Cost Of Illegal Immigration Clock

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.

I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.

Now you are projecting. That is why I said you were a liar when you falsely claimed to be an activist. I specialize in playing the Devil's Advocate when the left has a point the right dodges and ducks... like you've been seen to do. Hell, you can't even address the issue. You got butt hurt and now the entire thread is about you wanting a private pissing match with me and NOTHING relevant to the thread.

Again you couldn't read past the first paragraph.
WON"T read past the first paragraph,for no other reason than you want me to. FYI- You misused the word projecting. I was an activist-nothing worth it now, all I wanted was a wall, anything else is your idea-left, right, leftright, WTH, I don't think you know what you are. Don't want to piss with you, just wondering why you left the law.

If you were an activist you would know why. After winning that case dealing with the so - called "Patriot Act," - the one I wasn't supposed to win, it dawned on me that I was working in the world's most dishonest profession and having to deal with narcissists like you that I thought were on our side.
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.

I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.

Now you are projecting. That is why I said you were a liar when you falsely claimed to be an activist. I specialize in playing the Devil's Advocate when the left has a point the right dodges and ducks... like you've been seen to do. Hell, you can't even address the issue. You got butt hurt and now the entire thread is about you wanting a private pissing match with me and NOTHING relevant to the thread.

Again you couldn't read past the first paragraph.
WON"T read past the first paragraph,for no other reason than you want me to. FYI- You misused the word projecting. I was an activist-nothing worth it now, all I wanted was a wall, anything else is your idea-left, right, leftright, WTH, I don't think you know what you are. Don't want to piss with you, just wondering why you left the law.

If you were an activist you would know why. After winning that case dealing with the so - called "Patriot Act," - the one I wasn't supposed to win, it dawned on me that I was working in the world's most dishonest profession and having to deal with narcissists like you that I thought were on our side.
Wrong on two out of three. I am NO LONGER an activist-unless you count working on the campaign for Florida's governor. I am not a narcissist, tho I used to be, but I do agree with you about the dishonest profession thing. Hey, what do you call 50,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start.
I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.

Now you are projecting. That is why I said you were a liar when you falsely claimed to be an activist. I specialize in playing the Devil's Advocate when the left has a point the right dodges and ducks... like you've been seen to do. Hell, you can't even address the issue. You got butt hurt and now the entire thread is about you wanting a private pissing match with me and NOTHING relevant to the thread.

Again you couldn't read past the first paragraph.
WON"T read past the first paragraph,for no other reason than you want me to. FYI- You misused the word projecting. I was an activist-nothing worth it now, all I wanted was a wall, anything else is your idea-left, right, leftright, WTH, I don't think you know what you are. Don't want to piss with you, just wondering why you left the law.

If you were an activist you would know why. After winning that case dealing with the so - called "Patriot Act," - the one I wasn't supposed to win, it dawned on me that I was working in the world's most dishonest profession and having to deal with narcissists like you that I thought were on our side.
Wrong on two out of three. I am NO LONGER an activist-unless you count working on the campaign for Florida's governor. I am not a narcissist, tho I used to be, but I do agree with you about the dishonest profession thing. Hey, what do you call 50,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start.

The ABA is the most liberal - communist organization in the United States. Without their blessing, your opportunities are limited. Prostitution is a more honorable profession.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.

Now you are projecting. That is why I said you were a liar when you falsely claimed to be an activist. I specialize in playing the Devil's Advocate when the left has a point the right dodges and ducks... like you've been seen to do. Hell, you can't even address the issue. You got butt hurt and now the entire thread is about you wanting a private pissing match with me and NOTHING relevant to the thread.

Again you couldn't read past the first paragraph.
WON"T read past the first paragraph,for no other reason than you want me to. FYI- You misused the word projecting. I was an activist-nothing worth it now, all I wanted was a wall, anything else is your idea-left, right, leftright, WTH, I don't think you know what you are. Don't want to piss with you, just wondering why you left the law.

If you were an activist you would know why. After winning that case dealing with the so - called "Patriot Act," - the one I wasn't supposed to win, it dawned on me that I was working in the world's most dishonest profession and having to deal with narcissists like you that I thought were on our side.
Wrong on two out of three. I am NO LONGER an activist-unless you count working on the campaign for Florida's governor. I am not a narcissist, tho I used to be, but I do agree with you about the dishonest profession thing. Hey, what do you call 50,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start.

The ABA is the most liberal - communist organization in the United States. Without their blessing, your opportunities are limited. Prostitution is a more honorable profession.
At least its older-and more fun.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-


You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.[/QUOTE]
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.

