Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

If you understand the enormity of it get on your congresscritters to raise the debt ceiling

Who? Omar?


Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?​

Must be why the GOP is refusing to sign their budget into law!

Oh wait . . . that's Joe Biden.

The government never defaults, that is a lie. They just target programs that hurt the most people then claim the GOP did it to get votes.
What is Biden's plan, besides demanding a clean, blank check debt ceiling increase?

Why doesn't he have a plan, besides demanding a clean, blank check debt ceiling increase?
That was not a budget moron. it was a bogus debt ceiling bill

Only bogus to democrats who WANT the country to default then try to blame the GOP for it.

Desperation rages high as Trump collects more and more popular votes.

Meanwhile, your Joe Biden, all he can think about is whether he can make it to the john.

Screen Shot 2023-05-22 at 10.26.08 PM.jpg

Honey! Throw down the slop bucket!!!
Dumbass adding and raising the debt ceiling is not a clean bill. Cutting 4 trillion would be a clean bill. Why are you so ignorant and be able to live?
Teabaggers are fucking too DUMB to live.

Raising the debt ceiling allows the government to pay its bills.
That is it.
Just like getting paid allows people to pay their bills.
But...........guess what?
What if you didn't get paid and your bank account is empty?
Then, in order for you to pay some of your bills, you have to go to the pawn shop.

Cutting $4,000,000,000 should be done during the next budget proposal.
NOT when people need to pay the bill.

Teabaggers had no issue any time THEY were in office, as soon as a democrat gets in office, suddenly.............they're worried about the debt and raising the debt ceiling.

The voters will overwhelmingly blame the GOP.
That's the beauty of a collapse, though. We'll be beyond worrying about elections at all. I'm almost there already. The Left has decided to do whatever it takes to steal them so why bother? It's time to plan active resistance and tell DC to f*ck itself...
trump increased the deficit more, per year, than any president before him. But not a peep from the repubs about that.
Of course not. They weren't told about it, in their world. But they do know to avoid it now.

Nor were they told about their Orange God begging the Fed for more QE and lower interest rates, both inflationary.

NOW it's a CRISIS, of course, for these highly-trained and knowledgeable geniuses of economics.

Party over country. It just gets worse.
Dumbass adding and raising the debt ceiling is not a clean bill. Cutting 4 trillion would be a clean bill. Why are you so ignorant and be able to live?
That's utter nonsense.

Raising the debt ceiling is nothing but providing the money to pay existing bills that everyone agreed on.

Tacking on FOUR TRILLION in cuts is the OPPOSITE of a clean bill
Teabaggers are fucking too DUMB to live.

Raising the debt ceiling allows the government to pay its bills.
That is it.
Just like getting paid allows people to pay their bills.
But...........guess what?
What if you didn't get paid and your bank account is empty?
Then, in order for you to pay some of your bills, you have to go to the pawn shop.

Cutting $4,000,000,000 should be done during the next budget proposal.
NOT when people need to pay the bill.

Teabaggers had no issue any time THEY were in office, as soon as a democrat gets in office, suddenly.............they're worried about the debt and raising the debt ceiling.

Fuck you lying sacks of dog shit.
One more fucking time cutting 4 trillion would be the opposite of adding 4 trillion in pork which would mean it's a clean bill.

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