Could The Wall be crowd funded...How would that work through the treasury?

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.

The defense budget is $700 billion, how much are you allocating to border security?
Apparently the entire portion spent on Germany, Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan - about $100 billion, I would estimate.

Fine, I pulled all those troops out and released them from service saving $100 billion. Now how much does GG need for his border security plan, $50 billion? And unlike the wall the cost of his border security force will go up each and every year, forever.
I have a plan that is cheaper than and works better than a wall and all you sheep can do is play "what if" fucking bite me you moron.

Post your plan then, and no I'm not going to search through your 20,000 posts looking for it.

Two pages back in this very thread....:290968001256257790-final:

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.
Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.

The defense budget is $700 billion, how much are you allocating to border security?
Apparently the entire portion spent on Germany, Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan - about $100 billion, I would estimate.

Fine, I pulled all those troops out and released them from service saving $100 billion. Now how much does GG need for his border security plan, $50 billion?

Let me know when the next time the military budget gets any smaller! you sheep are some funny people.
Post your plan then, and no I'm not going to search through your 20,000 posts looking for it.

Two pages back in this very thread....:290968001256257790-final:

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.
They are doing a job in those foreign countries that wouldn't get done if they weren't there.
Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.

The defense budget is $700 billion, how much are you allocating to border security?
Apparently the entire portion spent on Germany, Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan - about $100 billion, I would estimate.

Fine, I pulled all those troops out and released them from service saving $100 billion. Now how much does GG need for his border security plan, $50 billion?

Let me know when the next time the military budget gets any smaller! you sheep are some funny people.
There ya go: You just admitted that Congress would never approve your plan.

BTW, the military budget has contracted numerous times. It's the only government department that has ever gotten smaller.
Post your plan then, and no I'm not going to search through your 20,000 posts looking for it.

Two pages back in this very thread....:290968001256257790-final:

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.

You don't get to claim cost savings, if those troops are not needed in those countries, we simply release them from service. If you need troops to secure the border you have to eat the cost for that in your plan.

Someone brought up the cost of maintenance on the border fence, what do you think the maintenance costs for military weapons, systems, trucks, planes, drones, etc. is going to cost over time vs a fence.

Your plan has promise, as part of a hybrid solution of wall, fence, open areas secured by troops sure. And if the number of attempted illegal border crossings can be reduced by other elements of your plan, one day reducing the number of troops required all the better. But bro funding the military to do this job that's like the most expensive option there is.

Also thank you for posting the plan, its refreshing to see someone propose a solution to a problem. :eusa_clap:
Two pages back in this very thread....:290968001256257790-final:

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.
They are doing a job in those foreign countries that wouldn't get done if they weren't there.

And what job is that.
Two pages back in this very thread....:290968001256257790-final:

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.

You don't get to claim cost savings, if those troops are not needed in those countries, we simply release them from service. If you need troops to secure the border you have to eat the cost for that in your plan.

Someone brought up the cost of maintenance on the border fence, what do you think the maintenance costs for military weapons, systems, trucks, planes, drones, etc. is going to cost over time vs a fence.

Your plan has promise, as part of a hybrid solution of wall, fence, open areas secured by troops sure. And if the number of attempted illegal border crossings can be reduced by other elements of your plan, one day reducing the number of troops required all the better. But bro funding the military to do this job that's like the most expensive option there is.

Also thank you for posting the plan, its refreshing to see someone propose a solution to a problem. :eusa_clap:

We are already funding the military, and we will still be funding the military even if you wall gets built. your plan has the added expense of the wall, mine saves that much at a minimum, not to mention that it is cheaper to station the military here than it is in foreign countries
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.

You don't get to claim cost savings, if those troops are not needed in those countries, we simply release them from service. If you need troops to secure the border you have to eat the cost for that in your plan.

Someone brought up the cost of maintenance on the border fence, what do you think the maintenance costs for military weapons, systems, trucks, planes, drones, etc. is going to cost over time vs a fence.

