Cost for Fauxcohontas' "Medicare for all" scheme jumps from $34 TRILLION to $52 TRILLION.

Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.
OPps you stupid fuck that you aerfe so fucking styupid the poin t flews ober you

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Socialized medicine is so hunky dory, why do Canadians like Alex Trebek, Englishmen like Mick Jagger and Australians like Greg Norman come to America for treatment?
Why did Rand Paul go to Canada?

Private hospital, and he paid cash. He didn't use Canada's system.


So we don't have private hospitals here in the US> Who knew?
Average wait time for an MRI in Canada is over 3 months.
OPps you stupid fuck that you aerfe so fucking styupid the poin t flews ober you

Link: You are being redirected...

Do you really want your healthcare to be run by politicians?
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Socialized medicine is so hunky dory, why do Canadians like Alex Trebek, Englishmen like Mick Jagger and Australians like Greg Norman come to America for treatment?
Why did Rand Paul go to Canada?

Private hospital, and he paid cash. He didn't use Canada's system.


So we don't have private hospitals here in the US> Who knew?

We won't if Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie gets their way. The Risky Liberal Medical scheme is to outlaw private medical insurance and contracts.Illegals will get free Medical.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
lol the reason Europe and Canada can have the health care system they have they don't have the military cost so they call on America to support them.

You're just ignorant if you think Europe couldn't do public healthcare without our support.
Your ignorant because you can't comprehend what you just read
Go back and slowly read it again
Bullshit. Buillshit Bullshit

All; you Trumpturds have is Bullshit.

Separate out the need by priority
gust 2019
All Patients Combined:

72%of patients were scanned within the target time

Priority 4 Patients:
Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 28 days Waited on average

55% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 3 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 10 days Waited on average

59% of patients were scanned within target time
Priority 2 Patients:

Patients who should be scanned within a target time of 2 days Waited on average

97% of patients were scanned within target time

If Socialized medicine is so hunky dory, why do Canadians like Alex Trebek, Englishmen like Mick Jagger and Australians like Greg Norman come to America for treatment?
Why did Rand Paul go to Canada?

Private hospital, and he paid cash. He didn't use Canada's system.


So we don't have private hospitals here in the US> Who knew?

We won't if Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie gets their way. The Risky Liberal Medical scheme is to outlaw private medical insurance and contracts.Illegals will get free Medical.
There is nothing in the Medicare for all that ends private hospitals.

Just how fucking stupid are you people.
So we don't have private hospitals here in the US> Who knew?
How long do you think they've got after gubmit decides how much to pay them and how long they'll have to wait to get paid?

Do you have any idea how much hospitals lose serving Medicare and Medicaid patients now?

I have a friend that was an administrator at a hospital. Private healthcare heavily subsidizes gubmit healthcare.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
WOW! The $52 trillion LIE jumps to $54 trillion and then $100 trillion in only 7 posts. Her government program is actually only $20.5 trillion.
Using Lieawatha's own numbers, it jumped from $34 TRILLION to $52 TRILLION in a matter of days.

No FAUX Gossip Channel fabricated the $52 trillion LIE, not Warren, but you knew that already!
If the government paid more than six billion for just the web site for Obamacare, I have no doubt that 54 trillion is just a drop in the bucket.
That's a BIG if! Even Tramps LIE was only $5 billion.
Officially, the Department of Health and Human Services says the website cost $834 million.
If the government paid more than six billion for just the web site for Obamacare, I have no doubt that 54 trillion is just a drop in the bucket.
That's a BIG if! Even Tramps LIE was only $5 billion.
Officially, the Department of Health and Human Services says the website cost $834 million.
ONLY $834,000,000.00 for a failed website.

Brilliant defense, Einstien.
If the government paid more than six billion for just the web site for Obamacare, I have no doubt that 54 trillion is just a drop in the bucket.
That's a BIG if! Even Tramps LIE was only $5 billion.
Officially, the Department of Health and Human Services says the website cost $834 million.
ONLY $834,000,000.00 for a failed website.

Brilliant defense, Einstien.
If the government paid more than six billion for just the web site for Obamacare, I have no doubt that 54 trillion is just a drop in the bucket.
That's a BIG if! Even Tramps LIE was only $5 billion.
Officially, the Department of Health and Human Services says the website cost $834 million.
ONLY $834,000,000.00 for a failed website.

Brilliant defense, Einstien.
If it was a failed website you NAZIS would not have felt the need to lie about it costing $6 billion!
Try a new lie!
If the government paid more than six billion for just the web site for Obamacare, I have no doubt that 54 trillion is just a drop in the bucket.
That's a BIG if! Even Tramps LIE was only $5 billion.
Officially, the Department of Health and Human Services says the website cost $834 million.
ONLY $834,000,000.00 for a failed website.

Brilliant defense, Einstien.
Notice how the NAZIs when caught in a LIE desperately try to deflect!
So we don't have private hospitals here in the US> Who knew?
How long do you think they've got after gubmit decides how much to pay them and how long they'll have to wait to get paid?

Do you have any idea how much hospitals lose serving Medicare and Medicaid patients now?

I have a friend that was an administrator at a hospital. Private healthcare heavily subsidizes gubmit healthcare.
Many doctors refuse medicare/medicaid patients because of slow pay and low reimbursements.

You seem to need a lot of attention.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
WOW! The $52 trillion LIE jumps to $54 trillion and then $100 trillion in only 7 posts. Her government program is actually only $20.5 trillion.

Sanders plan doesn't try to cover the fact that taxes will go up for all, Warren seems to claim that there will be no tax hikes on the middle class, that they will actually benefit by $11 trillion in less cost. Sanders and other have plans that seem more reasonable than what Warren is claiming and to get even $22 trillion she claims, tax hikes would be coming for the middle class. In other nations, that is the model that fits.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
WOW! The $52 trillion LIE jumps to $54 trillion and then $100 trillion in only 7 posts. Her government program is actually only $20.5 trillion.
Because the government is great at managing money.
If Europe and Canada (our hat) can pull off public healthcare then so can we. It's just a question of desire and culture. Will we? Should we? I don't know. Can we? Fuck yes we can. You severely underestimate our nation if you think not. We are the United motherfucking States.
The moron claims it will cost $54 TRILLION, which means it will actually cost over $100 TRILLION (if we are lucky). And she claims she will pay for it by taxing employers to the tune of tens of trillions.............but the middle class won't suffer.

She is clearly an economic idiot.
WOW! The $52 trillion LIE jumps to $54 trillion and then $100 trillion in only 7 posts. Her government program is actually only $20.5 trillion.
Because the government is great at managing money.

Look how well public schools do, highest costs and mediocre results. We should we expect anything different when the government takes over healthcare.

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