Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

know you are as slow joe, just like joe biden.........but time after time I post stories where law abiding Americans use their guns for self defense, and they don't shoot the attacker, or when they shoot they wound the moron.

Yes, you fill these pages with your wank fantasies... but you still never come up with 1.1 Million a year.
Wrong......they are up in the years of obama's Ferguson effect and are now on the way down after Trump came into office.....

There is no Ferguson effect. IF there is, those cops should be fired, ON THE SPOT, for dereliction of duty.

What you do have here in Chicago, after LaQuan McDonald and a lot of other high profile shootings of black folks, black folks have just stopped calling 911.

Who can blame them?
No, the reason we are seeing more attention to it now is the MSM understands people on the left are completely ignorant of our laws, and able to rile up the animals using their lack of education. Nothing makes the MSM happier than to see protests, riots, burning down neighborhoods, and dead police officers.

Wow, you really believe this, that's the scary thing.

Sorry, man, if there is a law out there that says, "It's okay to shoot a kid playing with a toy because I'm an emotional wreck with a badge", that law is kind of fucked up. People should be upset about that.

The thing is, they can't get away with that shit anymore. Everyone's got a phone.

Like I’ve said before, Democrats are Satin’s children.

Wrong......they are up in the years of obama's Ferguson effect and are now on the way down after Trump came into office.....

There is no Ferguson effect. IF there is, those cops should be fired, ON THE SPOT, for dereliction of duty.

What you do have here in Chicago, after LaQuan McDonald and a lot of other high profile shootings of black folks, black folks have just stopped calling 911.

Who can blame them? don't understand the Ferguson effect. The police still respond to actual calls from 911....what they don't do under the Ferguson Effect is pro-active police work....where they investigate, on their own, suspicious people and activity, the actual police work that keeps criminals under control.....simply responding after the fact is not enough......and obama, the ACLU, and democrat politicians actively undermine good police work, the kind that keeps people and neighborhoods safe.

You dope.
And every position you support leads to government sanctioned, and enacted mass murder.

Talk about a hypocrite. You take the cake.

Yawn, guy, what leads to mass murder is people are kind of vicious animals. It has nothing to do with any policy.

Our country was built on the fact that we slaughtered the people who were already here, and then exploited slave and immigrant labor.

But, no, those other folks are the bad ones... not us.

If what you claimed were true, socialist countries wouldn't be the only political form that have a death toll approaching 200 million. If what you were claiming were true, every form of government would have enormous numbers of dead people attributed to them.

Why is it then, that only SOCIALIST countries have such enormous death tolls? What is it about socialist countries that leads them to murder so many of their own citizens?

Please explain this for us. don't understand the Ferguson effect. The police still respond to actual calls from 911....what they don't do under the Ferguson Effect is pro-active police work....where they investigate, on their own, suspicious people and activity, the actual police work that keeps criminals under control.....simply responding after the fact is not enough......and obama, the ACLU, and democrat politicians actively undermine good police work, the kind that keeps people and neighborhoods safe.

LaQuan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Sandra Bland.

We can see a LOT less of that kind of "Good Police Work", thank you very much.
If what you claimed were true, socialist countries wouldn't be the only political form that have a death toll approaching 200 million. If what you were claiming were true, every form of government would have enormous numbers of dead people attributed to them.

Well, frankly, I'm not going to bother debating Bircher Propaganda... The 1950's called, they want their hysteria back.

I'm always curious how Stalin Could have killed tens of millions of people, and the population of the USSR STILL increased on his watch, even throwing WWII in there. How does that work?

Why is it then, that only SOCIALIST countries have such enormous death tolls? What is it about socialist countries that leads them to murder so many of their own citizens?

Well, not really, unless you use a really generous definition of "Socialist" (The Nazis were socialist in name only), and give them credit for every famine and war that happened while they were in charge, and then you STILL don't get to your propaganda numbers.
And every position you support leads to government sanctioned, and enacted mass murder.

Talk about a hypocrite. You take the cake.

Yawn, guy, what leads to mass murder is people are kind of vicious animals. It has nothing to do with any policy.

Our country was built on the fact that we slaughtered the people who were already here, and then exploited slave and immigrant labor.

But, no, those other folks are the bad ones... not us.