You're blind as a bat. That is why your side is always advocating enforcing laws that were pushed through Congress by liberal Democrats for the sole purpose to dilute the white vote and make non-whites the majority. You are your own worst enemy.
Makes NO sense. How does a wall hurt anything?
It requires the forcing of eminent domain- for starters. It gives Mexico the land west, in Texas, or south everywhere else.
It discourages free trade, It discourages free to travel. It costs money that will be paid for by your off spring and their off spring, and it won't change people trying to come across the best way they can. It restricts their right to make their life better. It makes politicians look better than they are at a price we all pay. This Country was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there are no caveats in that phrase. Denying rights or restricting them is immoral.
In the Border country the "culture" has been influenced by the latin culture since long before you, or I, were born, and, personally, I enjoy them and their culture, especially the food- the women are pretty too. The music is awesome and they make some damn fine cowboy boots, by hand, and don't charge a small fortune for them.
The fear you exude is beyond my simple mind- I just don't get it.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.[/QUOTE]
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."[/QUOTE]
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.

You're blind as a bat. That is why your side is always advocating enforcing laws that were pushed through Congress by liberal Democrats for the sole purpose to dilute the white vote and make non-whites the majority. You are your own worst enemy.
Makes NO sense. How does a wall hurt anything?
It requires the forcing of eminent domain- for starters. It gives Mexico the land west, in Texas, or south everywhere else.
It discourages free trade, It discourages free to travel. It costs money that will be paid for by your off spring and their off spring, and it won't change people trying to come across the best way they can. It restricts their right to make their life better. It makes politicians look better than they are at a price we all pay. This Country was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there are no caveats in that phrase. Denying rights or restricting them is immoral.
In the Border country the "culture" has been influenced by the latin culture since long before you, or I, were born, and, personally, I enjoy them and their culture, especially the food- the women are pretty too. The music is awesome and they make some damn fine cowboy boots, by hand, and don't charge a small fortune for them.
The fear you exude is beyond my simple mind- I just don't get it.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.

You're blind as a bat. That is why your side is always advocating enforcing laws that were pushed through Congress by liberal Democrats for the sole purpose to dilute the white vote and make non-whites the majority. You are your own worst enemy.
Makes NO sense. How does a wall hurt anything?
It requires the forcing of eminent domain- for starters. It gives Mexico the land west, in Texas, or south everywhere else.
It discourages free trade, It discourages free to travel. It costs money that will be paid for by your off spring and their off spring, and it won't change people trying to come across the best way they can. It restricts their right to make their life better. It makes politicians look better than they are at a price we all pay. This Country was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there are no caveats in that phrase. Denying rights or restricting them is immoral.
In the Border country the "culture" has been influenced by the latin culture since long before you, or I, were born, and, personally, I enjoy them and their culture, especially the food- the women are pretty too. The music is awesome and they make some damn fine cowboy boots, by hand, and don't charge a small fortune for them.
The fear you exude is beyond my simple mind- I just don't get it.
This country started with slaves-not all were equal. And morality is a personal belief-not yours to declare. What happens in the "lost states" Cal. Ar. NM. and Tex is up to the people there-if they encourage illegals so be it. It is when they migrate north and create other problems I won't get into, I object strongly. And politicians looking good-that will NEVER happen. I don't fear so there is no exuding-and your mind is not simple, but you are right, you just don't get it. I don't like illegals-never did and never will so anything I can do to hinder them, here or elsewhere, that's what I will do.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."[/QUOTE]
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.[/QUOTE]
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.
This country started with slaves-not all were equal. And morality is a personal belief-not yours to declare. What happens in the "lost states" Cal. Ar. NM. and Tex is up to the people there-if they encourage illegals so be it. It is when they migrate north and create other problems I won't get into, I object strongly. And politicians looking good-that will NEVER happen. I don't fear so there is no exuding-and your mind is not simple, but you are right, you just don't get it. I don't like illegals-never did and never will so anything I can do to hinder them, here or elsewhere, that's what I will do.[/QUOTE]

The starting of this country is immaterial. What is material is the phrase used to address the grievances, and the fact that it is the foundation for constituting a gov't to help prevent a narrow minded, tyrannical force from encroaching on those rights listed with the phrase and broadened with the words "among these are".
Most people, except loud mouthed idiots, don't have a problem with those of latin descent. In fact they hire them to swing weed eaters from can to can't- that you display a racist attitude in public speaks to your superiority complex and allows you to publicly insult yourself as well with the shallow mindedness of a narrow minded attitude.
Racists generally fear people they are unfamiliar with. They may claim to be familiar as a way of justifying their weakness and fear (i.e. their racism), but their idea of "familiar" is limited to 10 second clips online and/or glaring from under a trucker cap at people they pass on the street.
This country started with slaves-not all were equal. And morality is a personal belief-not yours to declare. What happens in the "lost states" Cal. Ar. NM. and Tex is up to the people there-if they encourage illegals so be it. It is when they migrate north and create other problems I won't get into, I object strongly. And politicians looking good-that will NEVER happen. I don't fear so there is no exuding-and your mind is not simple, but you are right, you just don't get it. I don't like illegals-never did and never will so anything I can do to hinder them, here or elsewhere, that's what I will do.[/QUOTE]

