The Left is now secretly recording conversations with SCOTUS

How were they destroyed by leftists?

Are they destroyed?

We don't expect you sociopaths to get it, so just parrot what you're told and keep waiting for that Big Important Government Job you think you will get for being a Party suck ass. Hey, it worked for Goebbels and Khrushchev.
I'm enjoying watching Nancy Pelosi try to tap-dance around her video taking responsibility for J6.
I saw her tap dancing, talking to somebody on PMSNBC a night or two ago for a moment in passing. Ole' Nance was really good, back in the day. It was kind of sad, the part of the segment I watched. She don't dance, like she used to. At 84 years old, she has lost a step or three. She is another one in Congress, that really needs to be going to house, (her own house in California) that is.
There is a long history of noted people, conservative, republican, liberal, Democrat, talking or acting one way in public, but totally different in private with no record or their conversations or actions off camera. Anybody remember President Romney?

No. But voters, especially women and young voters are paying close attention to these insane religious zealots, and the world isn’t turning their way any longer.

The majority of this country is “none” under religion, and the end of times crazies will be relegated to the jungle with their kool aid jugs soon.
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Leftists hate SCOTUS so much that they are now secretly recording conversations with members of SCOTUS in order to try and malign them as they pretend to be conservatives.

It reminds me of those who spoke with Planned Parenthood and secretly recorded them as being interested in selling the body parts of unborn infants for profit.

Apparently, the Left finds the Christian views of those on SCOTUS more damning than selling the body parts of murdered fetus'.


Note how those that secretly recorded the illegal and immoral activity of Planned Parenthood were prosecuted and punished but the Left will never be held to the same standard, as usual.

They learned it from you all
I saw her tap dancing, talking to somebody on PMSNBC a night or two ago for a moment in passing. Ole' Nance was really good, back in the day. It was kind of sad, the part of the segment I watched. She don't dance, like she used to. At 84 years old, she has lost a step or three. She is another one in Congress, that really needs to be going to house, (her own house in California) that is.
I liked that she called Trump supporters "Toadies" LOL! I still get a laugh at that one.
She was caught with her panties down on video by her daughter!!! Bonus points.
She takes a medic with her when she travels, so it sounds more serious than yours.

Isn't she the one some democrats would like to see retire now so Biden could replace her??

Who was the other famous female politician in Washington for ages, from California, kicked the bucket, either last year or early this year? She was traveling with medical traveling with her, also. Didn't stave off the grim reaper, that also seemed to be traveling with her, also.
We don't expect you sociopaths to get it, so just parrot what you're told and keep waiting for that Big Important Government Job you think you will get for being a Party suck ass. Hey, it worked for Goebbels and Khrushchev.
That's a non answer if I ever saw one.

Ad hominems. Accusations. False narratives.

All because I asked a couple questions and you got triggered.

You are right though. I have one of those fat government jobs you seem jealous of. Maybe you should have built up a better resume? Work harder?
Who was the other famous female politician in Washington for ages, from California, kicked the bucket, either last year or early this year? She was traveling with medical traveling with her, also. Didn't stave off the grim reaper, that also seemed to be traveling with her, also.
Senator Diane Feinstein. The senator with the Chinese spy for a chauffeur.

That's a non answer if I ever saw one.

Ad hominems. Accusations. False narratives.

All because I asked a couple questions and you got triggered.

You are right though. I have one of those fat government jobs you seem jealous of. Maybe you should have built up a better resume? Work harder?

That's because you deviants and commies never rate serious answers, and there is no point in wasting time on screwing around with you pieces of shit, is all. Feel free to not quote me and set off my alert notices, just stick with sucking up to your peer group of faggots, pedoes, and commies.
I saw her tap dancing, talking to somebody on PMSNBC a night or two ago for a moment in passing. Ole' Nance was really good, back in the day. It was kind of sad, the part of the segment I watched. She don't dance, like she used to. At 84 years old, she has lost a step or three. She is another one in Congress, that really needs to be going to house, (her own house in California) that is.
At 84, Nancy still knows how to get things done
There is a long history of noted people, conservative, republican, liberal, Democrat, talking or acting one way in public, but totally different in private with no record or their conversations or actions off camera. Anybody remember President Romney?
Sure, I remember Hillary and Obama.
Secret recordings? How is that legal? The last desperate hope for a crooked regime is to eliminate the Supreme Court and thus, the Constitution.
Trying to trap justices into recordings libs can alter and use for massive Pearl Clutch
The Thomas hooey has failed so they need to manufacture something to witch hunt.
  • Funny
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Trying to trap justices into recordings libs can alter and use for massive Pearl Clutch
The Thomas hooey has failed so they need to manufacture something to witch hunt.
How is that different from the tricks OKeefe used to pull on Project Veritas?

You guys used to pee yourself over those
How is that different from the tricks OKeefe used to pull on Project Veritas?

You guys used to pee yourself over those
By you asking “how is different” You exposed your ignorance
OKeefe goes into a Burger King and records unsanitary conditions
These are USSC justices that you wholly disrespect so you fake the need to be informed of the “difference” or you are just stone cold stupid
That's because you deviants and commies never rate serious answers, and there is no point in wasting time on screwing around with you pieces of shit, is all. Feel free to not quote me and set off my alert notices, just stick with sucking up to your peer group of faggots, pedoes, and commies.
Yes, we have established that you can't answer my questions.

You could have just not commented. Ignored the post. That kind of thing.

Look; this is a political forum. People comment, others rebuttal, questions are asked/answered; that is how it works.

Participants who are sensitive, easily triggered, or over emotional find difficulty in rational political discussions...or maybe they are just having a bad day, who struggle and usually lash out, probably should find a different avenue to kill their time.

Anyhow, obviously you have some issues at the moment so I will wish a good day.

Good luck!
Senator Diane Feinstein. The senator with the Chinese spy for a chauffeur.

That's the one. She waited 10 or 15 years too long, never making it to retirement. I'm enjoying mine. There is something wrong with people that do not plan for retirement, with enough time to enjoy quality personal time, doing what they want, with no commitments, to employers, customers, constituents, parties, etc. That applies to all people, employed/self-employed, civilian or government, elected legislative or appointed judicial.
By you asking “how is different” You exposed your ignorance
OKeefe goes into a Burger King and records unsanitary conditions
These are USSC justices that you wholly disrespect so you fake the need to be informed of the “difference” or you are just stone cold stupid

OKeefe pretended to be a pimp off camera but wore regular clothes on camera

A SCOTUS Justice should know how to respond to Jesus in the courtroom

Roberts did, Alito didn’t.

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