If what you claimed were true, socialist countries wouldn't be the only political form that have a death toll approaching 200 million. If what you were claiming were true, every form of government would have enormous numbers of dead people attributed to them.

Why is it then, that only SOCIALIST countries have such enormous death tolls? What is it about socialist countries that leads them to murder so many of their own citizens?

Please explain this for us.

And before he drags the conversation back to the Crusades.......

Socialism has murdered those people in the modern period.....from 1917 going forward....we are not talking about Mongol Hordes, or colonization in the 17th century.....with the benefits of modern science, philosophy, the rule of law......... don't understand the Ferguson effect. The police still respond to actual calls from 911....what they don't do under the Ferguson Effect is pro-active police work....where they investigate, on their own, suspicious people and activity, the actual police work that keeps criminals under control.....simply responding after the fact is not enough......and obama, the ACLU, and democrat politicians actively undermine good police work, the kind that keeps people and neighborhoods safe.

LaQuan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Sandra Bland.

We can see a LOT less of that kind of "Good Police Work", thank you very much.

Out of how many millions of police interaction with the public each day? You are an idiot. And of the add in the Gentle Giant.....who had just punched a store clerk, and was charging a police numerous Black eyewitnesses stated.....

The modern Civil Rights movement....the Saints of this movement are more often than not, career thugs and criminals attacking the police...
If what you claimed were true, socialist countries wouldn't be the only political form that have a death toll approaching 200 million. If what you were claiming were true, every form of government would have enormous numbers of dead people attributed to them.

Well, frankly, I'm not going to bother debating Bircher Propaganda... The 1950's called, they want their hysteria back.

I'm always curious how Stalin Could have killed tens of millions of people, and the population of the USSR STILL increased on his watch, even throwing WWII in there. How does that work?

Why is it then, that only SOCIALIST countries have such enormous death tolls? What is it about socialist countries that leads them to murder so many of their own citizens?

Well, not really, unless you use a really generous definition of "Socialist" (The Nazis were socialist in name only), and give them credit for every famine and war that happened while they were in charge, and then you STILL don't get to your propaganda numbers.

Socialist references any collective government type
No that it is not how it was interpreted

From the start it was clearly seen as how it was meant and written which is protection for an individuals right.

This is what the people want and what it means as a protection against tyranny

Actually, that is EXACTLY how it was interpreted all the way up until Scalia's brain fart known as Heller. The concept of gun ownership being a right in the Militia Amendment is really pretty recent, mostly promoted by the gun industry and the NRA.

No, it was never interpreted that way, just like we never had grocery stores years back so people had to hunt for their food.

Most people didn't hunt their food. They grew it on farms and slaughtered it.

We have more than enough gun laws, background checks for anybody buying a gun from a vendor, and yes, the ability to have people who are seriously mentally deranged from buying firearms. The Sandy Hook shooter did try to purchase firearms and was denied. Thats why he killed his mother; to get to her guns.

Naw, he killed her because she couldn't contain his crazy autistic ass anymore and wanted to put him in a home.

The problem was, this crazy bitch was stockpiling enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse. She just missed the Zombie in her own home.
You are simply wrong and history proves it .
The concept of the second amendment as a protection for individual rights is not new or recent, it is as old as the second amendment itself which is precisely how it just written.

It is your revisionist fiction which is new.

As I stated before you are massively ignorant about history
And every position you support leads to government sanctioned, and enacted mass murder.

Talk about a hypocrite. You take the cake.

Yawn, guy, what leads to mass murder is people are kind of vicious animals. It has nothing to do with any policy.

Our country was built on the fact that we slaughtered the people who were already here, and then exploited slave and immigrant labor.

But, no, those other folks are the bad ones... not us.

Our country was built on individual rights which is why slavery was done away with by us and other Western nations

Those who were here were killed.more by disease and lack of adaptability than by slaughter

You have been well indoctrinated but are massively ignorant
the only power corey blooker has is to step on a new jersey cockroach thats annoying him

he'd squash you in a NY minute

The guys is completely opposite TRump

Booker was an All american football player at USA, Trump, a golf hobbyist

Booker is a graduate of the top schools in the world, Trump got by on daddy bucks

Booker is a veteran, Trump a draft dodger

Obviously deplorables support TRump over Booker
And before he drags the conversation back to the Crusades.......

