Could the US turn into a fascist state?

And yet ANOTHER thread proving China has manipulated our media and our government to divide and conquer the formerly "United States of America".
We are now officially the "Divided States of America"

China knows exactly what it is doing.......the average American who buys the Chinese propaganda and readily hates his fellow American...Not so much.

The 2005 version. The 1967 version is different; both are well worth watching.

In the 1967 version, in the play within a play, Hitler is depicted as a hippie, by an actor who was so high on drugs that he walked in while they were casting, and unintentionally auditioned for the role.

In the 2005 version, the playwright was intended to portray Hitler, but he broke his leg, and at the last minute, the director, who was a faggot, took over the role, playing Hitler as a faggot. That's the version we see here.
most young people that spit out the word "Fascism" do not even know wtf it is. Its a trendy invective that brainwashed and PRIVILEGED white kids use to insult somebody that actually has the ability to think. There isnt much difference between Communism, Fascism or socialism as they are all Left wing ideologies.

Fascism, Communism, Nazism, etc. are very specific sets of political ideologies, with very specific doctrines and policies. Most people who use these terms, as broad catch-alls for excessive or abusive government power, have no clue at all what these terms actually mean. Even those who identify by these terms, such as modern-day Neo-Nazis, have no clue about the actual ideologies whose names they have co-opted.
I think the people on the left that actually do that are AWFUL, AWFUL human beings, just like those on the right that do this....

Live, and let live far as I am concerned! Don't harm people because you differ!
Lol. This from a Covid vaccine Nazi. Lol.
Hate the men in blue.
Hate the FBI.
Hate the DOJ
Hate the rule of Law
Hate Judges
Hate the Court system.
Hate State Attorney Generals
Love LAWLESSNESS! (that is...white collar lawlessness)
I can add
Hate Election Officers
Hate voting system
Hate election workers
Is that who you really are, and always have been or have you changed?

I haven’t thought of that old movie in years, thanks
Yeah, I used to like Broadway musicals.
They became tiresome about nine years ago.

The original 1967 version was not a musical (though the play within the play always was). Much more recently, it was made into a Broadway musical, and then that was made into the 2005 movie.

One thing that I found interesting. The 1967 version was Gene Wilder's first major movie. Of course, he played his role in what has comes to be recognized as Gene Wilder's distinct style.

In 2005, Matthew Broderick could have given his own style to the role, but he chose to emulate Gene Wilder's style, and he nailed it. It seems that he made a better Gene Wilder than Gene Wilder himself ever did.
To start a fascist state from a democracy requires HATE HOAXES, FALSE FLAG ATTACKS, and MORONS who willingly give up rights because they are scared.

It also requires fascists...

It really started with LBJ....

Albert Einstein warned us...
And yet ANOTHER thread proving China has manipulated our media and our government to divide and conquer the formerly "United States of America".
We are now officially the "Divided States of America"

China knows exactly what it is doing.......the average American who buys the Chinese propaganda and readily hates his fellow American...Not so much.
You are too single focussed.

Not just China.... Russia and North Korea, and all right wing authoritarian nation leaders in the world, have succeeded and are rejoicing in the Democratic World Beacon of democracy's divide, and down fall
Fascism has become just another trendy word used to attack anyone you don’t agree with like much like racism, homophobia and Hitler/Nazi comparisons. The words are used so much now and in such a stupid manner they have become essentially meaningless.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

I see this coming from the left today, way more than the right....The tactic to flip the script, and accuse your political opponents of what you are in fact doing, is a well known Alinsky tactic straight out of Rules for Radicals...
The left repented, the right...moved in and took their spot.
No they didn't...They just modernized their approach to the conform or die goals, and instituted insane theories like Alinsky, and Cloward and Piven...

The leftist radicals of the 60s, and 70s realized that their campaigns of terrorism, and violence weren't going to work, so they shifted to a longer term plan that included expanding Bureaucracy, inflitrate education, and take over the governing, and education of our society...

Now, they feel enough of their dream system is in place that they can begin to rule instead of govern....The fascism of the left is coming of age....And the apathy of a nation is letting them.
Fascism has become just another trendy word used to attack anyone you don’t agree with like much like racism, homophobia and Hitler/Nazi comparisons. The words are used so much now and in such a stupid manner they have become essentially meaningless.
Except that it does apply to the US rather well.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

prosecuting political rivals....the demafascist have already taken us there.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

If you knew what "Fascism" means then you would know your Democratic Party has been operating like a Fascist regime for the last 7 years.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

You fucking dumbass, it's already halfway there. Big Bank bailouts, Green Energy scams pushed by the government,

Government picking winners and losers in the business world, Goverment urging private companies to suppress information,

using government power to attack political rivals for nothing.

And the fascism is not promoted solely on party lines. :nono:

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

Right! hard to believe Leftist/ liberals have attempted something similar with BLM and school campuses where there needs to be safe spaces from White people, if you use the wrong pronoun you can be cancelled out and if a speaker comes to campus with other ideas outside what the college professors
recomend, they are called a fascist before they can even open their mouth.

How you POSSIBLY linked any of your video to Trump is pretty FANtastical , considering its the Left and Democrats who are try getting everyone to march in lock step.

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