Could Mitt Romney Become Savior Of progressive/Liberal Detroit?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Could Mitt Romney Become Savior Of Detroit?

March 4, 2013
By Carol Cain

Mitt Romney: possible savior of the Motor City?

The suggestion isn’t as far fetched as its sounds as Romney, the Republican presidential candidate who was unsuccessful against Barack Obama in November, was born and raised in Detroit (so too his beloved wife, Ann).

Detroit is in major league financial duress and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to appoint someone as emergency financial manager in coming days to oversee its turnaround.

Few could dispute Romney has the pedigree to help.

The question – would Snyder ask Romney, and would Romney – now living in California with Ann – even consider?


Romney, son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney, has a career immersed in turnarounds including saving the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, and companies while at Bain Capital.

Romney has shown he isn’t afraid of making tough decisions.


Could Mitt Romney Become Savior Of Detroit? « CBS Detroit

Could Mitt Romney Become Savior Of Detroit?

March 4, 2013
By Carol Cain

Mitt Romney: possible savior of the Motor City?

The suggestion isn’t as far fetched as its sounds as Romney, the Republican presidential candidate who was unsuccessful against Barack Obama in November, was born and raised in Detroit (so too his beloved wife, Ann).

Detroit is in major league financial duress and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to appoint someone as emergency financial manager in coming days to oversee its turnaround.

Few could dispute Romney has the pedigree to help.

The question – would Snyder ask Romney, and would Romney – now living in California with Ann – even consider?


Romney, son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney, has a career immersed in turnarounds including saving the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, and companies while at Bain Capital.

Romney has shown he isn’t afraid of making tough decisions.


Could Mitt Romney Become Savior Of Detroit? « CBS Detroit

Interesting proposition. While I am against the whole state takeover of cities, if it is going to happen, Romney would be an excellent choice. What I do not know is how much power the position will hold. Detroit's problems go way beyond that of overpaid city workers. Dave Bing has tried to do a few things and has the right ideas, but getting them done is another story. The biggest part of the problem is that you have very large areas of Detroit where only a few people remain, so city services must be allocated for those areas, yet there is no tax base to support these services. What really needs to happen is that these areas need to be closed down and any remaining residents need to move. What happens after that is up for debate. Some have suggested turning those areas into big parks or selling them off to other outlying cities. Another option is selling the land off to developers, but first they would need to bulldoze a lot of buildings and clean it up, or they could give the land away to developers and let them do the cleanup before starting to rebuild.

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