believe that in 1,998,735 of those cases, they didn't need to kill the guy.

That's actually straining credulity... especially when you guys get on these boards every day telling us how you can't wait to shoot you a bad guy.

You'd also have to believe that 1,998,735 criminally inclined guys were totally intimidated into submission by the mere sight of a gun. Kind of like Dracula with a cross.


Drilling down further into the report, the report says that 16 million violent crimes, the bad guy was intimidated by a gun only 117,000 times. That's only a tenth of what you claim.

But in that same report, is shows that 3.6 million of those crooks were deterred with unarmed force, and 4.8 million were deterred with non-violent methods.
There is no "Ferguson Effect". What there is that cops have completely lost any respect in their communities... because, shit, you might not like Little Jamal, but you sure don't want to get the poor kid shot.

Yes there is a Ferguson Effect. Living in a mixed suburb, I see it right here. We often discuss it in our Facebook group in our city. It's been documented and discussed in the media.

Why would a police officer go out of his way to possibly get into a situation where he might have to use deadly force, and then be convicted in the media, have his life threatened repeatedly, lose his job and possibly his career even though he did everything legal?

That's the Ferguson Effect and Satin's children are well aware they now have the upper hand.

As a liberal, you are bound to stick up for evil in any given situation. Liberalism is pure evil. It's why they hate God and love killing babies. It's why they stick up for the criminal instead of the police. It's why you people tell us how every other country is better than ours yet never leave this place for your utopia that you brag about.

I put the blame where it belongs.

If the government isn't letting you drive, there's probably a damned good reason.
If your boss cancelled your health insurance, it's because he knew he could get away with it...

Seriously, man this should be your icon

No you don't. Just look at your previous comment. The Ferguson Effect was responsible for a reversal trend in crime, and you refuse to accept it. It's been written about over and over again, but you refuse to accept it. And I'm not blaming government for my restrictions. I'm simply pointing out to you why I can't get a job with a major carrier. If you are in any profession and can only work for small local companies, of course it's very restrictive in the options you have. Try being in an industry where you are only capable of taking less than 5% of jobs.

Furthermore I've worked for the same company 25 years now. 19 of them I was provided insurance. The day Commie Care went into effect was the day we lost our insurance. Yet once again, you refuse to lay blame at the person that created and passed it into law. Like the Ferguson Effect, you want to claim it was some sort of coincidence and certainly no fault of Democrats.

So would most Americans. Good to see a politicians with the balls to say so out loud.

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.

you are not a republican, i am

you are a trumpet

and yes, get out the message, real republicans and democrats have had enough of your gun violance
Yes there is a Ferguson Effect. Living in a mixed suburb, I see it right here. We often discuss it in our Facebook group in our city. It's been documented and discussed in the media.

Why would a police officer go out of his way to possibly get into a situation where he might have to use deadly force, and then be convicted in the media, have his life threatened repeatedly, lose his job and possibly his career even though he did everything legal?

I don't know, why would he want to be a policeman to start with? Because he's a bully with a badge and a gun. The good cops don't worry about it. They know how to do it by the book. Guys like your pal officer weepy, not so much.

As a liberal, you are bound to stick up for evil in any given situation. Liberalism is pure evil. It's why they hate God and love killing babies.

Guy, hysterics aren't helping your case. You have yet to PROVE there is a God, and fetuses aren't babies. It's kind of hard to argue with an emotional wreck.

It's why they stick up for the criminal instead of the police.

A 12 year old playing with a toy isn't a "criminal". Nobody has a problem with a cop who does his job. No one even has a problem with the fact that in our gun crazy society, they occasionally have to shoot armed bad guys. It's when they shoot people in the back, or kids playing with toys, or someone in a bogus traffic stop we kind of object.

It's why you people tell us how every other country is better than ours yet never leave this place for your utopia that you brag about.

Well, um, yeah, here's the thing. When you see someone else doing something smarter or better, you should see what they are doing and see if it works for you. That's what a smart person or country does.

No you don't. Just look at your previous comment. The Ferguson Effect was responsible for a reversal trend in crime, and you refuse to accept it. It's been written about over and over again, but you refuse to accept it.

Um, yeah... because it's bogus. It was coined by the Police Chief in St. Louis (A guy who should be fire for sheer fucking incompetence) and spread by Racist Bitch Heather McDonald. But when people studied it, you got this.

Has the 'Ferguson Effect’ Finally Been Debunked?

Three sociologists who studied over 800,000 911 calls in Milwaukee concluded that following a publicized death of a black man at the hands of police calls to the emergency dispatch dropped precipitously, especially in black neighborhoods. “High-profile cases of police violence against unarmed citizens can undermine the legitimacy of legal authority,” they wrote.

And I'm not blaming government for my restrictions. I'm simply pointing out to you why I can't get a job with a major carrier. If you are in any profession and can only work for small local companies, of course it's very restrictive in the options you have. Try being in an industry where you are only capable of taking less than 5% of jobs.

Yes, yes, Ray, we've heard it all before. My guess, you probably didn't even look that hard. I get it man, you are in an abusive relationship with a bad boss. Kind of hard to cut loose.

