Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?

You're not allowed alcohol in prison.
So she'll have to go cold turkey. Whoever gets the TV rights to that, will make a fortune. It could top the Super Bowl in advertising sales$$
Their lying headlines is proof enough.

Now, since you're getting all constitutional about defending the Globe's panties. Where did the Globe prove Clinton is an alcoholic? They didn't provide any proof.
FALSE! We don't know if their headlines are lies or truth. (Pssst - actually we've all known she is a lush for years, but I'll play along with HappyJoy's little game, just for the hell of it)

So, HappyJoy, you've been challenged to back up your accusation that the Globe's headlines are lies, and you've fallen on your face, each and every time. 3 days now into the thread, you still haven't presented one shred of evidence to support your claim. You got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ? Or maybe you think we're all just supposed to take whatever you say on faith, is that it ?

So "Their lying headlines is proof enough" huh ? And we all now know that those headlines are "lying" because you said so, right ? Ahem. Is there a doctor in the house ?
Their lying headlines is proof enough.

Now, since you're getting all constitutional about defending the Globe's panties. Where did the Globe prove Clinton is an alcoholic? They didn't provide any proof.
FALSE! We don't know if their headlines are lies or truth. (Pssst - actually we've all known she is a lush for years, but I'll play along with HappyJoy's little game, just for the hell of it)

So, HappyJoy, you've been challenged to back up your accusation that the Globe's headlines are lies, and you've fallen on your face, each and every time. 3 days now into the thread, you still haven't presented one shred of evidence to support your claim. You got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ? Or maybe you think we're all just supposed to take whatever you say on faith, is that it ?

So "Their lying headlines is proof enough" huh ? And we all now know that those headlines are "lying" because you said so, right ? Ahem. Is there a doctor in the house ?

False? We don't know who the Queen of England is? (hint, it's not who the Globe told you it is).

Bill Clinton only has 6 months to live years ago? It's a lie.

Now, where is the proof that your tabloid is right about Clinton? They've been wrong so often.
Well, some alcoholics are fun...

But Monkeys who're prone to being assholes when alcohol is added make terrible alcoholics.


I'd bet Hillary is a mean drunk. She's mean sober, so the booze would be likely to amplify her general shittiness.

Anyway, I don't care if Hillary drinks; it's the fact that she's a crook and a liar that I find a problem.

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