Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

But you said that you want ALL guns removed from the I need to find that post for ya?

What about the picture, Joe? Worth a thousand words, no?

Yeah, it's worth a thousand words about how the nuts who think it was a hoax are degenerate, subhuman cocksuckers. But not much else.

The windows on the classroom haven't been knocked out yet........HELLLOOOO????

Why would they be?
But you said that you want ALL guns removed from the I need to find that post for ya?

What about the picture, Joe? Worth a thousand words, no?

Yeah, it's worth a thousand words about how the nuts who think it was a hoax are degenerate, subhuman cocksuckers. But not much else.

The windows on the classroom haven't been knocked out yet........HELLLOOOO????

Why would they be?

Because the official story is that he damaged a car by firing at it after busting out the windows of that classroom.
JoeB131 you live in Chicago? So how is gun control working out there?

It was working just fine until the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun control laws overturned and they flooded our streets with guns. Then we went from 400 gun homicides a year to 700.
JoeB131 you live in Chicago? So how is gun control working out there?

It was working just fine until the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun control laws overturned and they flooded our streets with guns. Then we went from 400 gun homicides a year to 700.

And how many of those were committed with a legally owned firearm?

And how many of those were committed with a legally owned firearm?


Couldn't tell you. The police only solve about 15% of the homicides at this point.

It really doesn't matter how the killer got the gun. The problem was, the gun was available either because he bought it, a straw buyer bought it for him or he stole it from a legit owner.
Yes, we do know because there are pics later of that same classroom WITH the busted out windows.

Okay, I'm sure that's what they told you when the other nuts photoshopped things.

Look man, I'm on vacation this week, I really don't have the time to indulge your crazy because I'm the only person here who still talks to you.

Everyone else avoids you like the Crazy Stewbum who rants at the lamppost.
Allow me to educate you. Zero.

Your stupid gun laws only prevent law abiding citizens from defending themselves.

I've never met anyone who defended himself with a gun.

I've known three "Law abiding" citizens who used guns to commit suicide or homicide.
Hmmm? There is no record of Adam Lanza or is mother attending any gun ranges. BTW, here is a picture from the Connecticut State Police's own website showing Dr. Wayne Carver waiting at the scene that is being staged......notice anything wrong with this, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie?

That you don't send in the medical examiner until you are sure the building is secure? Nope, nothing wrong with this picture at all... no matter how many times other crazies put circles on stuff.

The windows on the classroom haven't been knocked out yet........HELLLOOOO????
Joe doesn't do facts.

Or brains.....
JoeB131 you live in Chicago? So how is gun control working out there?

It was working just fine until the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun control laws overturned and they flooded our streets with guns. Then we went from 400 gun homicides a year to 700.

What sensible gun laws? The problem in Chicago is the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep letting repeat, violent, gun criminals with multiple arrests for illegal gun possession out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences.....and the democrat politicians in the city are in bed with the gangs, making those light sentences possible.
Allow me to educate you. Zero.

Your stupid gun laws only prevent law abiding citizens from defending themselves.

I've never met anyone who defended himself with a gun.

I've known three "Law abiding" citizens who used guns to commit suicide or homicide.

Funny, they all knew you, personally, and committed suicide........
A politician attempting to strip us of our inalienable right to arms is an immediate existential threat to liberty and must be removed with haste by any means necessary.

The ends justify the means.

JoeB131 you live in Chicago? So how is gun control working out there?

It was working just fine until the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun control laws overturned and they flooded our streets with guns. Then we went from 400 gun homicides a year to 700.

What sensible gun laws? The problem in Chicago is the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep letting repeat, violent, gun criminals with multiple arrests for illegal gun possession out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences.....and the democrat politicians in the city are in bed with the gangs, making those light sentences possible.
That liar has been asked what sensible laws many times like all of them and all he does is spew bullshit.
Yeah, we don't need cops shooting adult like looking kids who pull out a realistic gun on them. Those cops should wait; see if they get shot first, and only then return fire.

By adult looking, you mean, Scary Negro

This isn't an adult

View attachment 264806

If you can't tell this is a child, you shouldn't be a cop.

Brown was so Fd up on dope he tried to steal a police officers gun IN HIS POLICE CAR when he got shot the first time. Even though the officer gave him a second and third chance, Brown still couldn't control himself. He tried to attack the officer a second time.

Um, yeah, from 150 feet away with his hands up.

Absolutely. I listen to the police scanner in our city. Our police used to pull people over for minor violations, and at times ran into something way more serious: illegal guns, dope, suspended licenses, warrants. Those traffic stops that they used to do were a dragnet of our city. They got the bad guys before they could commit criminal acts.

They don't do nearly as many traffic stops after Ferguson, and it shows. I seen a guy at a stop light that decided to go right through it, and a cop was sitting there one car behind him; didn't do a thing. I seen a dope deal go down and a cop in his car was at the traffic light just looking at them and did nothing.

It's not just my city, it's nationwide. It's been discussed and reported repeatedly.

Oooooh, noes, the police can't pull over black people for minor traffic violations anymore and abuse their civil rights? Oh, what is this world coming to. They might actually be treated like White People. That would be a true horror.

In that case there was a complete video of before, during and after. Forensics revealed he did pull an exact replica of a gun, and the law states a citizen or police officer is allowed to use deadly force in the event of potential serious bodily harm or death. Sorry you don't like our laws.

Forensics proved that McGinty ran a kangaroo grand jury, and the voters of your county voted him out on his ass, as they should have a long time ago.

The sad thing is, McWeepy is working as a cop somewhere else, with the same emotional unsuitability to be a cop.... which means someone else will probably get killed by this guy.

Do we have kids using guns to shoot other people? You bet. Just like you have in Chicago. You don't have to be an adult to get your hands on a gun and pull a trigger. Dead is dead no matter who kills you.


So let's get the guns off the street.
You could not tell it was an adult or child by looking

Brown did not have his hands up and was not standing still

He was in fact charging officer Wilson after fighting for Wilson's weapon which made it a righteous self defense shooting

That has all been proven by evidence and you are a liar.
No the same thing cannot be said about socialism

America did not commit such a genocide and america enslaved no africans'

You really are an ignorant person

Yes, we really did.

No, her guns were locked up in gun safes. He killed her because he couldn't buy any guns and needed her key to get them out. She realized he was getting out of control which is why she decided to do the right thing and have him put away.

You mean after taking him to a gun range a bunch of times and showing him how to shoot, and letting him play hundreds of hours of first person shooter video games.

Yeah, let's name that bitch...

View attachment 264808

Yeah.....100 million dead humans under socialist regimes...and that is a low estimate....t

Naw, man, that's a bullshit estimate, like your 600 Million guns and your 1.1 DGU's.

Did a lot of rich people die in these revolutions? Yup. Fuck 'em. They let it get to that point.
No we really did not and that is fact
And yet Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie believes on the police and military should have guns.

99% of cops are great guys, doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances.

Then you have that one percent who are your Van Dykes, your Loehmans, your Wilsons, etc.

So it's like walking and chewing gum.

Yes, we need to get the bad apple off the police forces.

And yes, we need to keep guns out of the hands of the crazies.
Wilson was a good officer who shot brown in self defense

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