Furthermore I've worked for the same company 25 years now. 19 of them I was provided insurance. The day Commie Care went into effect was the day we lost our insurance. Yet once again, you refuse to lay blame at the person that created and passed it into law. Like the Ferguson Effect, you want to claim it was some sort of coincidence and certainly no fault of Democrats.

Nope, because most companies kept insurance. in most cases it went down and a lot of companies that couldn't get insurance before can now... This is why I find these claims dubious.
No it is not weakness

Government is government and none can be trusted hence the wisdom of the second amendment

Except there's nothing wise about the second amendment, dummy. If anything, it makes us more of a police state because the police really feel they need military grade hardware to deal with all the gun nuts out there.

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals

You can keep saying it, it never becomes true.

Here's the problem. A DGU is kind of subjective. "A gun made me feel better" might count as a DGU, but it's no really evidence of a crime being stopped.

Here's the better evidence. 265 justified homicides with guns a year. Of those, 38%, the victim was known to the shooter, so you could take those out as a domestic situation that escalated badly. But I'm feeling generous today and let's give you guys all 265 of those shootings.

NOW- to hear you tell it, out of 1,100,000 times a bad guy was doing something where a good guy needed to pull a gun, you would have to believe that in 1,998,735 of those cases, they didn't need to kill the guy.

That's actually straining credulity... especially when you guys get on these boards every day telling us how you can't wait to shoot you a bad guy.

You'd also have to believe that 1,998,735 criminally inclined guys were totally intimidated into submission by the mere sight of a gun. Kind of like Dracula with a cross.

View attachment 264578

Drilling down further into the report, the report says that 16 million violent crimes, the bad guy was intimidated by a gun only 117,000 times. That's only a tenth of what you claim.

But in that same report, is shows that 3.6 million of those crooks were deterred with unarmed force, and 4.8 million were deterred with non-violent methods.
So in your idiotic and uneducated mind the government fears an armed populace and wishes to disarm them leading to a police state and you blame then people and the law which was specifically written to protect them from a police state .

My God you are one massively stupid fool
So in your idiotic and uneducated mind the government fears an armed populace and wishes to disarm them leading to a police state and you blame then people and the law which was specifically written to protect them from a police state .

My God you are one massively stupid fool

You have it mixed up.

You see, for most of our history, the 2nd was interpreted not as "Let's make sure that every yahoo has a gun" but "let's make sure that we have well-regulated militia.

Instead, we have a lot of guns out there. More guns than we have people, with no standards of who should have them in terms of training, mental stability or criminal background. This isn't an accident, this is what the NRA and the Gun Industry wants. They want you all scared so you buy more and more guns.

But from the Police side, they never know if some traffic stop is going to go really bad. So you have cops pretty much working like soldiers in war zones... in our own cities. Instead of protecting us from a police state, you clowns have caused one.
So in your idiotic and uneducated mind the government fears an armed populace and wishes to disarm them leading to a police state and you blame then people and the law which was specifically written to protect them from a police state .

My God you are one massively stupid fool

You have it mixed up.

You see, for most of our history, the 2nd was interpreted not as "Let's make sure that every yahoo has a gun" but "let's make sure that we have well-regulated militia.

Instead, we have a lot of guns out there. More guns than we have people, with no standards of who should have them in terms of training, mental stability or criminal background. This isn't an accident, this is what the NRA and the Gun Industry wants. They want you all scared so you buy more and more guns.

But from the Police side, they never know if some traffic stop is going to go really bad. So you have cops pretty much working like soldiers in war zones... in our own cities. Instead of protecting us from a police state, you clowns have caused one.
No that it is not how it was interpreted

From the start it was clearly seen as how it was meant and written which is protection for an individuals right.

This is what the people want and what it means as a protection against tyranny

These people are amazing. When our CCW program was introduced by our Republican reps, we had a Democrat Governor at the time, and pretty much a real leftist. He signed that law because he knew vetoing it would be political suicide. He lost reelection anyway, but from a political prospective, he did the right thing by signing it.

It's been a decade and CCW classes still have waiting lists. More women are applying then men. Now they are talking about getting rid of CCW's and just allowing anybody who is not a felon conceal carry.

Indeed, the sick bitches are getting sicker by the day.

Don't lose hope, all sickness that does not kill you eventually passes.
You see, for most of our history, the 2nd was interpreted not as "Let's make sure that every yahoo has a gun" but "let's make sure that we have well-regulated militia.

No, it was never interpreted that way, just like we never had grocery stores years back so people had to hunt for their food.

Instead, we have a lot of guns out there. More guns than we have people, with no standards of who should have them in terms of training, mental stability or criminal background. This isn't an accident, this is what the NRA and the Gun Industry wants. They want you all scared so you buy more and more guns.

We have more than enough gun laws, background checks for anybody buying a gun from a vendor, and yes, the ability to have people who are seriously mentally deranged from buying firearms. The Sandy Hook shooter did try to purchase firearms and was denied. Thats why he killed his mother; to get to her guns.

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