Cost Of Illegal Immigration Clock

You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?
Families separate themselves by their actions-don't blame the cop for your speeding ticket.

I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.

You're blind as a bat. That is why your side is always advocating enforcing laws that were pushed through Congress by liberal Democrats for the sole purpose to dilute the white vote and make non-whites the majority. You are your own worst enemy.
Makes NO sense. How does a wall hurt anything?
You wall worshipers are generally smart asses. Why would I knock religion? I'm a minister. I went from a legal profession to theology. Now, I have to debate mental midgets that worship a wall because they cannot have a civil conversation.

In the process, I find a lot of poseurs, fakes, phonies, keyboard commandos and those who like to trash others on the Net, but have NEVER been involved as an activist.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.

Walls work in other countries. East Berlin, the Gaza, Morocco. Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Turkey and 70 other countries. But they wont work here? You have no idea of the technology DHS has.Border crossings are way down and will decrease as each new mile is added. Spare us your overbearing rhetoric.
I don't think half the people you think believe the horseshit you do are limited to three or four sentences of reading and then a lot of B.S. you would never say in a public setting. Some people can actually READ.
See-you can be brief. That's a good start.Now, reading and comprehending are two different things. You can read 100 sentences, but remember only three or four accurately. You actually make good points I would like to read and remember.

I'm sorry that you didn't receive a very good education. Most articles I read in Forbes. Business Week, etc. are far longer than any post I make on this board. Taxpayers paid for you to have 12 years of education and you're intimidated by 10 paragraphs??? WTF??? Maybe that is why employers don't hire you and give the jobs to foreigners.
You are not sorry-don't lie. Taxpayers paid for 12, I paid for the next four, and my employers paid for the next 4. You did not pay any more for me than the non-English speaking illegal who is drawing more in benefits than you make in a year. I like to read books about philosophy and metaphysics, that's why I am interested in your religious bent. I don't remember saying I was intimidated but if your assumptions about me are more important than fact, fine. And , I am not worried about being hired at this stage of the game, any tussles I had with those damn "furiners" are over. It is interesting you you the word "give" rather than award, one being on the basis of compassion, and the other on merit.

No offense - then maybe again I do intend to offend you, but you sound like you are on drugs. After a couple of sentences, you seem to ramble with no particular point being made.

IF a foreigner got the benefit of an education and used it, he's in much better shape than a man claiming to have 8 years of post secondary education, complaining about being a discussion board and not being able to read 10 paragraphs... then trying to respond to a post he says he didn't read!!!! You can't make this stuff up people.

You should reread your post. It does not reflect the writing of someone with 8 years of post secondary education. Dude, when you decide to have a conversation; when you get past the insulting; when you can deal with more than a tweet, then come back and try your hand at a civil conversation. With me, you're getting what you dished out.

You come here like you have a monopoly on understanding AND as much as I hate this term, you seem to wallow in logical fallacies - against people you might find you have something in common with.
This time I will read and respond to your musings much as I dislike them.
Never took an illegal drug and the rambling may be your lack of focus.
If a foreigner...-how would you know if it is better than 8 years of post education? I can operate in white collar, blue collar, or green collar settings, thanks to the claim of education. You seem to guess a lot-and guess wrong.
I never complained about the board-I complained about you and your pomposity-for someone who complains about my not reading all your crap, you don't seem to read much either.
And you have the nerve to say, "when I am done with my insulting"-check the posts, you threw the first barb.
I will respond to your long posts with short responses-they don't deserve anything more-you are so full of yourself that you write for you instead of your reader.
And if you really thought my posts beneath you, you would break off any contact with me.
And by the way, are you ever going to answer my questions? Not too hard are they?

Your sentences do not reflect that of a person with even a high school diploma. You seem to be projecting. You sound like a little child. If you think I insulted you first, do two wrongs make a right?

Nobody is beneath me. If I were "full of myself," I'd be eager to answer your questions - I don't recall what all of them were. But, since you have stated that you didn't read responses and you jumped to conclusions berating me, what would the point of my responses be?

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13

Since your responses have been made without reading the whole post, what is the value of your criticisms?
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.
I don't have a clue what that throwaway posting was intended to convey. My point is, most of those you're deporting will be back when the next Democrat is elected president.
It is called an analogy. Blame the families-not the law. Your point about return may be right. That's why we need a wall right away. And a second if needed, And a third...

A wall does not stop bad legislation. The peripheral laws will cost more in dollars and lost Liberties than they can help with a problem of your own making.
I see the wall as saving our liberties AND culture.

You're blind as a bat. That is why your side is always advocating enforcing laws that were pushed through Congress by liberal Democrats for the sole purpose to dilute the white vote and make non-whites the majority. You are your own worst enemy.
Makes NO sense. How does a wall hurt anything?

What dumbassery! That has been asked and answered. Try reading the thread.
I have been an activist albeit years ago, but enough about me. What denomination are you a minister of?. Why did you leave the law? Why does the wall bother you so much? I support the wall, but if it never gets built or finished, I won't cry about it-I just think it is a good idea. And most interesting is your take on posters here. I agree, some are fake and annoying, but why do they bother you so much?

First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.

Walls work in other countries. East Berlin, the Gaza, Morocco. Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Turkey and 70 other countries. But they wont work here? You have no idea of the technology DHS has.Border crossings are way down and will decrease as each new mile is added. Spare us your overbearing rhetoric.