Socialism has murdered those people in the modern period.....from 1917 going forward....we are not talking about Mongol Hordes, or colonization in the 17th century.....with the benefits of modern science, philosophy, the rule of law.........

That's awesome dude. Let's just change the parameters! We eliminate all the time white capitalist people have murdered slaughtered people, and then we adjust the definition of murder as "Anyone who died of something other than ripe old age!"

Yeah... that's the ticket.

Me, I have no use for socialism in general, but if guys can't come up with any better arguments than "Stalin was a very bad man", there's really no point, is there?

Our country was built on individual rights which is why slavery was done away with by us and other Western nations

Those who were here were killed.more by disease and lack of adaptability than by slaughter

And the same thing can be said about socialism, then. You guys want to blame every famine and war on Socialism, but give America a complete pass on the genocide of Native Americans and enslaving Africans.
View attachment 264781
There are 195 nations in the world.
194 do not have a 2nd Amendment.

Feel free to hop on a plane.

Cory Booker: ‘If I Had the Power’ to Ban Guns ‘I Would’

bz-5cfdbaf979814.jpeg don't understand the Ferguson effect. The police still respond to actual calls from 911....what they don't do under the Ferguson Effect is pro-active police work....where they investigate, on their own, suspicious people and activity, the actual police work that keeps criminals under control.....simply responding after the fact is not enough......and obama, the ACLU, and democrat politicians actively undermine good police work, the kind that keeps people and neighborhoods safe.

LaQuan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Sandra Bland.

We can see a LOT less of that kind of "Good Police Work", thank you very much.

Yeah, we don't need cops shooting adult like looking kids who pull out a realistic gun on them. Those cops should wait; see if they get shot first, and only then return fire.

Brown was so Fd up on dope he tried to steal a police officers gun IN HIS POLICE CAR when he got shot the first time. Even though the officer gave him a second and third chance, Brown still couldn't control himself. He tried to attack the officer a second time.
Wrong......they are up in the years of obama's Ferguson effect and are now on the way down after Trump came into office.....

There is no Ferguson effect. IF there is, those cops should be fired, ON THE SPOT, for dereliction of duty.

What you do have here in Chicago, after LaQuan McDonald and a lot of other high profile shootings of black folks, black folks have just stopped calling 911.

Who can blame them? don't understand the Ferguson effect. The police still respond to actual calls from 911....what they don't do under the Ferguson Effect is pro-active police work....where they investigate, on their own, suspicious people and activity, the actual police work that keeps criminals under control.....simply responding after the fact is not enough......and obama, the ACLU, and democrat politicians actively undermine good police work, the kind that keeps people and neighborhoods safe.

You dope.

Absolutely. I listen to the police scanner in our city. Our police used to pull people over for minor violations, and at times ran into something way more serious: illegal guns, dope, suspended licenses, warrants. Those traffic stops that they used to do were a dragnet of our city. They got the bad guys before they could commit criminal acts.

They don't do nearly as many traffic stops after Ferguson, and it shows. I seen a guy at a stop light that decided to go right through it, and a cop was sitting there one car behind him; didn't do a thing. I seen a dope deal go down and a cop in his car was at the traffic light just looking at them and did nothing.

It's not just my city, it's nationwide. It's been discussed and reported repeatedly.
No, the reason we are seeing more attention to it now is the MSM understands people on the left are completely ignorant of our laws, and able to rile up the animals using their lack of education. Nothing makes the MSM happier than to see protests, riots, burning down neighborhoods, and dead police officers.

Wow, you really believe this, that's the scary thing.

Sorry, man, if there is a law out there that says, "It's okay to shoot a kid playing with a toy because I'm an emotional wreck with a badge", that law is kind of fucked up. People should be upset about that.

The thing is, they can't get away with that shit anymore. Everyone's got a phone.

Like I’ve said before, Democrats are Satin’s children.

In that case there was a complete video of before, during and after. Forensics revealed he did pull an exact replica of a gun, and the law states a citizen or police officer is allowed to use deadly force in the event of potential serious bodily harm or death. Sorry you don't like our laws.

Do we have kids using guns to shoot other people? You bet. Just like you have in Chicago. You don't have to be an adult to get your hands on a gun and pull a trigger. Dead is dead no matter who kills you.

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