The Left is now secretly recording conversations with SCOTUS

psst, some demofk said so, so the demofk is right!!! know that, all the demofks know fking everything about everything and especially what someone has in their thoughts and, they are fking never wrong. Remember that, not ever!!! They are fking g...o...d...s

The Roberts Court continues to shoot themselves in the foot.

SCOTUS used to lean left or lean right but their ethics were above reproach.

This court refuses to take the slightest step to ensure that their justices decisions are based on the law and not influenced by donors

The left on the court has voted lock-step with the Democratic Party and each other for years. You can’t possibly think they aren’t influenced by their party and are merely interpreting the law. They interpret/twist the law to get to a pre-determined outcome.
The left on the court has voted lock-step with the Democratic Party and each other for years. You can’t possibly think they aren’t influenced by their party and are merely interpreting the law. They interpret/twist the law to get to a pre-determined outcome.

There is zero indication that the court is now influenced by donors. There are just hateful leftists who want to discredit the court. There's the difference between now and before.

How can you say that when Clarence Thomas accepts over $4 million in “gifts” from major political donors?

Do you think each judge should be allowed to decide for themselves if they are being ethical?

No FREE STUFF for judges
Lower court judges can’t accept them
The left on the court has voted lock-step with the Democratic Party and each other for years. You can’t possibly think they aren’t influenced by their party and are merely interpreting the law. They interpret/twist the law to get to a pre-determined outcome.
Conservative Justices make conservative decisions
Liberal Justices make liberal decisions

But neither side should be accepting gifts or political favors.
Secret recordings? How is that legal? The last desperate hope for a crooked regime is to eliminate the Supreme Court and thus, the Constitution.
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Leftists hate SCOTUS so much that they are now secretly recording conversations with members of SCOTUS in order to try and malign them as they pretend to be conservatives.

It reminds me of those who spoke with Planned Parenthood and secretly recorded them as being interested in selling the body parts of unborn infants for profit.

Apparently, the Left finds the Christian views of those on SCOTUS more damning than selling the body parts of murdered fetus'.


Note how those that secretly recorded the illegal and immoral activity of Planned Parenthood were prosecuted and punished but the Left will never be held to the same standard, as usual.

The people who recorded the Planned Parenthood video edited the questions asked out of the video, and edited in new questions, which made it appear that the employee was admitting to profitting from the sale of fetal tissue.

The video released by Project Veritas a fraud on the American people and it slandered Planned Parenthood. It was because of the fraud that they were prosecuted, not because they were secretly recording anyone.

There is zero indication that the court is now influenced by donors. There are just hateful leftists who want to discredit the court. There's the difference between now and before.
This bears repeating, the Gov is ALWAYS listening. They record every key stroke, they record every phone phone call. They use the cameras in our computers. Privacy is an illusion and it isn't just by one party everyone is culpable. FISA and Five Eyes were the death knell for privacy.

Leftists hate SCOTUS so much that they are now secretly recording conversations with members of SCOTUS in order to try and malign them as they pretend to be conservatives.

It reminds me of those who spoke with Planned Parenthood and secretly recorded them as being interested in selling the body parts of unborn infants for profit.

Apparently, the Left finds the Christian views of those on SCOTUS more damning than selling the body parts of murdered fetus'.


Note how those that secretly recorded the illegal and immoral activity of Planned Parenthood were prosecuted and punished but the Left will never be held to the same standard, as usual.
So? They're still playing catch up to the sneaky bastards at Neo-GOP propaganda central.
Using this logic there should be no Executive Privilege.
There are times when there should be no public record (as I have allowed for). Claiming privilege because you simply want to conceal things is not worthy of being an elected official. In the case of the Supreme Court justices, the deliberations are hardly state secrets.

What is hilarious is that transparency is what you guys say you never get from the “rigged”, “crooked”, “unfair”, “corrupt”, etc... justice system. When you’re presented with a chance to support transparency you object to it. Why? Nobody probably has something to do with who was recorded....not the fact that you don’t think you should know what is going on.
I have a feeling you wouldn’t have wanted Judge Merchan’s private discussions recorded and publicized.
Sure I would. I can’t imagine who he had these mythical discussions with though.
Way back in FDR's day nobody seemed surprised that he appointed a KKK member, Justice Hugo Black, to the Court. Black wrote the majority opinion that exonerated FDR from the responsibility of his E.O. 9066 that authorized the incarceration of American citizens without due process. FDR wasn't satisfied and tried to stack the Court with additional liberal Justices but the attempt failed. Justice Black went on to write the majority opinion that created the "Separation of Church and State" that had no basis in the Constitution. The point is that lefties have no problem with a biased Court if it goes their way.

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