Could Biden still win the popular vote while holding the lowest approval rating in Presidential history?

I think i told you previously that I was on the Budget and Finance committee for a few years and of course dealt with deficits and debt. Stop making yourself seem stupid.
So tell us hero. Why are you keeping it a secret ?
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.
Hey look something else you can't figure out.
Tell me what the lakers are as a team? Say if if you think they are all white.
You do realize that the person who got the money was Jeanie Buss, white chick/owner.

I know being a conservative you're hyper racist and a big fan of pedophilia but you're also incredibly dense.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.

The ONLY reason Biden is not popular is because of his age.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.
What a nut, polls are a joke. all your numbers on your polls go down the drain with a massive vote by women and guess what ace. That alone will bury your hate group. That and a massive vote by blacks would do the same , I guaranty a massive vote by women, in fact you may not have a party after this next election. WE will throw in the fact that more then 1/3 of the republicans won't vote for shitpants if he is found guilty of any of the 91 charges. So absolutely just the right wing voting for Biden if shitpants is found guilty of any felony. Will give him a massive majority in votes. You people are idiots.
We're probably going to have two lousy choices in November. Again.

That's because the "system" that serves up our "candidates" is broken and needs to be fixed.

But we just don't seem to care enough to fix it. So that's our own fault. It's not about Biden or Trump.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult,
Congrats. You’ve just stated the obvious. You’re math illiterate. 60 million is not half of 300 million
along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

Another stupid remark. Illegals can’t vote. Most don’t even speak English. How are they going to match their name, like Jose, with a registered voter ? Besides, if your stupid poll watchers can’t tell if a Latino is voting for a white American, you serve to be a loser.
At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.
You made this same mistake before. Women came out and beat your ass the last two elections.

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