Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

And now you are doing the same under Biden.

Thus the reason we are 32T in debt
You can be a real twit at times.

I brought it up back then because I knew these wing nuts would do an about face when a Dem Admin was is power.

I was NOT complaining about the debt… I was predicting this exact situation
And now you are doing the same under Biden.
Thus the reason we are 32T in debt

Yeah, Biden has done nothing to add to our debt, and unless there is evidence that someone complained about our debt under Trump they have no right to say anything about our debt now on this chat board. Our debt is because Conservatives did not attack Trump enough when he was President.



Yeah, Biden has done nothing to add to our debt, and unless there is evidence that someone complained about our debt under Trump they have no right to say anything about our debt now on this chat board. Our debt is because Conservatives did not attack Trump enough when he was President.

You really suck at this reading thing.

Our debt is because both sides give their side a free pass on spending and the debt.
The Repubs controlled all of Congress for the first two years of the Trump admin....and yet you will give your beloved party a free pass

Why does President Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden do nothing but blame others and point fingers?

McCarthy came to Biden with a bipartisan budget plan that raises the debt ceiling and cuts 4 trillion in debt over 10 years - Biden had NOTHING. HE immediately declared he would reject any plan other than a debt ceiling increase. He followed that up by saying if he ended up rejecting the plan and we defaulted it would be the GOP's fault (nevermind the plan had Democrat support).
Why does President Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden do nothing but blame others and point fingers?

Because he wants to be just like every POTUS this century.

McCarthy came to Biden with a bipartisan budget plan that raises the debt ceiling and cuts 4 trillion in debt over 10 years - Biden had NOTHING. HE immediately declared he would reject any plan other than a debt ceiling increase. He followed that up by saying if he ended up rejecting the plan and we defaulted it would be the GOP's fault (nevermind the plan had Democrat support).

It is called politics. Perhaps you have heard of it.

Why did your beloved party not cut 4T during the 3 times they raised the debt under Trump?
MAGA‘s are all Trump Humpers. They don’t know what they want. Making up shit is their standby. They have literally made everyone the enemy and are convinced that democrats, blacks, gays and any non white nationalist is the enemy. The economy is a distant topic.
Agree that the economy is a distant topic, Beer is more important & interesting.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
Why would anyone care what MAGA mother-fuckers want want? People this stupid, should not be listened to!
Dumbass adding and raising the debt ceiling is not a clean bill. Cutting 4 trillion would be a clean bill. Why are you so ignorant and be able to live?
Once again for the short bus.

Clean Bill​

The term clean bill is used in two basic ways:

  • A bill that has had any problematic or contentious portions of the legislation or amendmentsremoved in order to consider the contested and uncontested portions of the issue separately.
  • A bill that has been or is to be reintroduced with all of the changes from the amendments to the original bill written into the new bill to remove the necessity to consider the agreed-upon amendments from the original bill separately
Yeah, Biden has done nothing to add to our debt, and unless there is evidence that someone complained about our debt under Trump they have no right to say anything about our debt now on this chat board. Our debt is because Conservatives did not attack Trump enough when he was President.

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Biden, like most Dem presidents, has reduced the deficit.

On TV a pundit was saying that within a decade just the interest on the debt each year will be a trillion dollars. The first thing is getting government spending effects of Covid down and then work on it.

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