In other words, STFU if I don't agree with you. Your problem is, you can't do anything to stop me from exposing your stupidity. And, at a personal level, you're too much of a chickenshit to go out into public and talk your trash to people in person. Sucks being you, don't it? Walls don't work and the peripheral laws used to enforce them are going to eliminate you before they impact foreigners. Sin Loi Victor Charlie.
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First, you are intimidated by 10 paragraphs and then you ask half a dozen questions, expecting an answer in three or fewer sentences. Quite the joker you are! I can do it. Count them.

You are a fake, phony, poseur, and now we can add liar to the mix. If you had ever been an activist, you already know who I am. IF you had ever been an activist, you would know how the peripheral laws surrounding the building of the wall were used against patriots - some losing their lives, some being put in prison and some were forced to snitch for Uncle Scam.

Three sentences. BAM. So much for your dumbassery.
Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

Ever hear of the SDS-look it up. Hint:it relates to VietNam. The wall is an emotional issue for me. I don't care what it costs, or how effective it may or may not be. It should help, but if nothing more, signals the invaders that they are NOT welcome. More importantly, are you going to answer any of my questions?

I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?
I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?

Yeah but we're gonna miss you.
I wouldn't fret about what Cap'n Knowledge spouts. He is for illegal aliens, drug runners, child traffickers and MS13 types. And, the wall will work.

Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.
Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?

Yeah but we're gonna miss you.

Your claim to fame is that you are heavily medicated. You have no idea of when I'm around and when I'm not. You gonna shoot me?
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?

Yeah but we're gonna miss you.

Your claim to fame is that you are heavily medicated. You have no idea of when I'm around and when I'm not. You gonna shoot me?

Piss off piss ant.
Walls never work. Talk shit you won't say to a man's face. We don't have to assume what you're for or against. You've told us what you are.

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

This has NOTHING to do with being for or against a wall that won't work. You're far too stupid to understand that.
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.

I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?

Yeah but we're gonna miss you.

Your claim to fame is that you are heavily medicated. You have no idea of when I'm around and when I'm not. You gonna shoot me?

Piss off piss ant.

Take your meds; go to bed and let the discussion proceed. We don't need the input of someone that cannot engage in a civil conversation and lets his feel good drugs talk for him.

Yeah but we're gonna miss you.

Your claim to fame is that you are heavily medicated. You have no idea of when I'm around and when I'm not. You gonna shoot me?

Piss off piss ant.

Take your meds; go to bed and let the discussion proceed. We don't need the input of someone cannot engage in a civil conversation and lets his feel good drugs talk for him.
Yes, doctor.
The clock has numbers. Not digital and was $5 at a flea mkt.
Current cost. $8/hr cash. Picking up and bagging sweet taters.
Unreadable/follow-able by the current gringo labor force
The guy just expressed his opinion-why do you get so upset?

Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.

I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.
Who said I was upset? Some "opinions" are not opinions, but in the state I live in rise to the level of what are called fighting words. So, if you said them to someone's face and got a knuckle sandwich, the judge would say, Oh well. You can't defend things like that.

View attachment 287997

I see that. Sucks being you, doesn't it?
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.

I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.

Now you are projecting. That is why I said you were a liar when you falsely claimed to be an activist. I specialize in playing the Devil's Advocate when the left has a point the right dodges and ducks... like you've been seen to do. Hell, you can't even address the issue. You got butt hurt and now the entire thread is about you wanting a private pissing match with me and NOTHING relevant to the thread.

Again you couldn't read past the first paragraph.
I just asked why you were upset-never got a straight answer.

I gave you a straight up answer. I'm not upset. With this Internet stuff, I start out looking to engage with people who want a civil discourse and to find people who share common ideas so that we can do something productive with combined experiences, education and objectives.

When that doesn't work out, I read posts like yours for entertainment and to provide information to those who DO read the posts. Maybe, at first, they pretend to be left wing nutjobs, but some of them finally access a few links and learn about how they got played via Hegelian Dialectics OR, maybe, they look up the term libs like to throw at the right... "logical fallacy." They don't know what it means and they are limited to that and screaming ad hominem as defensive measures. You put those two terms together with the word racist and it is supposed to shut people down like you.

Most of the time, they would be wrong, but when people pick fights with their own AND say silly shit like "he's for open borders" when you disagree with someone's proposed solution, it IS a logical fallacy... especially when the man you're going against has a better solution.

But we're not trying to solve anything, are we? You're like a liberal that fights for gun control. For them, it's not about saving lives, reducing gun violence, or making America safe. It's only about control. You and I are arguing because the left has flipped people like you. Now you react to certain stimuli, Pavlovian style, and at the end of the day, the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners is NOT what any of these threads is about. It is solely about people that want a wall to pacify them. What you cannot understand is the costs involved in things like the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN)Security and the Constitution Free Zone; the evisceration of Due Process; the 24 / 7 / 365 monitoring and surveillance being done by government on the citizenry - All in the name of enforcing your stupid ass wall costs American lives and delivers little, if anything to address the pretexts you list.. but, again, we're not talking about costs of undocumented foreigners. That was a ploy to get where we are now in this discussion.
You don't look for civil discourse-you look for people who agree with you. After the first paragraph, it was all, blah, blah, blah.

Now you are projecting. That is why I said you were a liar when you falsely claimed to be an activist. I specialize in playing the Devil's Advocate when the left has a point the right dodges and ducks... like you've been seen to do. Hell, you can't even address the issue. You got butt hurt and now the entire thread is about you wanting a private pissing match with me and NOTHING relevant to the thread.

Again you couldn't read past the first paragraph.
WON"T read past the first paragraph,for no other reason than you want me to. FYI- You misused the word projecting. I was an activist-nothing worth it now, all I wanted was a wall, anything else is your idea-left, right, leftright, WTH, I don't think you know what you are. Don't want to piss with you, just wondering why you left the law.

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