Cost of energy for a Tesla 3 after 75,000 miles

"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sponsored a study on the questions of electric vehicles and fires in 2017, which concluded that "the propensity and severity of fires and explosions from the accidental ignition of flammable electrolytic solvents used in [lithium-ion] battery systems are anticipated to be somewhat comparable to or perhaps slightly less than those for gasoline or diesel vehicular fuels."
Love the end of it. Does not bring up the cost of replacing batteries. Somehow claims it is clean while not mentioning where the electricity that he is using comes from. Does not go into the environmental hazards of mining the components used in the batteries.
That is always what I love about all the people that tout their world saving cars or anything else. They some how always manage to only see what is directly in front of them and somehow miss the whole world view.
Love the end of it. Does not bring up the cost of replacing batteries. Somehow claims it is clean while not mentioning where the electricity that he is using comes from. Does not go into the environmental hazards of mining the components used in the batteries.
That is always what I love about all the people that tout their world saving cars or anything else. They some how always manage to only see what is directly in front of them and somehow miss the whole world view.
Funny, you didn't bring up the hazards of mining coal, strip mining tar sands, mining the metals that go into an ICE. The up and coming battery is the LFP. Lithium, iron, and phosphorus. Now you flap yaps love to bring up cobalt and nickel. Both are expensive, and both were being mined before there were EV batteries. But not one of you brought up anything about the way they were being mined then. Ah well, continue to stand beside the road, yelling "Get a horse" at every EV passing by.
But you failed to show a person pouring gas into their tank after forgetting to fill up. You guys are so fucking stupid. I am on the grid, but I have a generator, just in case. So people are sometimes forgetful, whether with EV's or ICE's.
Still not sold, but I welcome as many who can to go electric. Then I will offset that with my big V8, boat and snowmobiles.
Still not sold, but I welcome as many who can to go electric. Then I will offset that with my big V8, boat and snowmobiles.
Your big V-8 will be left in the dust by even the performance 3 or Y. To say nothing of the S Plaid. As for the rest of your toys, they will be primarily EV's by 2025
Funny, you didn't bring up the hazards of mining coal, strip mining tar sands, mining the metals that go into an ICE. The up and coming battery is the LFP. Lithium, iron, and phosphorus. Now you flap yaps love to bring up cobalt and nickel. Both are expensive, and both were being mined before there were EV batteries. But not one of you brought up anything about the way they were being mined then. Ah well, continue to stand beside the road, yelling "Get a horse" at every EV passing by.
Funny that your op had anything to do with mining or oil production it was about electric vehicles. But I can understand why someone of your limited intelligence could fail to follow that. I still get a kick out of you not being intelligent enough to see that first of all if not for oil there would be no plastics or rubber, no roadways for electric cars. if not for natural gas at the moment not even a small amount of your electric vehicles would be charged. If not for coal and mining there would be no metal for your vehicle.
I can hardly wait till one of you fools tries to fiqure out how to charge one out along side the highway with out a fuel powered generator.
Your big V-8 will be left in the dust by even the performance 3 or Y. To say nothing of the S Plaid. As for the rest of your toys, they will be primarily EV's by 2025
I will be driving gas powered the rest of my life.
Has the range I need for towing large loads into rural areas that have zero access to charging stations that still rely on fossil fuels anyway.

They may get popular with urbanites, but are completely impractical for the rural country.
Your dream will take decades if it even happens at all.
Funny, you didn't bring up the hazards of mining coal, strip mining tar sands, mining the metals that go into an ICE. The up and coming battery is the LFP. Lithium, iron, and phosphorus. Now you flap yaps love to bring up cobalt and nickel. Both are expensive, and both were being mined before there were EV batteries. But not one of you brought up anything about the way they were being mined then. Ah well, continue to stand beside the road, yelling "Get a horse" at every EV passing by.
Lol. You put that you disagree. With what you idiot? That your original op had nothing to do with oil or coal or any of the other stuff you posted? Or are you disagreeing with the fact that roads, plastic, rubber, steel are all made out of the ingredients they are made out of? Maybe you are disagreeing with the fact that a large precentage of our current electrical requirements are met by natural gas?
I have a feeling that you Disagree because you have no other clue.
Funny that your op had anything to do with mining or oil production it was about electric vehicles. But I can understand why someone of your limited intelligence could fail to follow that. I still get a kick out of you not being intelligent enough to see that first of all if not for oil there would be no plastics or rubber, no roadways for electric cars. if not for natural gas at the moment not even a small amount of your electric vehicles would be charged. If not for coal and mining there would be no metal for your vehicle.
I can hardly wait till one of you fools tries to fiqure out how to charge one out along side the highway with out a fuel powered generator.
Damn, but you are stupid. It is not oil that is being objected to, but the burning of oil products that emit GHG's into the atmosphere. There are now ways to smelt iron without using coal, and that only emit 2% of the GHGs that smelting with coke does. At the moment natural gas produces most of the electricity on the US grid, with renewables and and nuclear tying for second, and coal third. There is no other reason other than sloth that solar, wind, and hydro should not be 100% of the grid by 2030.

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