The starting of this country is immaterial. What is material is the phrase used to address the grievances, and the fact that it is the foundation for constituting a gov't to help prevent a narrow minded, tyrannical force from encroaching on those rights listed with the phrase and broadened with the words "among these are".
Most people, except loud mouthed idiots, don't have a problem with those of latin descent. In fact they hire them to swing weed eaters from can to can't- that you display a racist attitude in public speaks to your superiority complex and allows you to publicly insult yourself as well with the shallow mindedness of a narrow minded attitude.[/QUOTE]
What is can to can't? How dare you judge my God given right to judge as I see fit. And it is NOT racist you self righteous bastard. And who said anything about Latin-jump the gun much? I am talking illegal-ILLEGAL! Or don't you think laws are worthwhile? And the only one with any complex is you-mocking me who you don't even know. Got to do it tho right-show YOUR superiority, right-look in the mirror if you want to see narrow mindedness-but your attempt at smear tactics IS pretty good-I'll give you that.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.[/QUOTE]
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.[/QUOTE]

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
This is where our tax money is being wasted by liberals. OAN News network shows this every hour.

$8-9 thousand a second.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration Clock

Occasionally, you have to restart the clock on the OP. We have people trying to derail the thread, so I will reiterate a theme that I've made throughout this thread:

EVERY non-partisan study has concluded that undocumented foreigners pay as much in taxes as they receive in benefits and services from the government. When you argue immigration from an economic perspective, the right loses its pretext for the extreme measures they want to impose. If you receive a Social Security check or Social Security Disability check, you better check the facts before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon on this:

Undocumented immigrants quietly pay billions into Social Security and receive no benefits - Marketplace

We do have issues with the numbers of foreigners coming here.Their legal status is a red herring since the Constitution never gave the federal government any authority over foreigners except as it relates to creating an uniform Rule of Naturalization (Article I Section 8 of the Constitution.) The current crop of immigration laws were put into place due to a power grab by the United States Supreme Court. Their rulings gave a power to Congress that the Constitution did not. In essence, those laws have NO constitutional basis for even existing.

The reason so many foreigners come here is to take advantage of economic opportunities willingly offered. It is called free enterprise. The people advocating for a wall don't like it when you take their pretexts away, but foreigners come here because it is economically profitable for business and profitable for the foreigner.

IF America truly wanted more Americans to go to work, they would get that lazy ass generation of American welfarites back into the workforce. But those worshiping the wall will not do that. They need a dependent class in order to sell stupid people on the nutty wall idea. Meanwhile, the Democrats, who started the wall talk, get third world voters so that it becomes easier to make the Republicans out to be the bad guys, disenfranchise the whites, and then bury the Republican party so as to make way for the United Socialist States of Amerika.
What is can to can't? How dare you judge my God given right to judge as I see fit. And it is NOT racist you self righteous bastard. And who said anything about Latin-jump the gun much? I am talking illegal-ILLEGAL! Or don't you think laws are worthwhile? And the only one with any complex is you-mocking me who you don't even know. Got to do it tho right-show YOUR superiority, right-look in the mirror if you want to see narrow mindedness-but your attempt at smear tactics IS pretty good-I'll give you that.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe you have the authority to judge. Since most immigrants are of an ethnicity other than white it is racist.
Where a wall is being built it is being built between Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California and Mexico. Mexicans are not white, though some Spanish influence in their heritage did create a pretty nice off-white, not quite brown pigmentation- and those dark eyes and dark hair is, in some cases, beautiful to look at.

I'm not mocking you, I'm pointing out a personality flaw I see. I don't claim, or even imply I'm superior to anyone and I am the one, not you, using the phrase that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there are no ethnic, or citizenship caveats. I respect all men until they disrespect me. I believe in living by the Golden Rule. I believe in setting a good example. Sadly, bad examples by authority figures are more prevalent and I at times wonder why I keep it up- then I remember a vow I made to me and mine- to leave my space a little better than I found it. However, I'm a bit philosophical as well and find quotes from those a lot smarter than me helpful and validation for my beliefs. I also know that Individual effort is what will make a difference, hopefully, exponentially, and (to quote Washington) when the seeds of liberty take root it is a plant of rapid growth- I also know that bad for liberty seeds planted in sponges for brains bear fruit as well- I know that we're living it- this conversation is indicative of those seeds.

I don't believe in forcing others to do my bidding through having their liberty's restricted, by law, for whatever-

As for worthwhile laws I see very few that are moral and the two, moral and legal, rarely meet. Most laws are revenue generators for law writers and lawyers and judges. ALL laws restrict Liberty and punish for crimes others have committed hoping they prevent similar crimes, and fail to do that. BUT, they sometimes are used to punish an actual criminal who actually harmed another person or property. They OFTEN punish, through wealth confiscation, property seizure and incarceration because idiots demand liberty should be punished even if no real crime has been committed.

If you have to ask what from can to can't means that is your problem and with your alleged higher education you should have been taught, from the get-go, how to find an answer to a question, not given an answer to pass a test. Maybe you should contact your center for indoctrination and see about a refund.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.[/QUOTE]

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.[/QUOTE]
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.
I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.[/QUOTE]
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?
You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?[/QUOTE]

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
Last edited:
I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public? [/QUOTE]

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.[/QUOTE]

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.

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