Cost for Fauxcohontas' "Medicare for all" scheme jumps from $34 TRILLION to $52 TRILLION.

If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
Wow jumped two trillion in less than a day!
I love how a simple typo triggers Dimwingers so much.:5_1_12024:
Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.

I've never waited over 3 days.

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time
And yet the moron is still claiming she won't have to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it.

And the window licking Dimwinger base will buy it.

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s long-awaited "Medicare-for-all" funding plan projects the government-run health care system would cost a staggering sum of "just under $52 trillion" over the next decade, with the campaign proposing a host of new tax increases to pay for it while still claiming the middle class would not face any additional burden.

“We don’t need to raise taxes on the middle class by one penny to finance Medicare for All,” Sen. Warren, D-Mass., said in her plan — a copy of which was obtained by Fox News in advance of its release Friday.

Warren’s $52T 'Medicare-for-all' plan revealed: Campaign still claims no middle-class tax hikes needed
The stupidity of the Trumpturds gets more & more evident with every post they make.

For example, the fucking idiot OP's 52 trillion dollar number is the estimated total amount spent of heathcare over the next ten years under our current system.. NOT what Warren's plan would cost.

My God, can you assfucks even read?

These taxes to pay for Warren's plan would be no more than what corporations pay now in healthcare benefits and people pay in health insurance premiums, copays, etc.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
Wow jumped two trillion in less than a day!
I love how a simple typo triggers Dimwingers so much.:5_1_12024:

Since you stretched it to 100 million I thought you has already started to jack up the number.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
Wow jumped two trillion in less than a day!
I love how a simple typo triggers Dimwingers so much.:5_1_12024:

Since you stretched it to 100 million I thought you has already started to jack up the number.
Feel free to show me one such program that the idiots implementing it didn't get the cost estimates massively wrong.

Medicaid was off around 700%
Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.

I've never waited over 3 days.

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Socialized medicine is so hunky dory, why do Canadians like Alex Trebek, Englishmen like Mick Jagger and Australians like Greg Norman come to America for treatment?
THANKFULLY... fauxahontus will NEVER be president. She couldn't beat Trump on her best day, and the democrats know it. She knows it. That's probably why she's out there talking such absolutely moronic rubbish about spending tens of trillions of dollars on a government health care takeover. She'll never be president, and we'll never have medicare for all. Both are completely asinine unworkable ideas.
Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.

I've never waited over 3 days.

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
WOW! The $52 trillion LIE jumps to $54 trillion and then $100 trillion in only 7 posts. Her government program is actually only $20.5 trillion.
Using Lieawatha's own numbers, it jumped from $34 TRILLION to $52 TRILLION in a matter of days.

Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.

I've never waited over 3 days.

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Socialized medicine is so hunky dory, why do Canadians like Alex Trebek, Englishmen like Mick Jagger and Australians like Greg Norman come to America for treatment?
Why did Rand Paul go to Canada?
If the government paid more than six billion for just the web site for Obamacare, I have no doubt that 54 trillion is just a drop in the bucket.
Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.

I've never waited over 3 days.

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Socialized medicine is so hunky dory, why do Canadians like Alex Trebek, Englishmen like Mick Jagger and Australians like Greg Norman come to America for treatment?
Why did Rand Paul go to Canada?

Private hospital, and he paid cash. He didn't use Canada's system.

If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
lol the reason Europe and Canada can have the health care system they have they don't have the military cost so they call on America to support them.

You're just ignorant if you think Europe couldn't do public healthcare without our support.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
Oh sure, we can lower our healthcare standards and increase wait times.

All it will cost is twice what we're paying now.

There will only be wait times if you have a rare problem and you can't afford private care. If you can't afford private care a public option you have to wait on is better than nothing. The preventative care due to public access would actually reduce the cost of emergency care in the states by a fuck load. Ever heard the saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Yeah, it's true.
Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.

I've never waited over 3 days.

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

I have NEVER had to wait for an MRI scan. Not one day. It has always been nothing more than a matter of hours.

You post things like this, arbitrary times for service, artificially high, and then post scan times that would severely harm patients for lack of proper medical attention, and consider this acceptable.

This is some seriously messed up spin.

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