Your plan has promise, as part of a hybrid solution of wall, fence, open areas secured by troops sure. And if the number of attempted illegal border crossings can be reduced by other elements of your plan, one day reducing the number of troops required all the better. But bro funding the military to do this job that's like the most expensive option there is.

Also thank you for posting the plan, its refreshing to see someone propose a solution to a problem. :eusa_clap:

We are already funding the military, and we will still be funding the military even if you wall gets built. your plan has the added expense of the wall, mine saves that much at a minimum, not to mention that it is cheaper to station the military here than it is in foreign countries
Nope, because if these men weren't stationed on the border, we wouldn't be spending the money on the expense of maintaining them. We save the money when we close our overseas commitments. What you do is create another commitment.
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.
Two pages back in this very thread....:290968001256257790-final:

Pull the troops out of German and Italy and Iraq and Afghanistan and station them along the southern border and have them defend this country for a change.

It is a win/win/win...we save money on not building a wall and bringing the troops home, we secure our border and we stop having troops killed in places like Afghanistan for no fucking reason.

That is what takes the place of the wall.

Then step 2 you go after the people paying the illegals once they get here, and you go after them so hard a few go bankrupt...then it becomes cost prohibitive to hire them.

Then final step create an actual, workable guest worker program so that wanting to come and work and those companies that need the migrant labor can be connected and the work can get done above the board and legally.
Effectively you would be using a large portion of the military budget to defend the border, at least $50 billion a year. How is that cheaper? Trump's replacement would reassign those troops the day he got in. We need a solution that is Democrat proof.

The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.

You don't get to claim cost savings, if those troops are not needed in those countries, we simply release them from service. If you need troops to secure the border you have to eat the cost for that in your plan.

Someone brought up the cost of maintenance on the border fence, what do you think the maintenance costs for military weapons, systems, trucks, planes, drones, etc. is going to cost over time vs a fence.

Your plan has promise, as part of a hybrid solution of wall, fence, open areas secured by troops sure. And if the number of attempted illegal border crossings can be reduced by other elements of your plan, one day reducing the number of troops required all the better. But bro funding the military to do this job that's like the most expensive option there is.

Also thank you for posting the plan, its refreshing to see someone propose a solution to a problem. :eusa_clap:
We should build 2000 miles of wall. Fuck the rest of that. It's just window dressing to they can pretend they are doing something. The minute a Dim gets into office, it will be written out of the budget. Everything but the wall can disappear in the blink of an eye. That's why open-border types are always supporting these non-solutions.
The military is already getting paid, the 50 billion is being spent on the military regardless if they are defending this nation or Afghanistan. Why do you want to keep spending our money defending other countries?

The wall is not Democrat proof, a wall that is not patrolled or maintained is just a speed bump. Especially one that does not actually cover the whole border.

Wrong, you have to account for the cost of using the military to secure the border under your plan. If we otherwise pull those troops out of those areas we would reduce the size of the military thus reducing defense spending. You don't get to pretend your plan has no costs sorry.

The cost of using the troops to secure the border would be less than the cost of housing them in foreign countries.

You don't get to claim cost savings, if those troops are not needed in those countries, we simply release them from service. If you need troops to secure the border you have to eat the cost for that in your plan.

Someone brought up the cost of maintenance on the border fence, what do you think the maintenance costs for military weapons, systems, trucks, planes, drones, etc. is going to cost over time vs a fence.

Your plan has promise, as part of a hybrid solution of wall, fence, open areas secured by troops sure. And if the number of attempted illegal border crossings can be reduced by other elements of your plan, one day reducing the number of troops required all the better. But bro funding the military to do this job that's like the most expensive option there is.

Also thank you for posting the plan, its refreshing to see someone propose a solution to a problem. :eusa_clap:

We are already funding the military, and we will still be funding the military even if you wall gets built. your plan has the added expense of the wall, mine saves that much at a minimum, not to mention that it is cheaper to station the military here than it is in foreign countries
Nope, because if these men weren't stationed on the border, we wouldn't be spending the money on the expense of maintaining them. We save the money when we close our overseas commitments. What you do is create another commitment.

