Cost Of Illegal Immigration Clock

You talk shit and sound like a moron. It takes fucking coward to even imply I'm a hypocrite. I've spilled more blood and made more sacrifices for this cause than your sorry, lazy, uneducated, cowardly ass ever will.
Oh please, brag some more to all of us undeserving posters-you really want to call us deplorables, don't you?

For you, deplorable??? that would be a compliment. You and I both know you can't read past five sentences and call people out without any intention of saying to their face the B.S. you post on the Internet. What would that make you?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.
Blah, blah, blah. You are divisive and ignorant. Remain that way. Better to have arrogant asshats like you pecking a keyboard than in the real fight.
And YOU are in the real fight? Pray tell us, how?

Tell you so can accuse me of bragging? You aren't too swift are you? I do more by accident than you do on purpose.

The one thing I've figured out about the religious fanatics wherein the wall is their religion. The economic argument is a pretext. They don't want better jobs; they don't want to save our culture; they don't care about the Rights and Liberties they flush down the toilet. All they care about is a damn wall - as ineffective as they know it will be. So, explored their "cost" allegation and they can't deal with both sides of the ledger. It's like arguing with a gun control proponent. It's not about any problem perceived or real. It's simply control.
So now you are knocking religion. keep going, there must be somebody you haven't insulted yet. And by the way, are you related to Norman or George Rockwell? I think I can guess.

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien

(a)Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b)Improper time or place; civil penaltiesAny alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

(c)Marriage fraud
Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both.

(d)Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.


8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

'Nuff said.

So, you get a little civil misdemeanor for entering the United States. You cannot even tell me what that law means.

A civil misdemeanor like that is not sufficient to keep families separated, As soon as the dog and pony show is over, you will find that out.
Families separate themselves by their actions-don't blame the cop for your speeding ticket.

I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...
Oh please, brag some more to all of us undeserving posters-you really want to call us deplorables, don't you?

For you, deplorable??? that would be a compliment. You and I both know you can't read past five sentences and call people out without any intention of saying to their face the B.S. you post on the Internet. What would that make you?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.
You are not sorry-don't lie. Taxpayers paid for 12, I paid for the next four, and my employers paid for the next 4. You did not pay any more for me than the non-English speaking illegal who is drawing more in benefits than you make in a year. I like to read books about philosophy and metaphysics, that's why I am interested in your religious bent. I don't remember saying I was intimidated but if your assumptions about me are more important than fact, fine. And , I am not worried about being hired at this stage of the game, any tussles I had with those damn "furiners" are over. It is interesting you you the word "give" rather than award, one being on the basis of compassion, and the other on merit.
Oh please, brag some more to all of us undeserving posters-you really want to call us deplorables, don't you?

For you, deplorable??? that would be a compliment. You and I both know you can't read past five sentences and call people out without any intention of saying to their face the B.S. you post on the Internet. What would that make you?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.

I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-
U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien

(a)Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b)Improper time or place; civil penaltiesAny alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

(c)Marriage fraud
Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both.

(d)Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.


8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

'Nuff said.

So, you get a little civil misdemeanor for entering the United States. You cannot even tell me what that law means.

A civil misdemeanor like that is not sufficient to keep families separated, As soon as the dog and pony show is over, you will find that out.
Families separate themselves by their actions-don't blame the cop for your speeding ticket.

I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
For you, deplorable??? that would be a compliment. You and I both know you can't read past five sentences and call people out without any intention of saying to their face the B.S. you post on the Internet. What would that make you?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.
You are not sorry-don't lie. Taxpayers paid for 12, I paid for the next four, and my employers paid for the next 4. You did not pay any more for me than the non-English speaking illegal who is drawing more in benefits than you make in a year. I like to read books about philosophy and metaphysics, that's why I am interested in your religious bent. I don't remember saying I was intimidated but if your assumptions about me are more important than fact, fine. And , I am not worried about being hired at this stage of the game, any tussles I had with those damn "furiners" are over. It is interesting you you the word "give" rather than award, one being on the basis of compassion, and the other on merit.

No offense - then maybe again I do intend to offend you, but you sound like you are on drugs. After a couple of sentences, you seem to ramble with no particular point being made.

IF a foreigner got the benefit of an education and used it, he's in much better shape than a man claiming to have 8 years of post secondary education, complaining about being a discussion board and not being able to read 10 paragraphs... then trying to respond to a post he says he didn't read!!!! You can't make this stuff up people.

You should reread your post. It does not reflect the writing of someone with 8 years of post secondary education. Dude, when you decide to have a conversation; when you get past the insulting; when you can deal with more than a tweet, then come back and try your hand at a civil conversation. With me, you're getting what you dished out.

