Could Reparations Become A Reality In The United States?

Imagine california sending all its productive white people to Texas and Florida and getting black ghetto dwellers in return

75 percent of the people who I talk to are productive folks who left cali and were sick of the excessive taxation, crime, drugs, etc. CA is pretty much a third world state.
75 percent of the people who I talk to are productive folks who left cali and were sick of the excessive taxation, crime, drugs, etc. CA is pretty much a third world state.
If the stupids in Cali are giving away a small fortune to black people the state is going to be flooded with the sons and daughters of obama in no time

Which will encourage even more white people to leave - unless they are on drugs
Reparations have more value to Democrats as a theoretical debt owed to black people rather than as actual payments to them. In addition to the complications involved in deciding who gets how much, such payments would likely go the way of mineral rights once owned by the Osage Tribe in Oklahoma, who were swindled out of every last penny of value.
of course i don't expect anyone to watch the whole thing. i'll watch the whole thing myself (got nothing better to do!) as soon as i finish listening to the new albums by The Devil Wears Prada & Unearth. give me an hour or so and i promise i'll start summarizin'!

What I am not sure of is whether the California democrats are that stupid that they believe they can actually come up with over a half billion dollars to pay for reparations, or whether they realize they can't actually do it but are lying their asses off for political support.
I'm really hoping California approves them. It will be blast to watch unfold.
Reparations are democrat thefts of tax dollars.
ANY Republicans who stay in dem states that pass reparations payments are morons.
So the voters who keep voting these people in year after year get a nice taste of the insanity they've been asking for.
LOL!!! You're talking about democrat voters. The morons who vote dead guys into office. Low IQ idiots who voted for brain dead Fetterman over Dr. Oz.

Pelosi even said a democrat glass of water would beat any Republican in democrat districts.
All we need is for jesse and al to ride out there and "oversee" this compensation. One for you, ten for me...............
What about all those illegals picking grapes for 50 cents a day in napa country for that 300 dollar bottle of wine?
FACT 1 - 47% of all blacks in America have no American slave ancestry whatsoever
FACT 2 - Of the 53% left that POSSIBLY have slave ancestry, most cannot prove it other than stories in their family where they say they do, making it impossible to know who does and who does not.
FACT 3 - If reparations were ever passed nationally, it would erase all progress in race relations for the past 70 years.
There would be the kind of racial hate this country hasn't seen since before civil rights. America would become three times as divided as it already is.
FACT 1 - 47% of all blacks in America have no American slave ancestry whatsoever
FACT 2 - Of the 53% left that POSSIBLY have slave ancestry, most cannot prove it other than stories in their family where they say they do, making it impossible to know who does and who does not.
FACT 3 - If reparations were ever passed nationally, it would erase all progress in race relations for the past 70 years.
There would be the kind of racial hate this country hasn't seen since before civil rights. America would become three times as divided as it already is.

California reparations panel OKs state apology, payments​

I think it is a distinct possibility in some states like California for example.

Could Reparations Become A Reality In The United States?​

I can get behind reparations - I really can - if it's a one time thing AND is accompanied by a radical reduction in the welfare state. In other words, if we're going to do it, we consider the the debt "paid in full", and we move on from there. No more of this equity horseshit, or any other preferential social engineering garbage.
I can get behind reparations - I really can - if it's a one time thing AND is accompanied by a radical reduction in the welfare state. In other words, if we're going to do it, we consider the the debt "paid in full", and we move on from there. No more of this equity horseshit, or any other preferential social engineering garbage.
Uh... yeah... not going to happen in 10,000 years.
This would only be the first start. It would satisfy not one single black person. Not one.
I think it is a distinct possibility in some states like California for example.

Could Reparations Become A Reality In The United States?​

I think reparations will be the next thing Dems promise to RIG the 2024 elections.

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