Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.[/QUOTE]

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.
Trump could easily deport 11 million...After all under Ike there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, and with what, 10-20X the border patrol force that we had in 1954, a couple of million a year is NO PROBLEMO!!!
I used to think that trumpettes were people who just have not thought his BS through enough to see the holes in Trump's statements that are big enough to sail the Titanic through. I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that they HAVE thought it through, but are still so naive that they buy into it anyway.

I wish that they would all write to me. I have an electromagnetic bracelet that I will sell them that has a reverse ion polar osmosis force field that will prevent and cure cancer.
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More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.[/QUOTE]

Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.
Yes it was go back and read the post again.

Quote it, douche bag. I saw no answer to the question.
That's because your illiterate and brain dead.
Neither of which is my problem.

In other words, you don't want to post what the colors identify.

Who do you think you're fooling, you lying weasel?
I know what the colors identify it's you who's confused.

Then tell us, asshole. What are you afraid of?
Who's us?
The appeal to the masses fallicy won't fly.
There is nothing to be afraid of .
I used to think that trumpettes were people who just have not thought his BS through enough to see the holes in Trump's statements that are big enough to sail the Titanic through. I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that they HAVE thought it through, byut are still so naive that they buy into it anyway.

I wish that they would all write to me. I have an electromagnetic bracelet that I will sell them that has a reverse ion polar reverse osmosis force field that will prevent and cure cancer.

You are a blithering tell me, how many illegals have you sponsored or allowed to come and stay in your home?
False that would be stating fact .
Trump has never done that.
Wow. Trump really has Left Wing Loonies scared shitless. ROFL
Nope just you clowns.
You're just lashing out because you're angry and scared. The fact you don't even know who I'm voting for shows my statement to be true.
Daws is too much of a pussy even to explain what the different colors on a map identify.
Oh no the place false blame ploy again!
They have just as much right as anyone else in the US.

They can complain all they like on the bus back to Mexico.
Not gonna happen.

So you want all the illegals to stay here? Just admit it and quit wasting our time pretending otherwise.

"Deflection" from what, the fact that you are an open-borders traitor?
I'm no kind of traitor .
You just too ignorant to see past your own bullshit.
More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.
What about the children who were born in the US?
----------------------------- generally young gang members are under the control of their older gang member parents . .....

How predictable that this topic would once again get dimwits like you all excited to waste time with shit that will never happen, and then start pulling crap like this out your ass. Hysteria, hyperbole, racial slurs, or made-up shit like the above will never bring us one step closer to addressing the problem of illegal immigration. Of course that's not what drama queen dimwits like you are interested in anyway.

You can say that again. Pismoe is one of the old timers here and this probably the 4x of the same topic since last October. I thought he should be smarter by now but still the same stupid racist asshole

Charmin, there is nothing racist about wanting the borders protected and there is nothing wrong about wanting to return to a Republic style of governance. You see, you are an don't have the foggiest clue as to what has been done to the people of this are a political infant...sorry, homes......that's just the facts.
Says the non citizen who can't vote .

More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.

Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.[/QUOTE]
So many words so many tons of bullshit.

More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.

Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.
So many words so many tons of bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Nope, I am 100 percent with it.
H's been nothing more than a Democrat plant from the onset. Republicans took the bait, swallowed it hook line and sinker and they have sunk the ship once and for all. I doubt the next Republican President is even born yet. Maybe someday these idiots will ponder what exactly that phone call was about between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump right before he jumped into this race.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
But what happens if he WINS?

More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.

Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.
So many words so many tons of bullshit.

Nope, I am 100 percent with it.[/QUOTE]
The only thing 100% about it is that it's a steaming pile.
More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.
What about the children who were born in the US?
----------------------------- generally young gang members are under the control of their older gang member parents . .....

How predictable that this topic would once again get dimwits like you all excited to waste time with shit that will never happen, and then start pulling crap like this out your ass. Hysteria, hyperbole, racial slurs, or made-up shit like the above will never bring us one step closer to addressing the problem of illegal immigration. Of course that's not what drama queen dimwits like you are interested in anyway.

You can say that again. Pismoe is one of the old timers here and this probably the 4x of the same topic since last October. I thought he should be smarter by now but still the same stupid racist asshole

Charmin, there is nothing racist about wanting the borders protected and there is nothing wrong about wanting to return to a Republic style of governance. You see, you are an don't have the foggiest clue as to what has been done to the people of this are a political infant...sorry, homes......that's just the facts.

Here we go. He's off his meds again...trolling into his conspiracy theories to ensue....
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Nope--you couldn't even find that many. And I doubt the U.S. Supreme court would approve of Gestapo type squads breaking down doors in this country to seek and find Illegals.

Trump was bogus B.S. from the minute he stepped into this race. H's been nothing more than a Democrat plant from the onset. Republicans took the bait, swallowed it hook line and sinker and they have sunk the ship once and for all. I doubt the next Republican President is even born yet. Maybe someday these idiots will ponder what exactly that phone call was about between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump right before he jumped into this race.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants


The apparatus to go "door to door" to go after gun owners has already been put in place along with their GPS address so don't tell me that the gestapo (which we know as the DHS) wouldn't do just that. You are ill-informed about what your beloeved "gubermint" is all about. You nor I have the protection of this corporate constitution that was written in 1871 that was nothing more than a corporate charter. USA.INC is a foreign owned corporation and that is a fact.

Trollspam another discussion onto fruitcake's mental illness conspiracy theories......

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