Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

All McCarthy needs to do is pass a clean debt limit increase. :dunno:
I tell you. MAGA wants to see the country default. I am not sure why? Maybe they want to see the country regress to the level of a third world country? Maybe they want to do Poootin's bidding? I don't know. I am sure Bannon and trump are gleefully expecting a default. The dumb POSs.
Have you been able to put it all together to figure out the answer to your question?

Why would MAGA Republicans want us to fail? So that they could blame it on Biden.

You’re welcome.
It shouldn't be in the form of a question. It's more like a statement: We blame Biden because he failed.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

These are anarchists. They don't think there should be a government.
This is the first time in my memory when there is a group on the repub side who cheerfully promote a default. The crazies in the MAGA cult want the US to default. They are following their demented leader, trump.
This is the first time in my memory when there is a group on the repub side who cheerfully promote a default. The crazies in the MAGA cult want the US to default. They are following their demented leader, trump.
What are you afraid of? Fearing that you supported a failure?
Absolutely not. He tried to tie 4 TRILLION on cuts to it.

That is on no way clean
sorry in divided govt one has to learn to work in a bipartisan fashion. That’s how our republic works, that’s what prior presidents have done. Now we are in new territory with the demafasict running the oval and senate…they are tyrants and refuse to act, and will blow everything up

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