Could Democrats Have Conspired To Create Covid-19 ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?

Don't be daft.
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?

DNXi, its right in the title of their national organization
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?
First, democrats aren't that smart or that organized.

Second history says the opposite. That when a president is faced with a crisis, it increases his job approval by 20 points or more.

FDR was a failure before Pearl Harbor.

Bush after 9-11, went from 50% to 90% approval. And where Bush barely beat Gore in 2000, he ran away with the election against Kerry in 2004.

Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?
First, democrats aren't that smart or that organized.

Second history says the opposite. That when a president is faced with a crisis, it increases his job approval by 20 points or more.

FDR was a failure before Pearl Harbor.

Bush after 9-11, went from 50% to 90% approval. And where Bush barely beat Gore in 2000, he ran away with the election against Kerry in 2004.

But now they are using the coronavirus pandemic as a way to smear Trump. Blaming him for every little thing that is happening with it, whether they are talking truth or false.
In the fervor of Trumpians to blame someone, anyone for the outbreak of this contagion, they are also looking to blame someone, anyone else for the mismanagement of this contagion. This could have been a golden political opportunity for Trump. Had he acted forcefully, intelligently and competently, he could have not only saved lives, fortunes and futures for Americans and the world, but assured his re-election.

But he squandered his shot at leadership. He side stepped responsibility to provide PPE and support for local public health officials. He punted responsibility for necessary testing to the states. He diminished the severity of the contagion. He failed to lead by example by not taking the advice of his own public health advisors.

And, rather than facing these facts squarely and honestly, the few Americans who still believe this petty, divisive and petulant little man are wondering if the DNC conspired with the Chinese to spread illness and death and economic destruction over America.

If only there was a means of prying open their collective skulls and cramming actual, factual information into them. There appears to be plenty of room in there.
That when a president is faced with a crisis, it increases his job approval by 20 points or more.

FDR was a failure before Pearl Harbor.

Bush after 9-11, went from 50% to 90% approval. And where Bush barely beat Gore in 2000, he ran away with the election against Kerry in 2004.
But now they are using the coronavirus pandemic as a way to smear Trump. Blaming him for every little thing that is happening with it, whether they are talking truth or false.
That's because unlike FDR or Bush, when the coronavirus hit, Trump tried to ignore the problem instead of confronting it.
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?
Great post, thanks. I'm almost certain that the Dems DID conspire with China to create the Chinese Virus. It would be interesting to find out who bankrolled the Chinese scientists with their research to come up with a biochemical weapon to use against the US. This would more than likely include such names as the Devil Incarnate himself, George Soros, or Bill Gates. Of course we'll NEVER find out WHO they were. The Deep State HAS to keep this secret, at ALL and ANY costs. Thank you.
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This could have been a golden political opportunity for Trump. Had he acted forcefully, intelligently and competently, he could have not only saved lives, fortunes and futures for Americans and the world, but assured his re-election.

Why would the democrats create a crisis, like 9-11 or Pearl Harbor for Trump to turn to his advantage?
This could have been a golden political opportunity for Trump. Had he acted forcefully, intelligently and competently, he could have not only saved lives, fortunes and futures for Americans and the world, but assured his re-election.

Why would the democrats create a crisis, like 9-11 or Pearl Harbor for Trump to turn to his advantage?
The democrats DID NOT CREATE THIS CRISIS!!! Pandemics happen. It's the response to pandemics that make the difference.
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?

I believe they did frankly....I have thought so right along.

The democrats DID NOT CREATE THIS CRISIS!!! Pandemics happen. It's the response to pandemics that make the difference.
I'm imagining, what if democrats were behind 9-11 in an attempt to take down George W. Bush. Thousands of dead Americans and Bush's failure to protect them, that they could blame on him. But in that fictional scenario, they failed completely, because Bush turned 9-11 into the reason to re-elect him.

Imagining them giving Trump the same opportunity to unite the country with him, against the pandemic would be an idiot move. And Trumps unpredictable nature means they could never have guessed if Trump would run with the ball, or fumble.
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?

Whoops. Too soon. I thought I had seen the dumbest post of the day in another thread but this one takes the cake. You Trump supporters do not disappoint. You have to be without a doubt the dumbest class of voters this country has ever seen. I've never a group of people that stupid to all new depths.

Honestly, if this is the best the right wing side of the aisle has, they are absolutely screwed in November.

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