You come here like you have a monopoly on understanding AND as much as I hate this term, you seem to wallow in logical fallacies - against people you might find you have something in common with.
And YOU are in the real fight? Pray tell us, how?

Tell you so can accuse me of bragging? You aren't too swift are you? I do more by accident than you do on purpose.

The one thing I've figured out about the religious fanatics wherein the wall is their religion. The economic argument is a pretext. They don't want better jobs; they don't want to save our culture; they don't care about the Rights and Liberties they flush down the toilet. All they care about is a damn wall - as ineffective as they know it will be. So, explored their "cost" allegation and they can't deal with both sides of the ledger. It's like arguing with a gun control proponent. It's not about any problem perceived or real. It's simply control.
So now you are knocking religion. keep going, there must be somebody you haven't insulted yet. And by the way, are you related to Norman or George Rockwell? I think I can guess.

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?
Tell you so can accuse me of bragging? You aren't too swift are you? I do more by accident than you do on purpose.

The one thing I've figured out about the religious fanatics wherein the wall is their religion. The economic argument is a pretext. They don't want better jobs; they don't want to save our culture; they don't care about the Rights and Liberties they flush down the toilet. All they care about is a damn wall - as ineffective as they know it will be. So, explored their "cost" allegation and they can't deal with both sides of the ledger. It's like arguing with a gun control proponent. It's not about any problem perceived or real. It's simply control.
So now you are knocking religion. keep going, there must be somebody you haven't insulted yet. And by the way, are you related to Norman or George Rockwell? I think I can guess.

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.
For you, deplorable??? that would be a compliment. You and I both know you can't read past five sentences and call people out without any intention of saying to their face the B.S. you post on the Internet. What would that make you?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.

I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
For you, deplorable??? that would be a compliment. You and I both know you can't read past five sentences and call people out without any intention of saying to their face the B.S. you post on the Internet. What would that make you?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.

I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-
Funny, I found your 3 paragraphs easier to read than Porter Blowhard's 3 sentences. Maybe content has something to do with it? If not that, certainly style. BTW, I remember reading that newspapers were written on a 6th grade level-I guess our education system is failing us.
U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien

(a)Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b)Improper time or place; civil penaltiesAny alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

(c)Marriage fraud
Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both.

(d)Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.


8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

'Nuff said.

So, you get a little civil misdemeanor for entering the United States. You cannot even tell me what that law means.

A civil misdemeanor like that is not sufficient to keep families separated, As soon as the dog and pony show is over, you will find that out.
Families separate themselves by their actions-don't blame the cop for your speeding ticket.

I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.

I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-
Funny, I found your 3 paragraphs easier to read than Porter Blowhard's 3 sentences. Maybe content has something to do with it? If not that, certainly style. BTW, I remember reading that newspapers were written on a 6th grade level-I guess our education system is failing us.

Since you cannot comprehend beyond anything that exceeds that 6th grade level of reading comprehension, the education system may have failed us. And Dude, if you have anything more than a high school diploma, something is really wrong in this country. I can't give you what you want in a post the size of a tweet. This is a discussion board, not Twitter.
Tell you so can accuse me of bragging? You aren't too swift are you? I do more by accident than you do on purpose.

The one thing I've figured out about the religious fanatics wherein the wall is their religion. The economic argument is a pretext. They don't want better jobs; they don't want to save our culture; they don't care about the Rights and Liberties they flush down the toilet. All they care about is a damn wall - as ineffective as they know it will be. So, explored their "cost" allegation and they can't deal with both sides of the ledger. It's like arguing with a gun control proponent. It's not about any problem perceived or real. It's simply control.
So now you are knocking religion. keep going, there must be somebody you haven't insulted yet. And by the way, are you related to Norman or George Rockwell? I think I can guess.

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

No, I'm not going to answer your questions. It cannot be done in two or three sentences. I've been doing this shit upward of four decades. Just the highlights would take a dozen paragraphs. It would be wasted bandwidth. That exceeds your reading capacity. What would the point be?
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So now you are knocking religion. keep going, there must be somebody you haven't insulted yet. And by the way, are you related to Norman or George Rockwell? I think I can guess.

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
So, you get a little civil misdemeanor for entering the United States. You cannot even tell me what that law means.

A civil misdemeanor like that is not sufficient to keep families separated, As soon as the dog and pony show is over, you will find that out.
Families separate themselves by their actions-don't blame the cop for your speeding ticket.

I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.

