Could the US turn into a fascist state?

Just like we know:

March 21, 2023

Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party

LoL! That's kind of like this:


Or the Soviet East German state calling itself the Deutsches DEMOKRATISCHES Repiblik.
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You push this all on Trump yet overlook the side that doxx people, prevents people from crossing the street, encourages neighbors to report on fellow neighbors, shuts down businesses and livelihoods.

Do you think I should have written a 10,000 word dissertation just so that I didn't "overlook" anything?
Do you think that'd have made this discussion go a little more smoothly? Do you think that majority of the people on this forum can read more than a couple of paragraphs at a time.
If you want to talk about other extremes, go ahead. I did not mean this to be exclusively about far-right, it's just the video talks about "fascism".
Right! hard to believe Leftist/ liberals have attempted something similar with BLM and school campuses where there needs to be safe spaces from White people, if you use the wrong pronoun you can be cancelled out and if a speaker comes to campus with other ideas outside what the college professors
recomend, they are called a fascist before they can even open their mouth.

How you POSSIBLY linked any of your video to Trump is pretty FANtastical , considering its the Left and Democrats who are try getting everyone to march in lock step.

Oh my God.
most young people that spit out the word "Fascism" do not even know wtf it is. Its a trendy invective that brainwashed and PRIVILEGED white kids use to insult somebody that actually has the ability to think. There isnt much difference between Communism, Fascism or socialism as they are all Left wing ideologies.
When it comes to fascism rightists don‘t know history so they create fictional versions to make the far-right more palatable.

Twas ever thus.

Back when I was a radical thirteen year old, I used to call my mom a fascist for not letting me stay out past curfew.

Today's leftists are using the word with the same level of intelligence.

It's fun to watch.

It’s fun to watch today’s rightists throw at everything as if they know what it means.
How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them
Stanley focuses on rhetoric and propaganda. His previous books include Knowledge and Practical Interests, Language in Context, Know How and the award-winning How Propaganda Works.[5] He is a witness to the "consequences of fascism", his parents having fled Germany during the Holocaust. His maternal aunts, uncles and cousins were killed in eastern Poland in 1941 during Hitler's invasion.[6] Stanley identifies the pillars of fascist politics that deepen the divide between "us" and "them"—denying equality, using a culture of victimhood, and feeding the sexual anxiety of men. Strategies include undermining journalists and reporters, promoting anti-intellectualism, the use of propaganda, spreading conspiracy theories, letting fear and anger overtake "reasoned debate", and then calling on "law and order" solutions.[6] Stanley describes how one of the hallmarks of fascism is the "politics of hierarchy"—a belief in a biologically determined superiority—whereby fascists strive to recreate a "mythic" and "glorious" past by excluding those they believe to be inferior because of their ethnicity, religion, and/or race.
You push this all on Trump yet overlook the side that doxx people, prevents people from crossing the street, encourages neighbors to report on fellow neighbors, shuts down businesses and livelihoods.
Both sides are doing that.
How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them
Stanley focuses on rhetoric and propaganda. His previous books include Knowledge and Practical Interests, Language in Context, Know How and the award-winning How Propaganda Works.[5] He is a witness to the "consequences of fascism", his parents having fled Germany during the Holocaust. His maternal aunts, uncles and cousins were killed in eastern Poland in 1941 during Hitler's invasion.[6] Stanley identifies the pillars of fascist politics that deepen the divide between "us" and "them"—denying equality, using a culture of victimhood, and feeding the sexual anxiety of men. Strategies include undermining journalists and reporters, promoting anti-intellectualism, the use of propaganda, spreading conspiracy theories, letting fear and anger overtake "reasoned debate", and then calling on "law and order" solutions.[6] Stanley describes how one of the hallmarks of fascism is the "politics of hierarchy"—a belief in a biologically determined superiority—whereby fascists strive to recreate a "mythic" and "glorious" past by excluding those they believe to be inferior because of their ethnicity, religion, and/or race.
sounds just like MAGA.
It’s fun to watch today’s rightists throw at everything as if they know what it means.
Watching your Marxist hold (on the I/P sub-forum)... loosen is fun. :thup: Now members can say what they want instead of being tossed into a sticky. :doubt:

Now the rest of the forum needs to be deloused. :cool:
:safetocomeoutff: Interesting that so many 'get this'. yet it's happening anyway ~S~
The American people are too individualistic for fascism.
I am no longer so sure. Trump has shown us our lack of any political guard rails and how much we have depended on “common decency” and a respect for our institutions to restrain our elected officials. Social media and it’s overall lack of regulation has allowed conspiracy theories to spread and take root, in some cases aided and abetted by echo chamber media. Can our individualism individualism over come out tendancy (imo) to gravitate towards a more authoritarian rule?
To start a fascist state from a democracy requires HATE HOAXES, FALSE FLAG ATTACKS, and MORONS who willingly give up rights because they are scared.
Well there you go…seems that is where today’s right is headed, only it’s other people’s rights they are willingly giving up because they are scared.

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