Couldn't believe my ears!!!

If the Democrats are to return to any sort of relevancy they need to have young talent replacing washed up politicians such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Democrats over 50 need to step aside from hogging the political platform, their ideas are stale and they themselves are out-of-touch.
A Democrat political pundit said that what Biden said was very valid and that and this is the eye opening
statement she said "Democrats need to learn one size doesn't fit all"!!!
And then I read what Biden says...
Biden slams Democrats for silence on middle-class struggles
Former Vice President Joe Biden questioned the Democratic Party's strategy for targeting middle-class voters, suggesting Sunday that Democrats "haven't spoken enough to the fears and aspirations to the people we come from."
"Because of the negative campaign that [President Donald] Trump ran, how much did we hear about that guy making 50,000 bucks on an assembly line, [and] the woman — his wife — making $28,000 as a hostess?" Biden asked a crowd of 1,200 at a campaign rally here.
"They have $78,000, two kids, [are] living in a metropolitan area, and they can hardly make it," he said. "When was the last time you heard us talk about those people?"
Joe Biden slams Democrats for silence on one important issue

So here we have two staunch Democrats saying these people aren't being listened to.

But my ears really pricked up when she said "one size doesn't fit all"!
ONE SIZE health insurance plan. You a 60 year old male would be paying as part of your "Single Payer" premiums the contraceptives for a 20 year old! Is that fair?
The 20 year old will be paying for the heart transplant for the 60 year old. Is that fair?
That's what Single payer is ..."one size fits all".
Contradictions abound in the liberal/progressive/uninformed world.

Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..


No insurance companies had to pay for contraceptives till 2010


Now that is truly DUMB! Calling me a liar THEN proving I was telling the truth! "No insurance companies had to pay for contraceptives till 2010"
THAT was my whole point dummy! Under Obamacare the 60 year is paying for the 20 year contraceptive!!!
GEEZ how stupid you look when you write stuff like that!

It was aimed at the post above me bulldog..he was the one lying.


I really apologize! Didn't see that and I was really out of place. Accept my apology OK???

shit happens.
A Democrat political pundit said that what Biden said was very valid and that and this is the eye opening
statement she said "Democrats need to learn one size doesn't fit all"!!!
And then I read what Biden says...
Biden slams Democrats for silence on middle-class struggles
Former Vice President Joe Biden questioned the Democratic Party's strategy for targeting middle-class voters, suggesting Sunday that Democrats "haven't spoken enough to the fears and aspirations to the people we come from."
"Because of the negative campaign that [President Donald] Trump ran, how much did we hear about that guy making 50,000 bucks on an assembly line, [and] the woman — his wife — making $28,000 as a hostess?" Biden asked a crowd of 1,200 at a campaign rally here.
"They have $78,000, two kids, [are] living in a metropolitan area, and they can hardly make it," he said. "When was the last time you heard us talk about those people?"
Joe Biden slams Democrats for silence on one important issue

So here we have two staunch Democrats saying these people aren't being listened to.

But my ears really pricked up when she said "one size doesn't fit all"!
ONE SIZE health insurance plan. You a 60 year old male would be paying as part of your "Single Payer" premiums the contraceptives for a 20 year old! Is that fair?
The 20 year old will be paying for the heart transplant for the 60 year old. Is that fair?
That's what Single payer is ..."one size fits all".
Contradictions abound in the liberal/progressive/uninformed world.

Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.
Yup the left always ignores the question why do people like I have to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy life styles , I never filed a claim with car insurance or go to the quacks ...

Maybe if they didn't have insurance , they would lead a better and less reckless lifestyle



If the Democrats are to return to any sort of relevancy they need to have young talent replacing washed up politicians such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Democrats over 50 need to step aside from hogging the political platform, their ideas are stale and they themselves are out-of-touch.

You'll understand if the opinion of a RWNJ isn't given much priority.
A Democrat political pundit said that what Biden said was very valid and that and this is the eye opening
statement she said "Democrats need to learn one size doesn't fit all"!!!
And then I read what Biden says...
Biden slams Democrats for silence on middle-class struggles
Former Vice President Joe Biden questioned the Democratic Party's strategy for targeting middle-class voters, suggesting Sunday that Democrats "haven't spoken enough to the fears and aspirations to the people we come from."
"Because of the negative campaign that [President Donald] Trump ran, how much did we hear about that guy making 50,000 bucks on an assembly line, [and] the woman — his wife — making $28,000 as a hostess?" Biden asked a crowd of 1,200 at a campaign rally here.
"They have $78,000, two kids, [are] living in a metropolitan area, and they can hardly make it," he said. "When was the last time you heard us talk about those people?"
Joe Biden slams Democrats for silence on one important issue

So here we have two staunch Democrats saying these people aren't being listened to.

But my ears really pricked up when she said "one size doesn't fit all"!
ONE SIZE health insurance plan. You a 60 year old male would be paying as part of your "Single Payer" premiums the contraceptives for a 20 year old! Is that fair?
The 20 year old will be paying for the heart transplant for the 60 year old. Is that fair?
That's what Single payer is ..."one size fits all".
Contradictions abound in the liberal/progressive/uninformed world.

Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

34 plus years never a car insurance claim..

What do I get out of it?

Yup the left always ignores the question why do people like I have to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy life styles , I never filed a claim with car insurance or go to the quacks ...

Maybe if they didn't have insurance , they would lead a better and less reckless lifestyle



Not having insurance is living a reckless lifestyle.
Yup the left always ignores the question why do people like I have to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy life styles , I never filed a claim with car insurance or go to the quacks ...

Maybe if they didn't have insurance , they would lead a better and less reckless lifestyle



Not having insurance is living a reckless lifestyle.

No it's not people with no car insurance with a brand new car would drive better, they wouldn't text on the phone, they wouldn't eat while they drive, ect..ect...

Want to bet? Study's have been done on this subject.

Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

34 plus years never a car insurance claim..

What do I get out of it?


You get the ability to cause a wreck with injuries and damage that you will never be able to repay, and walk away leaving your victims with nothing. Disgusting freeloading bum.
Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

34 plus years never a car insurance claim..

What do I get out of it?


Peace of mind.
Yup the left always ignores the question why do people like I have to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy life styles , I never filed a claim with car insurance or go to the quacks ...

Maybe if they didn't have insurance , they would lead a better and less reckless lifestyle



Not having insurance is living a reckless lifestyle.

No it's not people with no car insurance with a brand new car would drive better, they wouldn't text on the phone, they wouldn't eat while they drive, ect..ect...

Want to bet? Study's have been done on this subject.


People with new cars have insurance.
And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

34 plus years never a car insurance claim..

What do I get out of it?


You get the ability to cause a wreck with injuries and damage that you will never be able to repay, and walk away leaving your victims with nothing. Disgusting freeloading bum.

Again my record proves it, why do I have to pay for your recklessness?

Yup the left always ignores the question why do people like I have to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy life styles , I never filed a claim with car insurance or go to the quacks ...

Maybe if they didn't have insurance , they would lead a better and less reckless lifestyle



Not having insurance is living a reckless lifestyle.

No it's not people with no car insurance with a brand new car would drive better, they wouldn't text on the phone, they wouldn't eat while they drive, ect..ect...

Want to bet? Study's have been done on this subject.


People with new cars have insurance.

Not if you pay cash ..
A Democrat political pundit said that what Biden said was very valid and that and this is the eye opening
statement she said "Democrats need to learn one size doesn't fit all"!!!
And then I read what Biden says...
Biden slams Democrats for silence on middle-class struggles
Former Vice President Joe Biden questioned the Democratic Party's strategy for targeting middle-class voters, suggesting Sunday that Democrats "haven't spoken enough to the fears and aspirations to the people we come from."
"Because of the negative campaign that [President Donald] Trump ran, how much did we hear about that guy making 50,000 bucks on an assembly line, [and] the woman — his wife — making $28,000 as a hostess?" Biden asked a crowd of 1,200 at a campaign rally here.
"They have $78,000, two kids, [are] living in a metropolitan area, and they can hardly make it," he said. "When was the last time you heard us talk about those people?"
Joe Biden slams Democrats for silence on one important issue

So here we have two staunch Democrats saying these people aren't being listened to.

But my ears really pricked up when she said "one size doesn't fit all"!
ONE SIZE health insurance plan. You a 60 year old male would be paying as part of your "Single Payer" premiums the contraceptives for a 20 year old! Is that fair?
The 20 year old will be paying for the heart transplant for the 60 year old. Is that fair?
That's what Single payer is ..."one size fits all".
Contradictions abound in the liberal/progressive/uninformed world.

Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

OH by the way...just for the record. The reason the uninsured idiot gets stabilized in the emergency room is thanks to the GOP!
It is also a major contribution to why hospitals charge $10 for an aspirin... $3,000 for a CAT scan that costs then $60 to produce!
It is called EMTALA. I don't want to waste time so look it up. Any Medicare hospital must stabilize a patient at no costs if they are a Medicare provider. Passed
in 1986 by a GOP congress thinking they were being "compassionate"!
Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

OH by the way...just for the record. The reason the uninsured idiot gets stabilized in the emergency room is thanks to the GOP!
It is also a major contribution to why hospitals charge $10 for an aspirin... $3,000 for a CAT scan that costs then $60 to produce!
It is called EMTALA. I don't want to waste time so look it up. Any Medicare hospital must stabilize a patient at no costs if they are a Medicare provider. Passed
in 1986 by a GOP congress thinking they were being "compassionate"!