You're blind as a bat. That is why your side is always advocating enforcing laws that were pushed through Congress by liberal Democrats for the sole purpose to dilute the white vote and make non-whites the majority. You are your own worst enemy.
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.
You are not sorry-don't lie. Taxpayers paid for 12, I paid for the next four, and my employers paid for the next 4. You did not pay any more for me than the non-English speaking illegal who is drawing more in benefits than you make in a year. I like to read books about philosophy and metaphysics, that's why I am interested in your religious bent. I don't remember saying I was intimidated but if your assumptions about me are more important than fact, fine. And , I am not worried about being hired at this stage of the game, any tussles I had with those damn "furiners" are over. It is interesting you you the word "give" rather than award, one being on the basis of compassion, and the other on merit.

No offense - then maybe again I do intend to offend you, but you sound like you are on drugs. After a couple of sentences, you seem to ramble with no particular point being made.

IF a foreigner got the benefit of an education and used it, he's in much better shape than a man claiming to have 8 years of post secondary education, complaining about being a discussion board and not being able to read 10 paragraphs... then trying to respond to a post he says he didn't read!!!! You can't make this stuff up people.

You should reread your post. It does not reflect the writing of someone with 8 years of post secondary education. Dude, when you decide to have a conversation; when you get past the insulting; when you can deal with more than a tweet, then come back and try your hand at a civil conversation. With me, you're getting what you dished out.

You come here like you have a monopoly on understanding AND as much as I hate this term, you seem to wallow in logical fallacies - against people you might find you have something in common with.
This time I will read and respond to your musings much as I dislike them.
Never took an illegal drug and the rambling may be your lack of focus.
If a foreigner...-how would you know if it is better than 8 years of post education? I can operate in white collar, blue collar, or green collar settings, thanks to the claim of education. You seem to guess a lot-and guess wrong.
I never complained about the board-I complained about you and your pomposity-for someone who complains about my not reading all your crap, you don't seem to read much either.
And you have the nerve to say, "when I am done with my insulting"-check the posts, you threw the first barb.
I will respond to your long posts with short responses-they don't deserve anything more-you are so full of yourself that you write for you instead of your reader.
And if you really thought my posts beneath you, you would break off any contact with me.
And by the way, are you ever going to answer my questions? Not too hard are they?
Come see me face to face then-I don't sweat you. So are all the people here like me deplorables? Huh, Hillary? And I read for quality not quantity. Learn the first rule of writing-be brief.

I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.

I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-

You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Did not read this post either-but I will tell you why. You have what is called "I" trouble. You don't "see" anyone else but yourself. Count the number of I's in the above post-there are too many! Try thinking about others, not just yourself.
I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.

I've found in the many years I've visited political message boards that most posters prefer a 30 second sound bite type information. A small town newspaper publisher/editor told me most people's reading level is about 4th grade. Add the approximate 10% retention rate as insult to injury makes getting a point across almost impossible. If you talk to these people in person you get the eyes glazed over look or the immediate defensive posturing when their beliefs or knowledge is put on the table.
What I like about the written word is it can be read and reread if not understood and done in privacy it affords a better environment for absorption.
Back and forth with posters of a different persuasion, regardless of what it is, is a one sided conversation with a narrow minded wall and leads to a pissing contest about whose shit don't stink or whose dick is biggest- that doesn't mean I won't, just pointing out the frustration when the wiring has been crossed.
It's another sad commentary on our society which we call civilized- SMH-
Funny, I found your 3 paragraphs easier to read than Porter Blowhard's 3 sentences. Maybe content has something to do with it? If not that, certainly style. BTW, I remember reading that newspapers were written on a 6th grade level-I guess our education system is failing us.

Since you cannot comprehend beyond anything that exceeds that 6th grade level of reading comprehension, the education system may have failed us. And Dude, if you have anything more than a high school diploma, something is really wrong in this country. I can't give you what you want in a post the size of a tweet. This is a discussion board, not Twitter.
I hear a lot of "can'ts" from you. Try posting some positives, like this- Thanks for the reference to newspapers and sixth grade. Since I wrote for a newspaper, I was told to write at a sixth grade level-to accommodate the reader. See how it is done? Your response might have been-Even tho I was told to write at a sixth grade level, I will make it a third grade level for you. See the difference? And if you are still bothered that I called you out for being verbose, forget it and go ahead and bore everyone else on this message board.
So now you are knocking religion. keep going, there must be somebody you haven't insulted yet. And by the way, are you related to Norman or George Rockwell? I think I can guess.

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

No, I'm not going to answer your questions. It cannot be done in two or three sentences. I've been doing this shit upward of four decades. Just the highlights would take a dozen paragraphs. It would be wasted bandwidth. That exceeds your reading capacity. What would the point be?
Try answering just one question-your choice. I'm sure you can handle that.

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