It cost more to keep them overseas than it does in the US. This is a fact.
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.

Right now the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the White House. Blaming it on the Dems is the pussy way out..and you blindly accept it.
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.

Right now the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the White House. Blaming it on the Dems is the pussy way out..and you blindly accept it.

Nutless unAmerican pukes say “fuck the Wall, send our troops to secure the border” for one reason...They know they can pull the troops and open the flood gates for filthy wetbacks to flow at any moment. Nothing else makes sense.
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.

Right now the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the White House. Blaming it on the Dems is the pussy way out..and you blindly accept it.

Nutless unAmerican pukes say “fuck the Wall, send our troops to secure the border” for one reason...They know they can pull the troops and open the flood gates for filthy wetbacks to flow at any moment. Nothing else makes sense.

Yep, you are right. What sort of insane person wants their military to defend their country when they could out defending some shit hole in the middle east being killed so that the defense contractors can keep making billions. Cannot do anything to upset the apple cart.

You are right, we should keep our troops all over the world defending other countries and do nothing to defined this one. That is for sure the answer...:banghead:
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.

Right now the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the White House. Blaming it on the Dems is the pussy way out..and you blindly accept it.

Nutless unAmerican pukes say “fuck the Wall, send our troops to secure the border” for one reason...They know they can pull the troops and open the flood gates for filthy wetbacks to flow at any moment. Nothing else makes sense.

By the way my little statist buddy, what have you ever done for this country other than whine and make racist post on the internet?
Lol okay let’s pretend your big beautiful border wall got miraculously built because of crowd funding. Who would cover the never ending expense of MAINTAINING the wall that will be exposed to the elements or vandalism?

LMAO things last forever in the desert fool.
Um no they don’t. Even if they did, much of that land is not desert at all.

I'm sorry but you said something incredibly stupid. Todays galvanized steels last 80 years and longer with rain, snow, and sun beating down on them daily. In a dry desert environment much longer. Then there's this evidence...

Lol oh so you think the wall will be made purely of galvanized steel?
It will be made of concrete, dumbass. That lasts even longer.
Lol no it fucking doesn’t. Oh my god you are dumb.
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.

Right now the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the White House. Blaming it on the Dems is the pussy way out..and you blindly accept it.

Nutless unAmerican pukes say “fuck the Wall, send our troops to secure the border” for one reason...They know they can pull the troops and open the flood gates for filthy wetbacks to flow at any moment. Nothing else makes sense.

Yep, you are right. What sort of insane person wants their military to defend their country when they could out defending some shit hole in the middle east being killed so that the defense contractors can keep making billions. Cannot do anything to upset the apple cart.

You are right, we should keep our troops all over the world defending other countries and do nothing to defined this one. That is for sure the answer...:banghead:

A Wall calls for a one time expense.
A Wall will stand the test of time
A $20b Wall would never be torn down by traitors
Sane, good, real Americans support a Wall. Suckers married to Guadalupe will oppose.
The Mexicratic Congress and the unAmerican LefTarded would shit their pants wouldn’t they?
There is no need, because the Democrats are already to fund the wall, but much more slowly than the President is demanding. The bill the Democrats are presently supporting would provide $1.6 billion for the present year, but the President is demanding either $5 billion this year or $2.5 billion for each of the next two years.

Trump to meet with Schumer, Pelosi amid wall fight
The Democrats are not funding the wall. They are pretending. They claimed they were spending $1.6 billion on the wall in the last budget, but it didn't allow any of that money to actually be spent on the wall.

Right now the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the White House. Blaming it on the Dems is the pussy way out..and you blindly accept it.

Nutless unAmerican pukes say “fuck the Wall, send our troops to secure the border” for one reason...They know they can pull the troops and open the flood gates for filthy wetbacks to flow at any moment. Nothing else makes sense.

By the way my little statist buddy, what have you ever done for this country other than whine and make racist post on the internet?

Your self proclaimed war hero status isn’t relevant your bullshit.

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