Yes, I remember when the GOP was an honorable party. I miss those days.
A Democrat political pundit said that what Biden said was very valid and that and this is the eye opening
statement she said "Democrats need to learn one size doesn't fit all"!!!
And then I read what Biden says...
Biden slams Democrats for silence on middle-class struggles
Former Vice President Joe Biden questioned the Democratic Party's strategy for targeting middle-class voters, suggesting Sunday that Democrats "haven't spoken enough to the fears and aspirations to the people we come from."
"Because of the negative campaign that [President Donald] Trump ran, how much did we hear about that guy making 50,000 bucks on an assembly line, [and] the woman — his wife — making $28,000 as a hostess?" Biden asked a crowd of 1,200 at a campaign rally here.
"They have $78,000, two kids, [are] living in a metropolitan area, and they can hardly make it," he said. "When was the last time you heard us talk about those people?"
Joe Biden slams Democrats for silence on one important issue

So here we have two staunch Democrats saying these people aren't being listened to.

But my ears really pricked up when she said "one size doesn't fit all"!
ONE SIZE health insurance plan. You a 60 year old male would be paying as part of your "Single Payer" premiums the contraceptives for a 20 year old! Is that fair?
The 20 year old will be paying for the heart transplant for the 60 year old. Is that fair?
That's what Single payer is ..."one size fits all".
Contradictions abound in the liberal/progressive/uninformed world.

Perhaps you don't understand what insurance is, and always has been. 20 year olds have always paid for a 60 year old to have a heart transplant, and that 60 year old has always paid for contraceptives for a 20 year old. It's called spreading expense over a broader range of insurance customers. If you are opposed to insurance, that's fine, but you need to at least be honest about what it actually is and always has/will be..

And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

The problem is people who think they don't need insurance and then get really sick. Then they are unable to pay for treatment and costs go up for everyone.

And tell me how big a problem is that? Where are your statistics for that unsubstantiated personal opinion?
Want me to help you???
A) First of all you need to determine the AGE of the person. Someone age 25 getting really sick? How many please?
B) FACT: nearly 50% of the ENTIRE US population have Employer Insurance:
C) Over 36% of entire population have Medicare/Medicaid/Other public insurance.
D) If you read the above TABLE you will see that there are truly less then 5 million people that needed coverage...but you ignored that table didn't you?

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population

5 million is a big number given the costs of treating things like cancer.

But there is an even BIGGER number that you don't seem to want to face.
It costs health insurance payers..i.e. insurance, Medicare,individuals nearly $800 billion a year and the solution to reducing that $800 billion that is paid
by the companies,etc. would pay a $5,000 premium for each of the 5 million truly needy uninsured!
Want some facts or is this too complicated to follow?
Let me know because I've been accused of using a firehose to get my point across when a garden hose would work!
It's just FACTS seem to be complicated.
HINT: 90% of physicians surveyed said they practice this wasteful spending of $800 billion a year and hate it as it doesn't line there pockets!
HINT: Using a feature Obamacare did against tanning salons, i.e. a 10% tax on tanning as it causes cancer would provide $27 billion a year in premiums for the above
5 million uninsured.

If you want I'll elucidate.
And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

OH by the way...just for the record. The reason the uninsured idiot gets stabilized in the emergency room is thanks to the GOP!
It is also a major contribution to why hospitals charge $10 for an aspirin... $3,000 for a CAT scan that costs then $60 to produce!
It is called EMTALA. I don't want to waste time so look it up. Any Medicare hospital must stabilize a patient at no costs if they are a Medicare provider. Passed
in 1986 by a GOP congress thinking they were being "compassionate"!

Yes, I remember when the GOP was an honorable party. I miss those days.

But the point was they were trying to do a "good thing" and it snowballed out of control hence the $3,000 CAT scan that costs $60 to produce!

As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."
And perhaps YOU are even more ignorant about insurance!
A 60 year old PAYS a higher premium then a 20 year old BECAUSE of that reason.
BUT 20 year olds actually my statistics there were over 18 million under age 34 that had NO NEED for health insurance.
BUT the concept of Single payer health insurance is EVERYONE pays in regardless!
AND that is again the problem with it! ONE SIZE doesn't fit all!
If your state like Massachusetts wants to do it go for it! I'm all for the 50 laboratories. BUT don't force people in Massachusetts to buy a service that
is also a one size fits all for a person in Texas! Too many variables that a single payer program doesn't cover.
Also I know more about health insurance then you do for sure. Explain to me what the MLR means and how it is figured. Better yet do you have any idea what an
actuary does?
See the following!
View attachment 129718

Wrong. There might be over 18 million under 34 years old who have never filed an insurance claim, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. I have never personally used an auxiliary parachute when sky diving, or had my life saved by a smoke alarm, but that doesn't mean I don't need and want those things.

It's not your choice is it , to force people to pay for other people's reckless and unhealthy lifestyles is it?

If you want to somke 4 packs a day and eat 12 pizzas a day that's your choice ..don't expect me to pay for it.


Sure, it's my choice. I don't want you driving on bad tires, either, so.......Don't expect me to pay for an idiot who thinks he is invincible showing up at the emergency room without insurance.

34 plus years never a car insurance claim..

What do I get out of it?


You get the ability to cause a wreck with injuries and damage that you will never be able to repay, and walk away leaving your victims with nothing. Disgusting freeloading bum.

Like I said car insurance is a huge scam..great drivers having to pay for shitty ass drivers

Poor people with perfect driving records pay more then Reckless drivers.


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