Could story of Lilith be true?


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
Genesis 1 says god created male and female at once but in Genesis 2 we get the story of Eve created from Adam. So could the story of Lilith be true as written in Zohar? She was the first wife of Adam who left him when he didn't accept her as an equal? The original feminist. And she later became the queen of succubus?
99% of what we know about Hell comes from Dante's Inferno. Dante was a poet who lived before the time of Martin Luther and reformation.

None of Dante's stuff is in the Bible.

I assume it's the same with Lilith.

dirty evolution.jpg
Genesis 1 says god created male and female at once but in Genesis 2 we get the story of Eve created from Adam. So could the story of Lilith be true as written in Zohar? She was the first wife of Adam who left him when he didn't accept her as an equal? The original feminist. And she later became the queen of succubus?
Not ever going to be believed as true.
How many women who attend Lilith Fair really believe what is written in the Zohar? Lilith inspires them anyway.
Genesis 1 says god created male and female at once but in Genesis 2 we get the story of Eve created from Adam. So could the story of Lilith be true as written in Zohar? She was the first wife of Adam who left him when he didn't accept her as an equal? The original feminist. And she later became the queen of succubus?
In the realm of the Bible story in genesis, it is possible.....for the reason you stated. Women and men were first created as equals, Adam couldn't handle it, Lilith was banished or ran away, Adam was left lonely, God created a new mate out of him, just for him.

There are two creation stories in the Bible, that are completely different. And I believe the story of Lilith in the old testament? or the apocryphal books? could fit, with the two stories of human creation in the Bible.

Of course I have no proof of any such thing, I'm just open to it possibly fitting in to the known gaps in the two creation versions.
In the realm of the Bible story in genesis, it is possible.....for the reason you stated. Women and men were first created as equals, Adam couldn't handle it, Lilith was banished or ran away, Adam was left lonely, God created a new mate out of him, just for him.

There are two creation stories in the Bible, that are completely different. And I believe the story of Lilith in the old testament or apocryphal books? could fit, with the two stories of human creation in the Bible.

Of course I have no proof of any such thing, I'm just open to it possibly fitting in to the known gaps in the two creation versions.
The story of Lilith is written in the Zohar which is part of the Kabbalah.
No. It is merely occult fiction from a dubious source, which is why she isn't in the canonical books. Rabbinic literature is largely Babylonian era rubbish and not anything to do with Judaism any more than stories like The Da Vinci Code book is.
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Genesis 1 says god created male and female at once but in Genesis 2 we get the story of Eve created from Adam. So could the story of Lilith be true as written in Zohar? She was the first wife of Adam who left him when he didn't accept her as an equal? The original feminist. And she later became the queen of succubus?
Probably the GodMother of all FemiNazis. Like Gloria Steinham.
Genesis 1 says god created male and female at once but in Genesis 2 we get the story of Eve created from Adam. So could the story of Lilith be true as written in Zohar? She was the first wife of Adam who left him when he didn't accept her as an equal? The original feminist. And she later became the queen of succubus?

No, it doesn't say that.

Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

It does not say that he created them at once. Just that he created both male and female. Genesis 1 is an overall account of the whole creation of the Earth, and all thereon. Based on it alone, one might assume that he created man and woman together, but it doesn't actually say that at all. Genesis 2 goes into more detail about the creation of Adam and Eve, and makes it clear that one was created from the other.
No, it doesn't say that.

Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

It does not say that he created them at once. Just that he created both male and female. Genesis 1 is an overall account of the whole creation of the Earth, and all thereon. Based on it alone, one might assume that he created man and woman together, but it doesn't actually say that at all. Genesis 2 goes into more detail about the creation of Adam and Eve, and makes it clear that one was created from the other.
But it was on the 6th day for both which implies at the same time. There is no pause or indication God did not create both male and female in the image of God at the same time in Genesis 1.....not even a comma, in the Word, in the passage, separated male from female in the description of human creation in Genesis 1
Genesis 1 says god created male and female at once but in Genesis 2 we get the story of Eve created from Adam. So could the story of Lilith be true as written in Zohar? She was the first wife of Adam who left him when he didn't accept her as an equal? The original feminist. And she later became the queen of succubus?
No. It's not true. We have the INSPIRED Word of God and a lot of deceptive books who are inspired by another source looking for gulible people
What do you mean, "The twp Genesis versions"???
Well, in Genesis2 it implies we were not created in the image of God as described in Genesis 1, the 6th day of creation.

It says we women, were created out of Adams rib, after quite a bit of time....time for a garden, time for Adam to name all animals on Earth, etc....all BEFORE Eve was made, because Adam was lonely....

That Genesis 2 is quite confusing, when compared to Genesis 1 where male and female were both created together....

I can see why rabbi or even cultists would created a story like that of the Lilith myth, to fill in the gaps, because we were left with the confusion and gaps.... with Genesis 1 and 2 scenarios of human creation.

But, my true final answer to any of this, including adding a Lilith myth, I just can't say, with certainty, one way or another exactly why there seems to be, contradicting scenarios..... in our creation stories of the Bible.

Genesis 2

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23 The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
There were 2 creations of "man" male and female.
Adam was created second, and was put in a special garden to be trained to Bless the other families of the Earth.
After Eve was created, and since all Creation was and is an act of Love, Adam was expected to learn to love the many virtues and facets of Her character.
Adam didn't want to wait to accomplish that. So Adam decided for himself according to what he wanted, what would be good or evil.
And thus it was Adam, the sneakiest critter in the Garden who tricked Eve into giving him what he wanted. In doing so, Adam murdered the Creator in his mind. And now Adam figured he would be like the Creator/Elohim. Adam's sperm is like a snake, and Adam's first kid turned out just like Adam. Cain got angry and did what he wanted to do, killed Abel. People been worshiping what they want ever since, and the guys have been blaming both Elohim and the woman ever since.
And in the Meridian of Time, the mental murder of Elohim, became the murder of the Messiah who said, "See Me, see My Father".
No, it doesn't say that.

Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

It does not say that he created them at once. Just that he created both male and female. Genesis 1 is an overall account of the whole creation of the Earth, and all thereon. Based on it alone, one might assume that he created man and woman together, but it doesn't actually say that at all. Genesis 2 goes into more detail about the creation of Adam and Eve, and makes it clear that one was created from the other.
Who did Adam and Eve’s kids marry?

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